First off, after doing all the Halloween drawings I got invited to John K.'s Cartoon College blog and I couldn't miss out on the opportunity to learn some great stuff on cartoon drawing!
Here's some samples:

Also, I did some illustrations for my awesome friend Jason Anders, creator of Fulle Circle Productions, which is an online magazine with some great and inspiring interviews from some of the most talented people out there! Go to the website for some interviews! It's definitely worth a check!
Jason has asked me to do a promo for Fulle Circle to promote a magazine he's doing so that one day Fulle Circle Magazine can make it to magazine stands!

The first one was so much fun to do that I couldn't resist doing another promo!

Jason also wanted me to do another promo pic to present Fulle Circle's "Entertainer of the Year" Award!

And I also designed the certificate that honors the winner! Go and click on the Award tab in to see who won!

There are also other great and talented artists helping out with the magazine like Katie Rice, Kali Fontecchio, Shawn Dickinson, and Brianne Drouhard! Please click on their links and check these guys out! They all make great stuff and they cannot be missed!! Go check out more awesome artists at the Links tab at!
I did some inking as well as fixing up some drawings for a friend of mine's comic, which is his thesis project. They were all inked in Flash.
It's mainly a comic about him growing up and how certain things he's grown up with have influenced him to become the person he is today. Here's a peek at what it looks like!

I could've done a better inking job I think, like maybe adding shadows. I've never inked anything that's not a cartoon drawing, so really I don't know a lot when it comes to inking serious drawings like the ones shown above, but my friend still liked them. Inking is one of the many things I really want to improve on along with comic making.
And last, but not least...I'm moving to Vermont! Why Vermont? I'm staying with a friend, Matt, up there and he's gonna help me get some stuff started for me and I'll be doing the same for him.
He's a filmmaker and he needs help with some stuff and in return he'll help me with my film! The one film I've been working on forever! I still haven't given up on that! I will definitely finish it and put it up on the web once I'm done!
Matt is an expert filmmaker and knows all the tricks of the trade! He's even going to help me with sound design and editing for the film! Whatta cool guy Matt is! Matt also has some great artistic talent. He actually gets it from his Dad, who's a great painter! Go to my links section and click on Tom Merwin a.k.a Matt's Dad!
Vermont is actually like the first step for me though, I kinda want to go to California and find some jobs there as well as meet some of the best cartoon people out there! If not California then either New York or Canada, but my main preference is Cali. I gotta find a job first though in Vermont to make that happen. I'm anticipating how things might turn out for me whether it be good or bad. Hopefully all good!
So as you can see (aside from all the illustrating) I've been preparing like crazy before I move up there leaving me kinda busy with a lot of stuff.
See how worn out I am from all the preparation...

But I'm totally excited to see how things will turn out for me in this brand new year!!
Hopefully I'll be back here soon to update more stuff!
And now Rod Serling...