Saturday, December 19, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 10:46 AM 0 comments
21 Reason Why Best Friend are Better Than Bf and Gf.
1.You don't have to call them every day, just to let
them know you're not fighting
2.You don't have an anniversary-you just sort
of "became" best friends.
3.When someone calls your girlfriend/boyfriend
your "partner" it makes you think of marriage.
When they call your best friend your partner, it's
more like cops.
4.You never have to touch your best friend when
it's hot outside, but you can still huddle close
when it's freezing.
5.Your parents usually like your best friend.
6.Your best friend doesn't care if you get fat, you're
ugly, or if you get a bad haircut.
7.You don't have to get jealous of "girls only" night
or "guys only" night
-- You're part of it!
8.You can laugh at your best friend with no consequences.
9.You can burp/fart in front of your best friend on many occasion.
10.You can plan on still having a relationship with
your best friend in 20 years.
11.Never in your life will you need "space" from
your best friend.
12.Your best friend won't be mad if you want sometime alone, and will only ask you "what's wrong?"once.
13.Your best friend is someone you get in trouble with;
your boyfriend/girlfriend is someone you get
in trouble with if you get in trouble.
14.You don't have to get dressed up to go
anywhere with your best friend.
15.You're allowed to have multiple best friends.
16.No one ever spreads rumors or talks about you
and your best friend's relationship.
17.Borrowing any amount of money from your bestfriend is okay,
no questions asked.
18.Your best friend will never refer to you as "the ball and chain,"
"the old lady/man," or "the whip."
19.No one is ever trying to fix you up on blinddates for a new best friend.
20.It doesn't matter what your "other" friends think
about your best friend.
21. Your best friend is the first person you call
when you get a new boy friend / girl friend, and
when you break up with them.
~~love ur friends while they're with u~~

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 3:06 AM 0 comments
monin and salam to all reader....
i know quite a long time ak x usik blog ni...
actually i dun hav any idea wht topic should i write...
3 weeks holiday...
a very short time but yet it still make me sick...
sick doing my daily routine...
funny rite...
bile x bagi cuti bising,dah dapat cuti pon bising...
im trying my best to stop complaining and be thankful....
owh my beloved Muadzam, i miss WGS and W**....
teruk,when i have to think about my schedule for next sem...
the busiest sem i ever had.....
rase mcm xnak balik muadzam je...
lupe la,tanggungjwb...hehe
bak kate my dear friend..
we have to...
same2 la kite berjuang...
aja2 fighting!!!!
borin punye pasal,ak dah katam cite WITCH YOO-HEE...
romantik la movie tu.....
last few day,ak kuar ngn Zul tgk PISAU CUKUR...
such a funny story...
this to gurl nak hidup senang tapi terpakse jadi pengikis....
for future kan????
as long as diorang x wat jahat, i still support both gurl....
hehehe...Hidop Filem Melayu
"forget me or not"...
i dedicated this word to MUADZAM SHAH....
a small town,but there is where everything started....
when in holiday i always say,forget Muadzam coz nothing there...
coz i have my beloved family and they are everything..
but when in Muadzam,owh u are my everythg!!!
the time with friends is the best time i ever had....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dear God

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 3:12 PM 0 comments

A lonely road,
crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can’t help but wish that I was there
Back where I’d love to be,

oh yeah
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I’m not around,
when I’m much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I’d stayed’
Cause I’m lonely and I’m tired
I’m missing you again oh no

Once again
There’s nothing here for me on this barren road
There’s no one here while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
Can’t help but think of the times I’ve had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through,

oh yeah
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I’m not around,
when I’m much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you

I left her when I found her
And now I wish I’d stayed’
Cause I’m lonely and I’m tired
I’m missing you again oh no

Once again
Some search,
never finding a way
Before long,
they waste away
I found you,
something told me to stay
I gave in,
to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold

when hope begins to fade…
A lonely road,
crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I’m not around,
when I’m much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I’d stayed’
Cause I’m lonely and I’m tired
I’m missing you again oh no
Once again

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Malaikat Bernama Ibu
(ambillah masa walaupun 1 minit)

