Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 2012 - Review Linkup!

Dylar by CyberAndy, on Flickr
Happy March!

Please enter the direct link to your reviews, not to the main page of your blog. We'd like to be able to find your review directly through the link and not have to look for it. Thanks for participating!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 2012 - Review Linkup!

Black History Month Cafeteria Display
Black History Month Cafeteria Display  by carmichaellibrary, on Flickr
February is Black History Month in the US. Are you planning to read any books to celebrate the month? Do you have any suggestions? Let us know in the comments! Enter the links for your POC Challenge book reviews in the linky below.

Please enter the direct link to your reviews, not to the main page of your blog. We'd like to be able to find your review directly through the link and not have to look for it. Thanks for participating!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The 2012 POC Reading Challenge

Hi everyone!

I know we've kind of been quiet over the last couple of months about this challenge and whether it would continue or not. The three of us have seen this year become quite busy, and we questioned whether we would be able to continue hosting this challenge or not.

In order to keep the challenge alive, we've decided to scale it back a bit. We will no longer be giving away book prizes every month. We might give away a book every so often, but it won't be a regular thing here.

We'll continue to have book link-ups every month, and encourage everyone to visit each other's reviews of the books they've read that feature a person of color as a main character or that have been written by authors of color.

I (Katy) am going to try to continue doing what I've been doing here from the beginning--posting the link-ups and visiting reviews when I can. If you have any questions, please email or tweet me (my contact information is in the sidebar).

If anyone is interested in contributing a guest post here, I would absolutely welcome it! Guest posts should be related to the reading challenge--for example, reviews of books that qualify for the POC Reading Challenge and posts about issues that challenge participants would be interested in (cover whitewashing, challenges faced by authors of color, etc).

Here are the challenge details:
Any book (by any author) with a main character that is a person of color qualifies for this reading challenge, as well as any book written by an author of color. The goal is to encourage readers have a more diverse reading experience and to support diversity in the publishing industry by reading and reviewing books by or about persons of color.
Choose how many POC books you would like to read in 2012:
Level 1: Read 1-3 POC books
Level 2. Read 4-6 POC books
Level 3. Read 7-9 POC books
Level 4. Read 10-15 POC books
Level 5. Read 16-25 POC books
So if you'd like to participate in the 2012 POC Reading Challenge, please do sign up, and if you have a blog please spread the word by grabbing the button from the sidebar and posting about your participation. I'll start a new link-up for reviews on February 1.

Friday, December 2, 2011

2011 POC Challenge Wrap-up Posts!

Although the goal of this challenge is to get people reading more books by and about persons of color for life, it's nice to be able to post a summary of your reading to celebrate that you met your challenge goal (or even if you didn't meet your goal, just to acknowledge that you tried)!

Your wrap-up post serves as a way to link your completed list of books read for this reading challenge. When you have completed your reading list, create a blog post and link that post below. Here are some suggestions of things you could include in your wrap-up post (you don't have to answer these, they are just suggestions):
  • What were your favorite (and least favorite) books read for the challenge?
  • Favorite author(s) from the challenge?
  • Has the challenge helped to change your reading habits? Will you continue to read books by and about persons of color? 
  • Are there genres, authors, or specific books that you still want to read or that you plan to read in the future?
  • What did you learn through this challenge? 

December Review Link-up!

Closed for Christmas

It's December! How are you doing on the challenge? Did you meet your goal already or are you racing to the finish line? I'll be posting an end-of-the-challenge link-up shortly so you can link up your wrap-up posts.

Please enter the direct link to your reviews, not to the main page of your blog. We'd like to be able to find your review directly through the link and not have to look for it. Thanks for participating!

Friday, November 11, 2011

September, October Winners

Should I just stop apologizing? I can't... I am very very sorry that it has taken me so long to post winners. Also if you won a book and haven't received an email from me, please go ahead and email me yourself! I check my email everyday so I will follow up. It's just increasingly difficult for me to remember to email the winners first.


Akoss @ Fantasy Pen!

October: April from Good Books & Good Wine!

Shannon from Reading Has a Purpose!

Congratulations winners! If you do not hear from me within 48 hours feel free to email me. I look forward to the holidays when I can take the time to not only read but COMMENT on many of the great reviews I've seen and read.

Friday, November 4, 2011

November Review Link-Up!

tea. books. autumn.

Is it really November ALREADY??? Sorry I'm late getting this up again.

Please enter the direct link to your reviews, not to the main page of your blog. We'd like to be able to find your review directly through the link and not have to look for it. Thanks for participating!