Sunday, September 7, 2014

Thanks a bunch Uncle Taxi

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 10:01 AM 0 comments
I can be said as lucky. Firstly, I've been surrounded with a lot of positive people. Feeling so happy, lucky and awesome. I will move on and will stay calm with any problem in future. Ya. fighting.

Yesterday, I took a taxi to Putra Gombak LRT, ya, after so long. I'm kinda of tired this week because I need to squeeze my time with public transport. Alhamdulillah, it's not that difficult. And yes, Uncle taxi, gave me a good advise and somehow he reminds me of Uncle. 

A short advise but we as human always forget to apply it to our daily life. Meeting up with new people always thought me that life is interesting. In fact, it is interesting and full of challenge.


FOCUS In whatever u did. Give full concentration. 

RELAX Have sometimes for yourself. Because our body and health is more valuable. Ya right Uncle Taxi. If you have problem, Relax and think calmly.

EAT healthy food. Break every 2 hours after every meal.

EXERCISE regularly. Have a good exercise. it helps you become more healthy and reduce stress. 

I know most of them are important but we as human being always tend to forget it. Busy with our daily routine and somehow always forget the right things to do for our body. Ya, take care and love yourself more!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Malaysia Truly Asia

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Visit Malaysia 2014. A guidelines for Malaysian and tourist to enjoy and explore more about Malaysia.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Jangan kerana emosi, habis semua hancur. Please guide me. Please be strong. Gambate **

My new life

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 1:02 AM 0 comments

I'm back as an IBMer. Ya, proudly announce. Alhamdulillah, Allah guide me to the way I want. To move out again from Nestle, take a lot of consideration. But, I choose what is the best and what can offer me better for future. I can't comfortably stay on the same place, because I'm afraid that I will be in comfort zone. 

All the way, I face a lot of challenges. In fact, I am facing one of the biggest challenge from Him and yes I have to survive. I have to be strong. I know, when we are reaching certain stage of life, we will have some loss and some gain. I choose to face them positively and calmly. Uncle was right, this time will come. Yes, but I'm not ready for it. 

P/s : Allah will guide me, and He always there for me. Thanks Yobo (small note for you)

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