sunnuntai 21. helmikuuta 2010
Viimeisimmät... Tiedän, minunhan pitäisi olla kovaa vauhtia pistelemässä keskeneräisiä töitä valmiiksi, mutta sen sijaan aloitan aina jotain uutta.
My latest. I know I should be busy finishing my many WIPs, but startitis is not very easy to live with :)Ink Circles ja Winter Mandala, joka löytyy Just Cross Stitchin digitaaliversiosta. Nyt on kai sitten ostettava ne muutkin lehdet, jotta saa koko sarjan... Olen jo kauan ihaillut Kaleidoskooppia, mutta en ole uskaltanut noin isoa työtä ottaa kaikkien keskeneräisten joukkoon. Tai eihän se paljoa isompi ole :) Tämä 101x101 on kuitenkin just nyt passeli kokeilu.
Ink Circles' Winter Mandala from JCS digital, thank you Tracy, for your help! I have been eyeing Kaleidoscope for a long time, but it seems so big. To be honest, it's not. But this 101x101 is just right at the moment:)Tästä Peripheria Designsin Asymmetriasta taas on tulossa pussukka eli bourse, kunhan uskallan alkaa ompelemaan.
And this Asymmetry by Peripheria Desings will be a bourse as soon as I feel courageous enough to sew...Ja valmiina on Quaker Heart (a freebie), näyttääpä muotopuolelta...
Quaker Heart, a freebie, looks a bit crooked...
Tunnisteet: Finishes, Free patterns, WIPs
tiistai 16. helmikuuta 2010
EDIT Feb 16
The winners of my OWOh giveaway are:
* Sherry gets the bracelet
* the biscornu goes to Deborah
* Kelly will receive the small heart pillow
Ladies please send me your addresses :) I will send you an email!
I had almost 200 comments and thus I decided to give away two more gifts:
* Christy and Bee, please let me know if you prefer a bracelet or a fob or a biscornu!
Thank you all, this was great fun - I will surely be visiting your blogs later... There were so many people from so many different countries!
EDIT 15 Feb - the competition is closed and the winners will be announced tomorrow. Thank you everybody!!!
I am so glad to be here this year! Last year I was surfing around the 911 blogs - and actually won - and now I am participating myself.
This is the 4th time Lisa is organizing this huge event. More information can be found here. I found the theme Magic Carpet too late, so my items are not especially themed.
I am a teacher of English and Russian living in a small place in Central Finland. Almost two years ago I found the world of cross stitching again, and have since been obsessed with it :) The internet gives me endless possibilities to find new, interesting designs and I get great pleasure of seeing what people have been stitching.
I am offering you three different items. I stitched a Quaker style biscornu fob and a heart ornament. My daughter Johanna (12 yo) is willing to give away a bracelet she has made. You can enter all three giveaways or you can mention which you would prefer!
So please post a comment to this post by Feb 15; be sure to leave your e-mail if it is not mentioned on your blog/profile. Anyone can participate and there will be three winners. I am looking forward to "meeting" you!
Neljättä kertaa järjestettävän One World One Heart OWOH tapahtuman osallistujana tarjoan teille edellä näkyviä palkintoja, joista rannekoru on tyttäreni tekemä. Jätä siis kommentti 15.2. mennessä; voit osallistua kaikkien arvontaan, voittajia tulee olemaan kolme. Muista kertoa myös sähköpostisi jos ei sitä blogistasi/profiilistasi löydy :)
Tunnisteet: OWOH
lauantai 13. helmikuuta 2010
And one more posting... I have surprised two of my friends already this month! Thorhildur in Iceland received two charts I have been promising her for over a year; as I surprise I purchased the embellishments for that Christmas biscornu and stitched her a scissors fob.
Thorhildur Islannissa sai minulta kaipaamansa mallit ja yllärinä vielä Christmas Biscornun koristeet. Sekä tuo saksikoristeen.
Kirsi here in Finland received wo mango publication boks and a small stitched pillow, freebie from Mausimom.
Kirsi puolestaan sai keräämiään kirjoja ja pikkytyynyn, joka malli on ilmaismalli Mausimom:lta
February, Valentine's Day, Friend's Day - my favourite item is the lovely biscornu I have received from Angie through Swap-Bot.
And this Valentine Paperweight (by Sunflower Seed) is the one I'm gong to stitch soon, for sure.
Helmikuun, Valentinen päivän ja ystävänpäivän suosikki on edelleen tämä Angielta saamani biscornu (Swap-Bot vaihto).
Ja allaolevan paperipainosydämen olen jo tilannut...
Tunnisteet: s
Photos by Jill
Jill sent me the cutest pincushion: she asked if I wanted something Australian, and what could be better suited for a teacher of English! I love it! She has embroidered the kangaroo herself; but I also love the koala on that beautiful aboriginal fabric.
Tämä ihana Jillin koneella kirjailema kenguruneulatyyny on ihana. Toisen puolen aboriginaalien kankaan koala on vähintään yhtä söötti. Ja juuri passelit englantia opettavalle - otankin kouluun kun seuraavalla kerralla käymme Australiaa läpi!
I sent my cross stitched turqoise pincushion to Eva in the Czech republic.
Oma vaihtoni meni Tsekkiin Evalle, hänen lempivärinsä on turkoosi.
Tunnisteet: swap