Suatu hari seorang bayi siap untuk dilahirkan ke dunia....Dia bertanya kepada Tuhan :
" Para malaikat disini mengatakan bahawa besok Engkau akan
mengirimkan saya kedunia, tetapi bagaimana cara saya hidup disana; saya begitu kecil dan lemah ?
"Dan Tuhan menjawab: "Aku telah memilih satu malaikat untukmu.
Ia akan menjaga dan mengasihimu .
"Bayi bertanya lagi: "Tetapi disini; didalam syurga ini, apa yang saya lakukan hanyalah bernyanyi, bermain dan tertawa...Inikan sudah cukup bagi saya untuk berbahagia."
"Malaikatmu akan bernyanyi dan tersenyum untukmu setiap hari. Dan kamu akan merasakan kehangatan cintanya dan menjadi lebih berbahagia"
"Dan bagaimana bisa saya mengerti disaat orang-orang berbicara kepada saya, jika saya tidak mengerti bahasa mereka ?"
"Malaikatmu akan berbicara kepadamu dengan bahasa yang paling indah yang pernah kamu dengar; dan dengan penuh kesabaran dan perhatian. Dia akan mengajar kepadamu cara berbicara."
"Dan apa yang akan saya lakukan saat saya ingin berbicara kepadaMu ?"
"Malaikatmu akan mengajarkan bagaimana cara kamu berdoa"
"Saya mendengar bahawa di Bumi banyak orang jahat. Siapa yang akan melindungi saya ?"
"Malaikatmu akan melindungimu; walaupun hal tersebut mungkin akan mengancam jiwanya"
"Tapi, saya pasti akan merasa sedih kerana tidak melihatMu lagi"
"Malaikatmu akan menceritakan kepadamu tentang Aku, dan akan mengajarkanbagaimana agar kamu bisa kembali kepadaKu; walaupun sesungguhnya Aku akan sentiasa disisimu"
Disaat itu, Syurga begitu tenang dan heningnya sehingga suara dari Bumi dapat terdengar, dan sang bayi bertanya perlahan :
"Tuhan, jika saya harus pergi sekarang, bisakah Kamu memberitahuku nama malaikat tersebut ?"
"Kamu akan memanggil malaikatmu itu: " IBU "
Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 9:44 PM 0 comments
The Most Useless Things To Do..................Worry
The greatest Joy.................Giving
The greatest loss................Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work...............Helping others
The ugliest personality trait.............Selfishness
The most endangered species.........Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource...............Our youth
The greatest "shot in the arm"..........Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome.................Fear
The most effective sleeping pill........ Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease........Excuses
The most powerful force in life..................Love
The most dangerous pariah..................A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer........The brain !
The worst thing to be without................... Hope
The deadliest weapon.......................The tongue
The two most power-filled words..............."I Can"
The greatest asset...........Faith
The most worthless emotion..................Self-pity
The most prized possession................Integrity
The most beautiful attire......................SMILE!
The most powerful channel of communication........Prayer
The most contagious spirit.................Enthusiasm
The most important thing in life.................Allah S.W.T.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

K!sah ak n p0se..

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 6:42 AM 0 comments
of coz la ak excited biler pose..
ak suke sgt coz ak akan balik cuti raye..
dapat duit raye...
makan kuih raya...
bez gler!!!

ni time ak kat bazar ramadan t...
adoiz,meliar mata ak tgk fo0d.....
nyum2, sedap seh....
sume ak nak time ni!!!

owh tidak!!!
nak katekan ade saitan,xde bulan pose ni...
tapi,nafsu kot!!!
asik fikir nak curi2 makan je...
xbek poja??!

ni time ak nak buke pose..
excited gler2!!!
ak org first yg stay kat meja makan t...

kebaikan ak terselah...
ak lebey suke diam coz nak save tenage!!
hehe...(t lapar)


saat2 menunggu time buke pose....
lapar seh!!!!
mata ak asik nampak f00d jer...

