Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A heartbeat...

What a blessing a heartbeat is....I've been once again reminded of this phenomenon....I've been so stressed with the house...doug's upcoming trip...the office...and all the other things that are going on....i've been super excited about each of them and so grateful that we have so many opportunities...but, I hadn't taken the time to slow down and appreciate the simple things of a heartbeat....

Tuesday morning I was reminded of this HUGE blessing when we couldn't find a heartbeat on our little was devastating....but, it just makes me hold my two great children and sweet husband a little tighter....I'm so appreciative of so many friends and family with all the support....We love you!!!!!

Here's to a Beautiful Life...


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! This is the day that you would usually call me and all my teasing for the last three weeks would be are finally older than me again.....not this year though....this year we will stay the same age....It is amazing how fast someone can leave your life....yet their memory stays strong....i'm still expecting you to come visit me......Luckily I can keep your memory alive with the things I do....Love you Kim! Thanks for all you taught me!

Here's to a Beautiful Life....


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Film Festival

The kids and I made a here to view it. It was one of those late nights...yes I keep my kids up late in the's super fun! We seem to always be doing something silly....

I'm not looking forward to school starting....I can't believe it's almost here....As a kid I always wanted summer to last longer....and I feel the same as an adult...I wish there were more time! We are still having fun!

Here's to a beautiful life...


Thursday, August 11, 2011


One of Evan's chores is to clean up our turtles is huge and smells...but, a gas mask? I'm not sure it's necessary...This is the only way he will clean it up...I can't help but smile when I see him put it on and act like cleaning up the poop is the worst thing in the world.

This morning he talked his sister into helping him....she was so excited to help....I love being home with my kids....I love summer days....and I love this beautiful life......

Here's to a beautiful life ....


Sunday, August 7, 2011

the wedding.

Outside the LA Temple with Doug....I'm so happy he's mine.

The wedding was beautiful---especially being with Doug. It was really good for me to be there. Being in the sealing room for a time only wedding was different...but, very lovely. I realized a few things in the temple...I felt peace about the situation....outside the temple I am a wreck...but inside the temple I felt like things were going to be ok....I also learned that I need to be less judgemental and I need to go to the temple more....I am looking forward to our new adventures in the next few months....

Here's to a Beautiful Life....


Thursday, August 4, 2011


Today I needed to pack for the's weird because for Olivia's funeral I called it her on Kimberly's 5 month anniversary her husband will be getting married....I couldn't help but get a little teary eyed....not that I'm not happy that he found someone---I'm glad he's just hard because I'm still missing Kimberly so I walked out of my room this is what I saw:
Audrey and Evan were playing "Lego Barbies" in their swimsuits in the hallway waiting to go was really made me realize that Life is Beautiful....I feel so blessed my kids love each other and are so fun and creative....R2D2 is protecting the barbies :)---I love it. I couldn't help but smile and play for a little bit....

Here's to a Beautiful Life...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Rob took this picture of me holding her hand...I Love this picture.

That was Kimberly's room number....I've thought a lot about Kimberly these past few days....We are approaching the 5 month anniversary of her's weird to think it was only 5 months feels like a lifetime ago. I miss her a's weird how I thought I didn't talk to her that much and now that she is gone I realized how much I did talk to her...and needed her opinion and I am sitting in her room texting her friends and Britney so Britney could post on facebook Kimberly's update....
I've thought a lot about the movie Life is Beautiful...I use to love that movie...and I realized that everyday I'm going to notice the beauty in life....even in that small hospital room there was beauty...this tree was what we looked out at from Kimberly's hospital window...her room is the top room in the lucky were we to have such a great view of this beautiful tree(this picture hardly does it justice)....small was blooming her favorite color too....
Here's to a beautiful life....xoxo, h*