Friday, April 17, 2009

Ohio and Easter

I packed the kids in the car and drove to Ohio to spend some time with family...When we got there my Aunt had pulled this out for Audrey (from her daughters dress up clothes). Audrey LOVED it.... She also loved playing their piano....
Doug flew in late Saturday uncle picked him up...just in time to see the Easter Bunny...Evan and Audrey LOVED the stories about the Easter Bunny....I just love how much they believe....
Audrey loved taking things out of the basket and putting them back in...
Evan went right to work on the chocolate bunny....the bunny looked like a beaver had chewed on it...We then went to my Aunts was sooooo much fun! They had an Easter egg hunt....the kids LOVED it....
Audrey just wanted to open up each egg and eat it....and then look for another one...however, by the time she finished eating her candy all the eggs were gone...thank goodness for a GREAT brother who shared his eggs with her...
We tried to get a picture...but, the kids were too into the dog...
Doug tried too...and it was a disaster...we couldn't stop laughing....Audrey loves the dog...Evan is scared to death of it...
Here is some of my family...look how cute my grandma is and my cousins! I really enjoy spending time with them...I think we are going to go back this summer and hopefully spend a week there....

Doug was a champ...he flew in at 11p.m. on Saturday night (after working 8 hours) and drove 51/2 hours back with my on Sunday night....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Josh came!

Still in D.C.....It had been way too long since we've hung out with Josh and his kids....Evan was so pumped about Josh because he is a fireman....He seriously couldn't wait for him to visit...every day he would ask when will we see Josh.... We made a trip to Josh's firestation...Evan had to wear his "gear"....We spent over 2 hours was so fun for Evan....
Doug enjoyed it too....he had to try on my brothers gear....I enjoyed it a lot...doesn't he look HOT!
They even let us have a ride on the firetruck! I couldn't get a picture of Evan because he was bouncing off the walls he was so excited!
Here the kids are at the firestation...they were having so much fun playing around.
Evan was practicing with the hose....he tried at one point to take the hose home....
Here the kids are playing fireman in the was so fun to watch them play together....oh, how we miss them already!
Josh taught Evan how to keep his fire, this is how his boots he is ready to go in case there is an emergency....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Washington, D.C.

We went to Washington, D.C. for a conference and were lucky enough to be there during the Cherry Blossom Festival....all the trees looked the end of the first day Doug was laughing at me taking so many pictures....I won't bore you with all the pictures...but, I will share some of them....The kids LOVED the Cherry Blossom was so fun to watch them play...Audrey LOVED it....I Just LOVE this boy.....can you tell he was sick of taking pictures??? He was a good sport though...We walked for miles and miles and saw so many things.....and had the BEST tour guide...since Debbie lives there she knew how to get around and where to was sooooo FUN!

Trying to be the monument....
Debbie's favorite......

The Museum of Air and Space...these two boys were in heaven...and since Doug is soooo smart...he was able to explain the law of physics to me...Debbie had bought a kite at the dollar store and taught Audrey how to fly it....they got it way up there...can you see the dot? Audrey loved it and Debbie was so cute!One day we went to was such a cute little town...we took a ferry there and enjoyed walking around...
We went to this fun restaurant....the kids were exhausted...but, we were still able to enjoy a nice dinner....
Another night we were able to sit at this park by the airport and watch the planes fly right over our head...Evan didn't like the noise (he is on the right covering his ears)....but, everyone enjoyed the pizza and soda....(Audrey, Nathan, and Evan below)
especially Audrey....look at that face!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Just coming back...

When we arrived home from our trip we had visitors in our home...Becky and Suz came to see Mary Poppins...I was so excited to hear how it was...They said it was AMAZING...they were only here for a short time...but, we really enjoyed EVERY minute! A day later my brother, his wife, and their darling baby came to visit us!

So, naturally the day they got here I talked his wife into buying a ticket to Mary Poppins and having a girls night out! She was was so fun to spend time with her...we hardly get time together since they live in Utah and we live here...
My brother had to work the whole time and she was such a great sport to run around Chicago with me (I just can't sit still for too long) We had so much fun....We went to the Children's Museum....

We went to the Lincoln Park Zoo and while we were there the news interviewed, naturally Evan was pumped...he had to take a picture by the news van.
I love this view of the city from the Lincoln Park helps that a cute boy is in the picture with me!
We went to Minnie's...this darling little restaurant in Lincoln Park where everything ordered is mini...I'm trying to figure out who enjoyed it or the kids...
Their little boy Luke was amazing...he is such a GREAT little boy! The only pictures of that darling boy! Thank goodness my sister-in-law is on top of it and already emailed all the pictures! Thanks Brit! Now, if I can just do the same for her....

One night we went to this great sushi place called Tsunami it was so fun and really good food. Although, I thought it was really close to our house (I think everything is close in Chicago)...I just love to walk around this city so it does not bother me...but, it bothered us when it is pouring rain (yes, I had an umbrella and still managed to get soaked!) and the walk is about 20, we jumped in a taxi...when we got to the restaurant we were all wet! Doug just laughs at me with my "oh, we can walk, it is not that far".
I just LOVE visitors! Can't wait for them to come again! We miss you guys!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The OC life

On our west coast tour we were able to stop by the OC for a brief seemed brief because it went by so fast and we ended up needing to make a quick road trip to Vegas (which was so fun because it was just Doug and I (thank you BRENNA!)...I just LOVE spending time with that cute boy!)...The only regret...not having enough time in Orange County to see everyone I loved...which is why I can't WAIT to go back this summer!
What we did do is spend time with the cousins....we really miss all these kids....

Spend a couple days at the beach....with some dear friends....

Celebrated BIRTHDAY #2 Backyardigan style for this sweet girl....

Here is her birthday breakfast celebration...

And went bowling with all the cousins...(I realize this picture is blurry...but, it is the only one I have...I just love how Evan had to have his socks pulled up and then wanted to leave his shoes there so he could keep the bowling shoes....silly kid)

All in all it was a fun trip....I just love my dear family and friends in Orange County....

Monday, April 6, 2009


That is where my bracket ranked against the rest of the country...Doug made fun of the way I picked my teams...but, looks like this year it worked....I must say it is way more fun watching all the games when your bracket is doing well...Doug is really proud of me...I LOVE IT!

I guess it is one shinning moment for me!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

San Francisco continued....

On the way to the pier we saw these tulips...aren't they beautiful! WOW...I forgot that it was Spring...seeing as in Chicago it is still snowing! We all started out looking at the seals.....
These two would've been happy to look at the seals all day long!

Look at how happy these two are....

Doug and I looked at each other at the same time and said "that looks familiar"...this is usually how I look in the morning....Evan and Audrey like to snuggle up to me when they are in our bed....We had to take a trolley we are waiting....On the trolley....
I had a great time in San Francisco...the only bummer was I wasn't able to stop by my favorite breakfast place....Mama's....a must in San Francisco....