Monday, July 27, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Kebiasaan yg myb x biasa 4 some people..but tell u wht,kelakar n rase mcm hapy sgt bile kitorg diberi chance utk kembali ke zaman kanak2..hahaha
last jumaat n sabtu, kebetulan kami free n most of us betoi2 tgh,kitorg decide to go somewhere yg x penah kitorg g...Jalan punye jalan then,kami prasan 1 playground yg agak cantik n penoh ngn budak2...
bez betol......
masing2 sebok nak cop at last ak jg yg dapat..2 la korang,jgn men2 ngn POJA...ak rase sronok sgt skali-skale dpt kluarkan peloh n hilangkan tension dgn mgimbau kembali zaman budak2..for sure la,makcik2 n pakcik2 kat sane fikir kitorg xde koje len..
but,who cares!!!!
mcm2 benda kitorg men kat situ n kami ade jg jumpe sorang budak ni..tell u wht,he so cute!!!teringat ak kat budak2 kat Tapah 2...mcm x sabar2 nak jumpe diorg..kami x sempat nak tya name budak ni coz leka sgt melayan dia..hahaa....1 thing yg ak sure pasal dia is dia suke gelak..hapy sgt budak kecik ni....

that boy ajak ak men kejar2..mcm x terkejar je..aktif sgt!!!!kelakar bile ak dengar die cakap.."haha..awak x boley macok",cute tol dgr dia sebot ayat ni.....ade ke patot die surow ak main slide ngn dia..of coz la ak join!!!

cute kan budak ni??!hope to see him again.....

org yg paling byk pose kat taman 2!!!!(giler camera tol)

Friday, July 17, 2009

My heart Carnival..

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 11:14 PM 0 comments
pic before masuk rumah hantu....(muke cuak)

1st time kot,ak join carnival yg di wat kat UNITEN..dianjurkan ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLUB..boley tahan la..tadi kitorag(ak,ipah,intan,watip n nadia)beria-ria nak masuk rumah hantu...tapi hancor sume penakot.menjerit-jerit kat dalam rumah hantu 2(xcept ak)..carnival ni agak ok la..kena la support, kalo x sape lg nak support..yayaya!!!

ramai gak la yg dtg n mostly freshie2 n penduduk muadzam...geram gak la jg ngn org yg mganjurkan carnival ni..x byk publisity n ramai yg x tau..x faham tol,every activity besar2 mesti x sistematik...xpela,everybody not perfect..dulu time ak involve ngn IBC pn kurang publisiti....tapi x salah kan for those yg penah join big event b4 this kluarkan idea n learn frm ur mistake....baru la UNITEN maju..
whatever it is thanx 4 this event,at least i got some fun...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 12:29 PM 0 comments

memang x dapat dinafikan, "bukan mudah utk dapatkan sesuatu"...ikutkan ak dah give up je!!tapi that a stupid things to do??!LIVE GOES ON WITH PATIENCE...baru la hidup lebih bermakne!!ak hidup untuk hari ni dan melangkah ke hari esok(most of us will do the same)..pendek kata,"the strong will be survive while the weak will always loss"...ak xnak jd the weak one!!Tah lah,tapi yg pasti ak melangkah ke claz hari ni dgn semangat yg kurang..mcm kena pakse pon ade..maybe sebab ak penat dgn aktiviti semalam n sakit pon makin bertambah..tapi,ak akan try spend time ak untuk study n aktiviti2 tu...ak xnak do the same mistake??tambah lagi keja ak menimbun-nimbun..

tapi,bile ak nak rase fed up,ak teringat ape yg Uncle pernah cakap kat ak selalu.."kalo nak compare kan ak n parents ak punya keje,of coz la keje diorang lagi byk"..Parents ak kena cari nafkah untuk ak,kadang2 sampai x cukup rehat n ak pula juz kena study je..(Ape yg susah nyer)buka buku n study..

What a big deal!!!

lagi satu,dari dulu lagi..ak mesti stop komplain!!Betul cakap tcher ak suke complain,n dah ramai yg tegur...Ak mesti slowly stop the habit kalo x sampai tua la ak mcm ni..
Nothing is easy,but if we work,wait n think wisely,we will win!!i'm gonna win,beat u guys and stand high from you!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 12:30 AM 0 comments
almost a week ak jadi degree student..rase rindu pula kat mak n ayah...sedey kan,bile ak ade kat rumah xnak pula appreciate family ak,dah sampai sini tau pon far,clas2 ak ok je..biase la masuk degree,everythg change!!lecturer tukar,member2 pon dah len2 clas,rumah pon kena tukar and buku pon kena beli baru..banyak betol kojer!!?..Alhamdulillah la coz sume lecturer yg ak dapat pon bagus2..(bukan calang2 lecturer)..this sem 4, ak dapat 1 clas ngn balqis budak rumah ak...ada jg la member and the good thing is ak x boley tuang kelas suke2 ati lg.?hehehe....
jadual ak pon bez,x pack sgt...ape yg pasti ak suke 2 subjek baru ni coz lecturer dia pandai ambik ati student..of coz la subjek 2 MALAYSIAN STUDY(pn. siti azila) and ENGLISH(dr.azam)....insallah,ak xnak janji ape2 lagi coz ak xnak sape2 kecewa..but 4 sure,ak akan study as hard as i can and never miss this opportunity againt!!ak x sanggup lg nak kecewa mcm time foundation dulu...
Biase la kate org,"jgn cakap je"..awal2 je semgt,then pancit...that will never happen again??!ak akan pastikan jg impian ak tercapai..tapi,ade 1 benda yg ak x puas ati skang ni..Duit YTN yg x tau bile nak masuk..dah la nak kena beli buku..Then lagi 1,pasal internet connection kat blok ni...slow gler la!!!!fed up r mcm ni...Xpe2,maybe ade hikmahnyer...kurang la sikit ak nak buang mase 4 online t...hahaha....
ak dah ngantok and x sabar nak tgu hari esok...hope esk will be a happy day...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 10:33 PM 0 comments
i am mulan!!!!

When it comes to your family, you will do anything in order to protect them. You aren't very confident when you are forced to wear women's clothing but you try your best in order to bring honor to your family. Many may think you are a disgrace because of your rebellious behavior in order to protect your family, but your family finds you to be the greatest gift of all.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 5:07 PM 0 comments
It sound silly if i said that i'm fine!!

physically,maybe YES....

If i keep saying that i'm ok,

maybe i will cry...

or my headache start disturbing and

i feel like to blow my head...


it is impossible,

to run from reality,


to hide from problem..

In short..

To run or hide from reality,

is only done by the "LOOSER"...

i'm not Looser,

and won't be that LOOSER...

I know IT always come,

to Pressure me,

to disturb me,

in anytime IT want..


today,tomorrow or future time..

I can't just stay with IT,

I must chase IT,


from me.....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 4:06 PM 0 comments
1st sem for 1st year...
mcm x pcya that now i am a senior!!(senior ke??)
pelik why i still act like junior???
common gurl!!
brape kali wake up hah??
ape2 pon i have 2 work more....
3 tahun je lg pon...

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