Kawan & sorrY

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 1:13 AM 0 comments
Alhamdulilah,hari ni bermula nya awal ramadan...ak tau,bulan yg mulia ni ramai yg pasang azam untuk meningkatkn amal ibadat..(ak pon same)..tapi, sedey kan bile kesedaran ni hanya dtg sementara and ade yg sekadar "hangat2 tahi ayam"...insallah,kalo boley ak akn bersikap positif n meneruskan setiap yg ak ingin lakukan...
actually,ak ade terfikir tentang satu isu yg agak menarik n sesuai dikongsi...

orang kate setiap yg wat salah pasti akn dimaafkan..but,it depends to the person yg minta maaf n memberi maaf!!!..if kita ikhlas n mengakui setiap kesilapan,insallah kita pasti dimaafkan...some of us, memang penuh dgn egois...sometimes,ada yg sampai x kisah ngan advice yg diberi..honestly,ak pon keras kpala gak dulu..tapi,mase semakin berlalu n byk yg ak pelajari dari setiap detik waktu tu....if nak bilang salah ak kat orang memang byk n from day 2 day,ak selalu fikir how to confess my mistake to them....

x susah pon nak confess,ak lega bile setiap yg terbuku dah dihuraikan..meraka sudi memaafkan ak n alhamdulilah persahabatan kami semakin rapat....ak rase x salah kan jika kita belajar untuk tidak mementingkan diri n merendahkan diri!!!banyak ak belajar n ak sedar bile umur dah meningkat ni....byk sangat perbezaan bile ak dah masuk university ni...pemikiran kawan2 ak kat sini n kawan2 time school pon len..hidup ak pon x same mcm kat rumah n of coz byk dugaan...

lumrah manusia,ego n hipokrit tu la yg menyebabkan diri sendiri x maju...perluke kita berkawan if kita x penah pandai untuk menjaga hati kawan,x penah mengakui kesilapan kita n memburukkan kwn..ak berharap sgt,sepanjang ramadan ni kita same2 mengambil iktibar n belajar utk menghargai org sekeliling...bukan nak surow kenang budi tapi cukupla sekadar menyedari bahawa kita ade wat salah n sudi untuk meminta maaf...

Monday, August 3, 2009


Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 4:14 AM 0 comments
masked rider!!

After check for the second time ngan doktor,ak dpt news yg amat mendukacitakan...Ibarat dapat result exam..kecewa sangat2 coz ak kena tahan kat Harmoni ni sampai 6hb ni,ikutkan sampai 5 je...seriusly,ak dah xtau nak wat ape kat sini..ikotkan ak dah sihat coz suhu badan ak dah kurang..cume batuk2,selesema n pening2 kpala je,ala that normal rite!!!ak rela kena kuarantin kat rumah at least terbuka skit minda ak..Intan pon dah makin ok..most of us dah ok n ready to go home,why dun juz let us go!!!

tak tahan dibuatnyer,coz everyday is borin...bangun pagi,check kesihatan with doktor,then breakfast n makan ubat..bile dah makan ubat of coz la mata dah start mgantok.....then bgn 4 lunch n makan ubat yg perlu...banyak lak 2 ubat yg ak nak kena makan..ak geram giler ngan doktor n nurse yg check ak pagi td..i'm juz asking them a simple question,kenape nak marah2!!!jawab elok2 cukup!!....

waktu 1st check,Doktor 2 yg cakap "if ur result is getting better,we will let u go"..
then,smalam ak tya.."how if i dah sihat??boley ke kluar?!!"
doktor 2 membebel mcm nak mkn ak...ingat ak takot la!!

ubat2 ak +ubat intan

memang kebosanan n tension teramat kat sini..macam2 movie kitorg dah katam..on9 pon ak dah muak..lektop 2 je x muak tgk ak..haha
intan pon dah start berleteh tu..dia kata:
"kalo setahun ak mcm ni,mati ohh"..

