Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Don't Hijack My Thread! - May 30

clammyc, thereisnospoon and theKK take your calls and discuss the following topics tonight:

  • Al Gore's new book
  • The World Bank - meet the new boss....same as the old boss
  • The Iraq War vs. "moral values"
  • No confidence in a "no confidence vote"
  • Cheney's order to destroy visitor logs - what is he hiding?
  • Fighting AGAINST mandatory testing for mad cow disease?

Please join us HERE at 8PM EDT/5PM PDT by calling into (718) 508-9410.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Send in the adults! This week's show is, Responsible Adults and Spoiled Brats: Moving Beyond Lakoff's Strong Fathers and Nurturing Mothers.

thereisnospoon and clammyc talk about an alternative construct in light of current political realities.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tonight (May 23)...on a "very special" Don't Hijack My Thread!....

In light of the recent/latest Iraq funding bill, thereisnospoon and clammyc are going to devote a substantial portion of tonight's show to Iraq and the next steps.

Please join us HERE at 8PM EDT/5PM PDT by calling into (718) 508-9410.

We will be discussing the new bill, the next steps, the portrayal by the media, the outrage by those on the left and a number of other related issues.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Don't Hijack My Thread - Wednesday May 16

clammyc and thereisnospoon cover all the bases:

  • NSA Spying Program - willfully recertified illegally by Bush
  • The Fort Dix Six and "fighting them over here"
  • Iran's hardliners - are they in full panic mode?
  • US Soldiers missing or captured in Iraq
  • Refugee crisis in the Middle East
  • Iraqi Parliament's summer vacation


For download or podcast CLICK HERE

Monday, May 14, 2007

FrameWork: The Biggest Tax Lie in History

We deconstruct the Republican lie about Bush's expiring tax cuts. Will he ride off into the sunset provisions, or will Democrats force him to keep his word? TheKK hosts clammyc and thereisnospoon in this 20 minute discussion of Republican machinations and good Democratic framing responses.

For download or podcast CLICK HERE

Friday, May 11, 2007

ON TOPIC: Ditching "Choice" & Changing the Abortion Frame, featuring MyLeftWing's Maryscott O'Connor

Join clammyc, thereisnospoon, and special guest Maryscott O'Connor, proprietor of in a discussion on the framing of abortion. We explore why "choice" is a harmful and ineffective frame on the issue for progressives, and ways that Democrats can take back the honest ground in the debate and reverse the tide of setbacks befalling us.


For download or podcast CLICK HERE

Thursday, May 10, 2007

"10 Minutes With..." Kossacks Under 35 Founder kath25

The Kossacks Under 35 Diary series has been one of the more successful and visible series on Daily Kos-attracting attention from the over 35 set as well as the whipper snappers.

Join theKK in conversation with kath25 to explore how the series got started and her evolving experiences in using the series to reach out to younger voters by creating a community focused on their specific needs and challenges.

Kossacks Under 35 posts every Thursday at 6 pm PST on Daily Kos

***Tonight's Diary is written by theKK and is Kossacks Under 35 Getting a Job: Beating the "Experience" Catch-22


For download or podcast CLICK HERE