
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Little Ratty Girls

These little girls are the three little ratties Mom saved
from the feeder bin. They have never been held or loved
by a human and Mom is working extra on taming them.
They are very distrustful still and don't like to be held,
but will wrestle with Mom's fingers and take goodies
she offers. They also only warning nip now by taking her offered
fingers into their mouths with their teeths but not biting
down. Octavia and Calpurnia will hold Mom's finger
in their hands, but Julia the largest and most dominate
will still not do that. They are beautiful girls with very sweet
faces and little tiny feet.

a little brown and white hoodie with a spot on her back

a solid medium brown girl with a white belly

a little solid dark brown girl on top with a vanilla belly
and white dot on her forhead

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Rat Girlz Secret Paws......from Sparky Fuzzypants

We, the Rat Girlz of the Fluffy Tribe, want to thank
Sparky Fuzzypants for the wonderful Secret Paws pressies.
We LUVED everything in the box and the box too.
The pictures below may be a bit chaotic 'cause of all
of our running around checking out stuff.
There were all kinds of treats and even a stocking stuffed
full of goodies.

Oh look at this we haf yoggies, berry yoggies, everyone grab one.....
Leela leads the way.

A hammock, some goodies......Hey look girls there more in here!

Princess Sophia says "Ooooh I just luv Ratatouille!!!"

Meepit want everyone to check out the STOCKING.

Georgia tries a Ratatouille treat, yum!!!!

Morgan encourages everyone to try the stocking out.

Meepit luvs the edible log.

Look at all these TREATS, yess........

I want a yoggie too!

Morgana swipes a treat out of a great strawberry treat holder.

Three girlz sittin' in a stocking. Mom promises to put hangers
on the stocking so we can use it as a hammock in our condo.
It is so snuggly and warm.

Georgia demonstrates the strawberry treat holder.

How many girls can fit in a stocking? Four......

Thank you, thank you, thank you
Sparky Fuzzypants, we LUV our pressies
so much and they are going to give us
hours of enjoyment and lots of seasonal

Yes, yes Thank You SPARKY .
~The Rat Girlz of the Fluffy Tribe

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