sabar yer intan..same2 la kita berjuang n buktikan kita ley sihat sepenuhnyer...ak pon dah penat nak komplen..tapi,x tau la ape pasal mulut ni x stop complaining??hehe...
pz,kpd kawan2 ak yg prasan sihat:doakan ak n intan dapat kuar awal n korang jgn brani-brani nak gelakkan kami, coz bile ak dah sihat t ak cari korang balik!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 8:00 PM 0 comments

ak kena quarantine.....arghhhhhhhhhhhh
borin nyer!!!dah le x ley kuar g mane2,even nak mlawat jiran sebelah pon xley...
ni la 1st time ak dpt demam yg skejap ok,sekejap x!!!
and ni la 1st time ak kena quarantine....
ak kena quarantine kat Harmoni..
blok ni menakotkan la....

whole house ni budak demam..ak takot demam ni getting worst!!
kitorng juz stay here,diberi mkn n ubat...
hope dapat kluar ngn cepat...
x sanggup rasenye kena duduk kat sini lame2...
demam berjangkit ni memang menakotkan...

nak cite skit pasal H1N1..
demam ni sebenarnye dah lame dikesan..
mostly effect to people...
ramai yg dah mati n ade yg mati dlm 24 jam saje...
scary rite!!!!
byk jg skola2 n universiti2 ditutup kat malaysia....

4 those yg x tau sy n x penah kena..
ambillah langkah b'jaga2..
antara symptom2 demam H1NI ialah:

2.batuk kering
3.sakit sendi

so,take care n kalo dah ade kesan 2 jumpe la doktor..
takot merebak.....

Monday, July 27, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Kebiasaan yg myb x biasa 4 some people..but tell u wht,kelakar n rase mcm hapy sgt bile kitorg diberi chance utk kembali ke zaman kanak2..hahaha
last jumaat n sabtu, kebetulan kami free n most of us betoi2 tgh,kitorg decide to go somewhere yg x penah kitorg g...Jalan punye jalan then,kami prasan 1 playground yg agak cantik n penoh ngn budak2...
bez betol......
masing2 sebok nak cop at last ak jg yg dapat..2 la korang,jgn men2 ngn POJA...ak rase sronok sgt skali-skale dpt kluarkan peloh n hilangkan tension dgn mgimbau kembali zaman budak2..for sure la,makcik2 n pakcik2 kat sane fikir kitorg xde koje len..
but,who cares!!!!
mcm2 benda kitorg men kat situ n kami ade jg jumpe sorang budak ni..tell u wht,he so cute!!!teringat ak kat budak2 kat Tapah 2...mcm x sabar2 nak jumpe diorg..kami x sempat nak tya name budak ni coz leka sgt melayan dia..hahaa....1 thing yg ak sure pasal dia is dia suke gelak..hapy sgt budak kecik ni....

that boy ajak ak men kejar2..mcm x terkejar je..aktif sgt!!!!kelakar bile ak dengar die cakap.."haha..awak x boley macok",cute tol dgr dia sebot ayat ni.....ade ke patot die surow ak main slide ngn dia..of coz la ak join!!!

cute kan budak ni??!hope to see him again.....

org yg paling byk pose kat taman 2!!!!(giler camera tol)

Friday, July 17, 2009

My heart Carnival..

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 11:14 PM 0 comments
pic before masuk rumah hantu....(muke cuak)

1st time kot,ak join carnival yg di wat kat UNITEN..dianjurkan ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLUB..boley tahan la..tadi kitorag(ak,ipah,intan,watip n nadia)beria-ria nak masuk rumah hantu...tapi hancor sume penakot.menjerit-jerit kat dalam rumah hantu 2(xcept ak)..carnival ni agak ok la..kena la support, kalo x sape lg nak support..yayaya!!!

ramai gak la yg dtg n mostly freshie2 n penduduk muadzam...geram gak la jg ngn org yg mganjurkan carnival ni..x byk publisity n ramai yg x tau..x faham tol,every activity besar2 mesti x sistematik...xpela,everybody not perfect..dulu time ak involve ngn IBC pn kurang publisiti....tapi x salah kan for those yg penah join big event b4 this kluarkan idea n learn frm ur mistake....baru la UNITEN maju..
whatever it is thanx 4 this event,at least i got some fun...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 12:29 PM 0 comments

memang x dapat dinafikan, "bukan mudah utk dapatkan sesuatu"...ikutkan ak dah give up je!!tapi that a stupid things to do??!LIVE GOES ON WITH PATIENCE...baru la hidup lebih bermakne!!ak hidup untuk hari ni dan melangkah ke hari esok(most of us will do the same)..pendek kata,"the strong will be survive while the weak will always loss"...ak xnak jd the weak one!!Tah lah,tapi yg pasti ak melangkah ke claz hari ni dgn semangat yg kurang..mcm kena pakse pon ade..maybe sebab ak penat dgn aktiviti semalam n sakit pon makin bertambah..tapi,ak akan try spend time ak untuk study n aktiviti2 tu...ak xnak do the same mistake??tambah lagi keja ak menimbun-nimbun..

