Tuesday, August 31, 2010


In catching up with my blog....Doug and I took a trip to Miami in March, a couple weeks after Roselyn's wedding...it was so much fun! He of course had a conference and I just tagged along and went shopping (lucky for me there was this gay convention and these super stylish guys took the time to "help" me with my shopping...they were so fun!)....

We got to eat at the cutest restaurant right on the street with these awesome couches...it was called Green Street Cafe....there were some characters there...Breakfast was ALWAYS entertaining...at this cafe we decided that all the waiters and staff stayed up all night at the clubs and were still feeling the vibe....most of them were dancing and singing...as they tried to get people to eat at their restaurant...This lady behind me was our favorite...she was AWESOME...I was so entertained by her energy....
It was a great quick trip, but super fun! I really liked Miami....such a great city!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Uncle Butch

My dear Uncle Butch passed away on July 28, 2010 exactly 6 months after the passing of our daughter, Olivia. He was an amazing person...so full of life...He died suddenly....but will be forever missed....We love you Uncle Butch!

Father's Day....

I'm seriously so behind...but I wanted to post this....for Father's Day this year I asked Evan what he wanted to do for Doug...he said "I want to build something"...so we decided on a perfect backyard table....
Luckily for us our neighbor and good friend is a "builder guy" according to Evan...so we asked to use his tools and he and his cute daughter "helped" us build this table....it was so fun! the crew working hard....they actually sanded for a long time...with frequent capri sun breaks...

The finished product....we ended up having to put the table on wheels so we could wheel it to my house....it really is a big table and i LOVE the way it turned out....

Thanks Marko and Amanda! You guys are the best!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Outrun the Sun!

I met up with Doug in Chicago (I had to go for at least a couple hours:) and then Doug and I flew to Indianapolis back in June to participate in the Outrun the Sun race. It was a 5 mile race (I thought it was a 5K...oops:) We kept a great pace and it seriously was an amazing race...we ran through this park with these HUGE trees...I really liked the race....poor Doug didn't like the length...but, he did carry my water bottle the whole race! So sweet, huh?

Hopefully we can bring the race to Las Vegas next year....

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The End of Summer....

Today was officially the last day of summer....and I am so sad to see it go....I love summer days (probably the reason for my lack of blogging) staying up late, swimming everyday (and night), taking random trips....visitors from friends....no schedule...there are so many things to love about summer...

Today we met Evan's Kindergarten teacher....first stop...the playground....Evan wanted to make sure he knew what he was getting into.... Next stop...meeting his teacher Mrs. Kruezer....but, really all he wanted to do was play with the carebear tower....apparently it really is cool...his cousin Emily was excited to see the carebear tower in Evan's classroom...too bad they aren't in the same class....
After the meet and great Evan and I went to breakfast and talked about his upcoming adventure...he was super excited...and I had a GREAT time spending some Evan and mommy time....I'm going to miss this kid.....
***i've decided that i'm so clueless sometimes...at the school Evan is going to there is a pre-k class too...and I thought Evan's class was in the pre-k classroom (seriously clueless---although easily confused:)...I went in introduced Evan and started looking for his backpack....when I realized we were in the wrong class....Evan and I could not stop laughing....it seriously was so funny to us****then my sister-in-law told me that the meet and greet didn't start until 10am...we were there at 9am....I guess I stay true to my word....i'm either super late or super early....one day i'll get it right!