Saturday, May 30, 2009


I LOVE going to baseball games with Doug and I LOVE day games...So, I was so pumped to go to this day game on a Thursday with Doug! Doug LOVES baseball and will tell me the strategy the team will probably use and gets totally into the dogs and candy are on the menu along with a diet coke and fries...
We ended up with GREAT seats....Look at all the leg room....

At the end of the game we met up with some good friends from our old Tustin 3rd Ward....they actually gave us their extra tickets! Cubs games are soooo much fun...we even sat close to Ronnie "Woo Woo" Wickers read about him here....He's great! The Cubs won and everyone stood up and sang the song "Go Cubs Go" by Steve Goodman it seriously gave me chills (I know silly...but I just loved the spirit of Chicago Cubs fans)...I just bought it on Itunes! I think this was one of my favorite games! Everyone needs to experience a Cubs game...can't wait to take the kids!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Addie and Audrey turn 2!

We decided to do a joint birthday party with our good friends for our little girls...we planned it on the only weekend Doug could do it....and it turned out 3 days before the party that he had to go to Canada to speak at a conference....we really missed Doug...Although, Audrey was in heaven as soon as we brought out the gifts (my friend took this amazing picture---I love it! Thank you Keily!)All these kids were so pumped about the food, cake, and toys! Keily did a great job on the party...i'm not sure where my brain was, but she did almost everything...Thanks Keily for a great party! She even got a pinata! The kids loved it!
Here the birthday girls are getting ready to blow out the candles...I was lucky enough to be the one to help them....aren't they the cutest...

We love hanging out with the Bookstabers! Thanks for a great day!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Grace and Ella

Whenever we go over to Grace and Ella's house Audrey disappears into this room and plays with all the American Girl Dolls, beds, cribs, high is a darling room...any girls dream. I just love going up there with her to is so cute...each doll needs to lay a certain way, eat certain food, and wear certain clothes....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

3 Darling girls came....

I always realize once someone leaves that I was too busy having fun and not taking enough pictures....but, here are some highlights....we played at Evan's favorite park...look how cute these girls are....
Then we played at Madyson's favorite park...she remembered this park from the last time she was, we had to stop by...and there was a cupcake shop right next to this park that I wanted to try---so we had cupcakes at the park! This park has a tire swing, which is so Brenna and I would take turns sitting on it with the kids (Madyson, Evan, and Audrey on the lap)...I forgot how much I loved tire swings....
Brenna and I did a "girls night out" almost every and treats where always on the list of things to do...
This sleeping arrangement lasted for the first 4 hours of the first 11p.m. we decided to split the kids worked much better...they would actually go to sleep!
We went to our favorite muesem ----The Muesem of Science and was so fun....we finally did the submarine was incredible...the kids were totally into it. The tour guide was really nice he did a tour just for our little group.
And of course everyday started and ended with a treat...this is one of my favorite, I had to take them! Icing shots for all!

It was so much fun having these girls in our soon as they left Evan asked when we could see them again....I agree....let's hope we'll see them soon!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Date Night!

I recently took Evan to see The Wizard of Oz at the Chicago Theater....we had an amazing time! The play was GREAT! Before the play I took him to his favorite place...Potbelly's...we talked and laughed...and then we stopped by the local 7 Eleven and grabbed some snacks....then off to the play....he would not smile for the picture...
We met up with our friends Mia and was a GREAT night! We took a taxi home and as soon as we got in the cab Evan asked when we could go on another date! I can't wait either!

Friday, May 15, 2009

movie night

When Doug is gone...we always do something a little different....this night we all cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie....I just love these two kids...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Austin, TX

Doug's cousin and his wife took our kids for a couple of days and we were able to go to Austin, TX...Doug had a conference there and I wanted to go and spend time with him....I LOVED was a really great city!

Look what was parked in front of our hotel....Doug took this picture because he was making fun of me....on our way back to our hotel one night I saw a fire station and wanted to stop to see if they had a patch...Evan has been collecting fire station patches ever since going to my brother's station in, the firemen gave me a patch for Evan (he had to take it off his shirt...wasn't that so nice of him???) can see it in my right hand...Doug could not stop laughing that I had talked one of the fireman to slide down the pole for us....
I made Doug walk about 2.5 miles to this little cupcake place....I just loved how it was in a trailer....we had pizza at this amazing pizza place called Home Slice Pizza (thanks Jen!)

Doug's favorite part of the night.....the frosty's

It was so nice to spend some time with this cute boy....It felt like the old days....I can't wait for more trips together!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A real fireman....

Some days when the kids are bouncing off the walls I ask Doug to walk up and down the stairs with the kids until they are worn out....this particular day Doug walked from the 31st floor to the lobby....checking the fire extinguisher at each floor....when they got to the lobby they walked all around the building....then they walked back up to the seventh floor and the kids were finally worn out....I'm looking forward to a backyard!

Evan asked me to take a picture of his dirty hands....he told me that made him a real fireman... Here is how Evan sleeps every night....notice the fire jacket and his boots right by his bed with his pants ready to be pulled up....I think he really believes if there is a fire he will be able to help put it out....

I just love how cute his boots and pants look sitting by his bed....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Debbie came!

Debbie was in town for work...and she just happened to be staying at the hotel next to our apartment building! So, she would come over at night and we would talk or go to night we were able to get a babysitter so we went to a really fun dinner at Bistro 110 it was great food and really fun! I just LOVE visitors....

Monday, May 11, 2009

Daddy comes home!

This is what happens to Doug when he walks in the door....we tame it down a bit when guests are staying with us...but, we are ALL happier when this handsome man walks through the door!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

You've got Mail

Tonight I watched this classic I loved Meg Ryan, her outfits, the fact that the first song of the movie is still a favorite of mine...and of course the idea of AOL...I remember there was a time when I would wait for my AOL account to say "you've got mail"....I just loved this movie at that really did bring me back tonight....

I'm so glad that I no longer wait for a "you've got mail" sound....Now, I just wait for Doug to come home and hold me....Life never turns out how you expect it....but, it always ends up better than you could imagine...

We've had a lot of fun weeks....I will update soon...
p.s....spring has sprung! I am LOVING all the beautiful tulips are the kids!