tapi,bile ak nak rase fed up,ak teringat ape yg Uncle pernah cakap kat ak selalu.."kalo nak compare kan ak n parents ak punya keje,of coz la keje diorang lagi byk"..Parents ak kena cari nafkah untuk ak,kadang2 sampai x cukup rehat n ak pula juz kena study je..(Ape yg susah nyer)buka buku n study..

What a big deal!!!

lagi satu,dari dulu lagi..ak mesti stop komplain!!Betul cakap tcher ak suke complain,n dah ramai yg tegur...Ak mesti slowly stop the habit kalo x sampai tua la ak mcm ni..
Nothing is easy,but if we work,wait n think wisely,we will win!!i'm gonna win,beat u guys and stand high from you!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 12:30 AM 0 comments
almost a week ak jadi degree student..rase rindu pula kat mak n ayah...sedey kan,bile ak ade kat rumah xnak pula appreciate family ak,dah sampai sini tau pon far,clas2 ak ok je..biase la masuk degree,everythg change!!lecturer tukar,member2 pon dah len2 clas,rumah pon kena tukar and buku pon kena beli baru..banyak betol kojer!!?..Alhamdulillah la coz sume lecturer yg ak dapat pon bagus2..(bukan calang2 lecturer)..this sem 4, ak dapat 1 clas ngn balqis budak rumah ak...ada jg la member and the good thing is ak x boley tuang kelas suke2 ati lg.?hehehe....
jadual ak pon bez,x pack sgt...ape yg pasti ak suke 2 subjek baru ni coz lecturer dia pandai ambik ati student..of coz la subjek 2 MALAYSIAN STUDY(pn. siti azila) and ENGLISH(dr.azam)....insallah,ak xnak janji ape2 lagi coz ak xnak sape2 kecewa..but 4 sure,ak akan study as hard as i can and never miss this opportunity againt!!ak x sanggup lg nak kecewa mcm time foundation dulu...
Biase la kate org,"jgn cakap je"..awal2 je semgt,then pancit...that will never happen again??!ak akan pastikan jg impian ak tercapai..tapi,ade 1 benda yg ak x puas ati skang ni..Duit YTN yg x tau bile nak masuk..dah la nak kena beli buku..Then lagi 1,pasal internet connection kat blok ni...slow gler la!!!!fed up r mcm ni...Xpe2,maybe ade hikmahnyer...kurang la sikit ak nak buang mase 4 online t...hahaha....
ak dah ngantok and x sabar nak tgu hari esok...hope esk will be a happy day...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 10:33 PM 0 comments
i am mulan!!!!

When it comes to your family, you will do anything in order to protect them. You aren't very confident when you are forced to wear women's clothing but you try your best in order to bring honor to your family. Many may think you are a disgrace because of your rebellious behavior in order to protect your family, but your family finds you to be the greatest gift of all.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 5:07 PM 0 comments
It sound silly if i said that i'm fine!!

physically,maybe YES....

If i keep saying that i'm ok,

maybe i will cry...

or my headache start disturbing and

i feel like to blow my head...


it is impossible,

to run from reality,


to hide from problem..

In short..

To run or hide from reality,

is only done by the "LOOSER"...

i'm not Looser,

and won't be that LOOSER...

I know IT always come,

to Pressure me,

to disturb me,

in anytime IT want..


today,tomorrow or future time..

