Our little man is becoming just that, so curious of his surroundings, loves to put his toes in his mouth (not my favorite) army crawls ALL over, so close to figuring out crawling, has a new word "ba, ba, ba, baaa, ba, ba", has 3 more teeth in the works, doing better at sleeping during the night and just loves attention!!!
Our little girlie keeps us on our toes with random comments, lots of primary songs (she knows about 3 by memory) her new favorite song is "Sunbeam", loves to "help" me with Weston in every area (feeding, changing, playing, sleeping) - When he's crying or upset she yells to me "Andrea, my biggie boy is crying", or she'll call him baby Weston - but she thinks it's funny to call me by my name. She has mastered her tricycle pedals (they used to be too far away)! She is growing up too fast and I just adore her.