Monday, September 28, 2009

1st Soccer Game!

Doug and I actually missed the first game, but thanks to Dave and Becky, Evan did not. They had a blast playing and it really brings me back to my first days of playing soccer....I'm glad that Evan gets a chance to play...I'm just hoping he likes it as much as I far so good.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Playing for change

My friend Jen, who always seems to be up on everything...I just don't know how she does it, posted the "Stand by Me" song on her blog...You can buy the song on ITunes...but, you really should watch the video here it is amazing and so fun to watch (worth the 5 minutes) makes you want to go to those places and see those street performers...I think my favorite is Grandpa Elliot...ENJOY!

One thing Las Vegas does not have....

I am really missing this store....Is there a substitute???

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First Day of School...

I'm a little behind on my blogging...but, i'm going to skip ahead to the first day of school, because I love this picture! Evan started preschool this month and we are LOVING of the best parts about preschool (from Evan's own mouth) is that he gets to go to school with his cousin, Emily....Who is just as cute as can be! I'm LOVING his teacher, she is so amazing and so fun with the kids...I am so glad Becky told us about her and that it worked out that I could send Evan of the many great things about Las Vegas....

Monday, September 21, 2009

Last Days in Chicago....

I am already missing Chicago....I have only realized how much I LOVED this city once I left and can no longer call Chicago home....I really hope to be able to go back often and visit friends that we LOVE!

Our last few days in Chicago were packed with packing, finishing up things for Doug's program, and trying to see people we won't see for we are at our last Lil' Sluggers practice...Lil' Sluggers was AMAZING...we all LOVED it...I was a little over zealous with the packing I ended up packing Evan's cleats...he had to wear his church shoes! It didn't stop him...he LOVES baseball!
Audrey is sitting on the "dugout" watching the game....the first of many days ahead for her at a baseball field!

We finally went to this water fountain....I just LOVED the way it looked and always wanted to take the kids to play in the water...but, it never was hot enough...finally on one of our last days there it was "warm" enough for them to play so we grabbed the bathing suits and had a BLAST!
I don't think they stopped running the whole time we were was so fun watching them play...I LOVE seeing my kids happy....
It was so fun having dinner with so many great friends and friends who were so helpful in watching our kids and taking us in! THANK YOU!!!!!! We will miss you guys! Our last elevator ride down to our car....we packed that elevator so tightly Doug was stuck in the back corner...he couldn't move...we were laughing so hard....if only the other people who wanted to get on the elevator thought it was as funny as we did!

We will miss you Chicago...but, we are so excited for our new adventures waiting for us!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Some exciting news....

***I need to download more pictures (this was the best I had) and update my blog on our travels
Some of you may or may not know that I am currently 18 weeks pregnant! We just found out a little bit ago that we are expecting a little baby GIRL....
Evan's favorite: Holly Golightly (he loves the way she talks in the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's")

My favorite: Olivia, Delilah (middle name), Maggie, I'm just not sure....

Doug's favorite: he doesn't have one

Audrey's favorite: Baby

I had a little boys name picked out....but, now I'm having trouble loving a little girls name...any suggestions???