I can't just stay with IT,

I must chase IT,


from me.....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 4:06 PM 0 comments
1st sem for 1st year...
mcm x pcya that now i am a senior!!(senior ke??)
pelik why i still act like junior???
common gurl!!
brape kali wake up hah??
ape2 pon i have 2 work more....
3 tahun je lg pon...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 6:33 PM 0 comments

currently listen to this song..
by Pliain whit t's

1,2 - 1 2 3 4
give me more lovin then i've ever had.
make it all better when i'm feelin sad.
tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not.
make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
barely gettin mad,im so glad i found you.
i love bein around you.
you make it easy,
as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)
theres only one thing two do three words four you.
i love you.
(i love you)
theres only one way two say those three wordsand that's what i'll do.
i love you.
(i love you)
give me more lovin from the very start.
piece me back together when i fall apart.
tell me things you never even tell your closest friends.
make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
best that i've had.
im so glad that i found you.
i love bein around you.
you make it easy
as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)
theres only one thing two do three words four you.
i love you.
(i love you)
theres only one way two say those three wordsand that's what i'll do.
i love you.
i love you
(i love you)
you make it easy,
its easy as 1234
theres only one thing two do three words four you
i love you
(i love you)
theres only one way two say those three wordsthats what ill do
i love you
(i love you)
i love you i love you.
one two three four i love you.
i love you
(i love you)
Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 6:08 PM 0 comments

About 2 weeks ak kat rumah..
i juz can wait 2 go muadzam..
it's not that i love muadzam,
but i miz my frendz ans want to start a new life there...

i want to be the new person..
not like before..
be a person that is more responsible and *******

thanx ALLAH for giving me n all my frends
"a 2nd chance"
i will..
i will..
Do as bez as i can..

Wok as hard as i can..

learn as long as my heart not stop beating...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Solve The Mystery

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle a.k.a Devil's Triangle and Devil's Sea is a nearly half-million square-mile (1.2 million km2) area of ocean roughly defined by Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the southernmost tip of Florida. This area is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft. The Bermuda Triangle has become popular through representation by the mass media, in which it is a paranormal site in which the known laws of physics are either violated, altered, or both.
shipwreck in Bermuda Triangle
While there is a common belief that a number of ships and airplanes have disappeared under highly unusual circumstances in this region, the United States Coast Guard and others disagree with that assessment, citing statistics demonstrating that the number of incidents involving lost ships and aircraft is no larger than that of any other heavily traveled region of the world.
Many of the alleged mysteries have proven not so mysterious or unusual upon close examination, with inaccuracies and misinformation about the cases often circulating and recirculating over the decades.
The triangle is an arbitrary shape, crudely marking out a corridor of the Atlantic, stretching northward from the West Indies, along the North American seaboard, as far as the Carolinas. In the Age of Sail, ships returning to Europe from parts south would sail north to the Carolinas, then turn east for Europe, taking advantage of the prevailing wind direction across the North Atlantic.
Even with the development of steam and internal-combustion engines, a great deal more shipping traffic was (and still is) found nearer the US coastline than towards the empty centre of the Atlantic. The Triangle also loosely conforms with the course of the Gulf Stream as it leaves the West Indies, and has always been an area of volatile weather. The combination of distinctly heavy maritime traffic and tempestuous weather meant that a certain, also distinctly large, number of vessels would flounder in storms.
Given the historical limitations of communications technology, most of those ships that sank without survivors would disappear without a trace. The advent of wireless communications, radar, and satellite navigation meant that the unexplained disappearances largely ceased at some point in the 20th Century. The occasional vessel still sinks, but rarely without a trace. It should be noted that both the concept and the name of the Bermuda Triangle date only to the 1960s, and were the products of an American journalist.

Other areas often purported to possess unusual characteristics are the Devil's Sea, located near Japan, and the Marysburgh Vortex or the Great Lakes Triangle, located in eastern Lake Ontario.

It also known as an Alien landship

There is a common belief that a number of ships and airplanes have disappeared under highly unusual circumstances in the region called Bermuda Triangle. Over 100 airplane disappearances and over 1000 lives lost since 1945

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 6:29 PM 0 comments

Colour and Personality..
Let's find out about your favourite colour and how does it reflects to our personality..

