>> Saturday, April 29, 2017
What the shadow is.
A shadow is a dark area formed when an opaque object
blocked the light from it source.
In The al-Quran
There are some verses in al-Quran Allah said about
shadow purposely to educate the human being as slaves to the Al-Mighty of
Allah. There are not less than twenty verses mentioned about shadows in the
al-Quran. Some of the verses refer to the shadow in this real world where we
lived and some of the versed refer to the world after.
We extract some verses what Allah said in al-Quran about the shadows:
Verse one:
“And unto Allah [Alone] falls in prostration whoever
is in the heaven and in earth, willingly or unwillingly, and so do their
shadows in the mornings and in the afternoons”. - Ar-Rod [13]: 15
Verse two:
“Have you not seen how your Lord spread the shadow? If
He will. He could have made the sun its guide [i.e after the sunrise] it [the
shadow] squeezes and vanishes at midnoon, and then again appears in the
afternoon with decline of the sun and had there been no sun light there would be
no shadow”. Al-Furqan [25]:45.
“Then We withdraw it to Us a gradual concealed withdrawal”. Al-Furqan [25}:46
The Myth Of Shadow
Meanwhile there are some belief among the Malay old
folk, especially Kelantanese who belief that the shadows have some of his own super
natural power.
This believes have some effect to the people, mostly those who live in villages, and have not enough religious knowledge. We are like to forward some of the believes which are still in the heads some of the old people,
To have a Jin
There are some people through the ages that like to be
friends with jin or syaitan, in order to get their help in times of needed.
Allah had forbid them to ask them for
help, and have told their slaves that the syaitan are their enemies
forever. But mostly human being are
ignored Allah prohibit.
So they created many ways to get what they wanted. One
the easiest way to get jin or syaitan as friends are they used their shadows.
They stand back to the sun, so that they can see their shadow clearly. Then
they hammer their shadows with a branch until the shadow vanished. If one day
did not get any result, they so do again so many times until the shadow
vanished at last. When it happened they believed the jin or syaitan had been
their best friends.
This practice is very bad, and cursed by Allah who forbids
human being to be friends with syaitan and threaten to put them in hell in
resurrection day that surely will come.
Play With Shadow
In the times when the electricity was did not use
widely, mostly in village, they used kerosene or paraffin lamp to lighted their houses at night. The
Malay called it “pelita minyak tanah” or “pelita minyak gas”. When someone
passed between the lamp and a wall, their shadow will appear on the wall. The
children usually like to play with their shadow on the wall, so they made many
variety of movement to see variety of their shadow for amusement. But their
father, grandfather or the old man in the house will stop or did not allow them
play with their own shadows. They believed that the children who played with
theirs shadow will get bad or scare dream that night.
Shadow Play
Shadow play or “wayang kulit” is an entertainment to
the people of Kelantan. It is also known as shadow puppetry. It is one the
popular entertainment at that times that was no modern entertainment like
today, no cinema and no television. The used puppets or cut-out figures made
from the skin of animal, mostly buffalo. The player of the puppets or tok dalang
played the puppets between the source of light and a white translucent screen.
The audience who sat on the ground in the open airs outside the stage saw the
movement of the shadows on the screen.
We can find shadows in some of Malay proverbs. We
collected some of them for inspection.
-Shadow presume as a body
Meanings: Hoped for something which is not sure.
-Shadow is not as long as a body
Meanings: Made something more than the power.
-hallucination by shadow
Meanings: Wanted something but there is no hope at all.
-Afraid of his own shadow
Meanings: Felt afraid for his bad or cruel manners.
Lorong Masjid al-Qasimi,
Kg.Kubang Siput, Pasir Tumboh,