  • Authority and Power
  • Evokes strong emotions
  • Associated with Evil
  • Overwhelming if used in excess
  • Purity - Cleanliness
  • Safety (away from things that go bump in the night)
  • Mourning for some Eastern Cultures

  • Practical (in moderation)
  • Timeless (in moderation)
  • Middle of the Road
  • Too much depressing
  • / “nothingness” Old age / death
  • Depression / loss of direction
  • Energy – Movement – Excitement
  • Too much – overwhelming, agitated
  • Holidays


  • Calming for lighter shades
  • Cold and Uncaring some shades or too much
  • Steadfast – Dependable – Loyal
  • Productive


  • Growth – Nature - Money
  • Calming
  • Forest Green = conservative, masculine and wealth)


  • Wealth – Prosperity – Riches
  • Sophistication
  • Mystery – Wisdom - Respect
  • Too much – Being Artificial – “Airs”


  • Cheerful – Laughter – Happiness
  • Optimism – better times
  • Too much causes babies to cry and tempers to flare
  • Speeds up metabolism and creativity increases sales
  • Overpowering if over used or associated with cowardice


  • Flamboyant
  • Fun times, happy energetic days
  • Ambition – New Dawn - Attitude


  • Reliability – Stability
  • Friendship
  • Natural or Organic
  • Too much - Mourning

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Takala exam nak dekat,mcm2 ragam yg ak jumpe...
kelakar la!!!
Tension,happy,gler and ada yg fokus je....
congrate kpd yg stay fokus to study..

Aku akui,jiwa ak kaco sgt sejak2 ni...
sampai nak study pn jd malas..
i must do s'thg??
ak xnak menyesal ti...

Ak nak balik..
x nak dok kat sini..
ak penat sgt..
ak takut ngn final ni..
rasa mcm nak jerit..
but i can't!!!
rasa nak nangis..
but it hard 4 me!!
rasa nak lari...
but there no where i can run 2!!!

Ak betol2 dah hilang semangat..
i'm lost!!!
ak just fikir pasal Nak Balik..
Let me go home??!
i wish there will be s'one understand me??

ak t'baca stick note yg ditulis Kak Zai kat dlm bilik ak..
Thanx Kak Zai..
note 2 dah memadai untuk ak kembalikan diri yg alpa ni...
"live life for the fullest"
so meanigful rite....

ak still ada kawan2 ak yg memahami ak(the wonderz)..
ak ada kakak yg care n selalu advice ak(kak zai)..
walau pon ak selalu menyakiti korang...
memadai la ak ada kawan yg sll wat ak hapy and kakak yg sll mengingati ak kpd yg benar....
thanx guys!!!


"Live life for the fullest"
What my life for??
of course la untuk menjalankan t'jawab ak terhadap yg Esa..
menjalankan t'jawab terhadap org tua ku, family and org yg ak sayangi..
and of course for myself,my future..

to Kak Zai thanx a lot 4 the words and all ur advice..

common guys!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

pic2 kami di UMT.......

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 11:16 PM 0 comments

comei nyer??


gambar beramai-ramai
di UMT...
macam rombongan kawin je!!!

kakak2 kami..
yg ayues2 n cute2!!!!
ayie mcm lapar jerk???

abg2 kami.....
thanx 4 the memory!!

gambar kenangan ngn abg2 kami n Kak dayah..
walau pon sekejap, tapi amat bermakne...
pandai abg Sham cari awek!!

Baju hijau 2 kak As.. TP kami...
yg wat peace plak yelah mak tiri kami..
dia akn marah kalo x ckp mkn
(sebab 2 la kami gelar dia MAK TIRI)

jgn marah eik??

Ayie poyo.. hehe..
same mcm abg sham suka wat muka catoon..
ak dah ada sijil..
poyo jerk!!!
(sijil 2 milik kak zai ak pinjam je,x mungkin ak pya)

kegilaan melanda........
nasib bek abg sham x wat muka x senonoh...
kalo x??
rosak pic ni....

ayues x ak ngn baju blue black pertama ak....
mesti r!!!

1st day..
sume ayues included me..

28 jun 2009..
before bergerak ke Tengganu...

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