Monday, 19 August 2013

Flat Pippa's Orkney Adventure

Hello Folks!
Hello Everydoggy, sorry for my long absence.

You might remember on my last post I was grumping about Eve leaving me again.

Well, she was feeling so bad and everything (even though I'm not even her dog, I'm practically her canine auntie) that she printed out a little Flat Pippa!

The girl guides did think she was a bit weird bringing this paper dog around Orkney with her, but they got used to it.

Did I mention, my human family come from Orkney, so it was nice for Flat Pippa to see the Isles for me.

Here are some of the pictures of Flat Pip's adventure with the girl guides and Eve and Grace...

Flat Pippa leaves the harbour at 5pm.
She didn't arrive in Orkney until nearly midnight!
I know the picture's a bit unclear and grainy,
but I came to wave Eve and Grace off as well! Woof!
Flat Pippa is here! And what glorious weather we have!
Skara Brae, the oldest discovered human settlement.
It's 5000 years old - practically older than everything else,
like the pyramids and stone henge, etc!
In Skaill House - the home of the man who uncovered
Skara Brae, many years ago now.
Flat Pippa with the Orkney flag, woof woof!
Flat Pippa at Yesnaby.
Some of the Guides doing coasteering.
There were big red jelly fish, so Eve and Grace didn't do it!
From Yesnaby, we could see the Old Man of Hoy in the distance!
Flat Pippa went coasteering near the Brough of Birsay,
and found heaps of Hermit Crabs!
And Grace found a starfish!
This is the Brough of Birsay, a Norse/Pictish/Viking really old settlement.
Flat Pippa enjoyed learning more history and looking at
the long-house ruins.
Flat Pippa at the Ring of Brodgar, an ancient Stone Henge.
Nobody knows what it was used for!
Grace, Eve and two other Guides got their Baden Powell Award awarded
here, and it was a lovely day for it.
Flat Pippa at the Ness of Brodgar.
This is another ancient Vikingish settlement, but archaeologists
are still digging it up. It's supposed to be MASSIVE!
Flat Pippa in Kirkwall!
This is St Magnus cathedral, a big and fancy
Viking Cathedral. It's very pretty inside with many
stained glass windows. There's even a small one of
our family crest, because we were once vikings!
Flat Pippa at the Italian Chapel. This is a tiny little chapel,
but it's so fancy and ornamented inside!
There was more stuff that the Guides did in Orkney that Flat Pippa wasn't allowed to join in with.

For instance, I'm not sure if Flat Pippa would've enjoyed Canoeing much. She might've been a very watery bit of paper afterwards.

6 am on the ferry home. It left at 11:45 pm, so
E & G had to try and sleep on the boat. Grace will sleep anywhere,
but Eve struggled and hardly slept at all!
The sun rise on the North Sea, just before they got home at about 7am.

Flat Pippa had a wonderful time away in Orkney and so did Grace and Eve.

While they were away, Grace and Eve's parents, feeling very sympathetic towards me, bought me some nice toys to keep me occupied, because Father hasn't been taking me out for long walks, because he's too old and too tired.

Why thank you!
And, the very same day Grace and Eve got home, they came to see me!!!

Oh, I got myself in a bit of a state, jumping on them and rolling around at their feet.

Eve brought a little flag for me to pose with...
And play with, woof!
And then we played with my new toys, because
football is my favourite game!
This is me with my new squeaky banana friend,
who I clearly love to pieces.
And this morning, we went to the beach, and I
forgot to draw a smiley face on her face.
Tomorrow, Eve goes back to school! Whine!

I've enjoyed her summer holidays (I don't have holidays, I'm a dog!), but at least I'll see her every weekend and every Thursday, which is soup day.

How have your holidays been?

Bye for now,
Pippa :) wuf wuf


Flat Pippa :) yip yip

Friday, 9 August 2013

I got her back! Oh no, she's gone again!

Woof, hello folks!
Eve is back from Paris (Pareeeee)!
Whilst she ate her lunch, I really could not leave her alone.
You see, it was her birthday when she was gone, so I hadn't had a chance to give her something....

Woof, surprise Eve!!!
Yup, I made her a card all by myself. I'm just that clever! (no I'm not, by the time I'd finished, my paws were covered in stickers)

And then, Eve took out a present for me!

I got a bowl from Disneyland! Woof!
Now, I personally don't know any of the dogs on this thing,
but don't tell her that...
This is actually the only thing she bought in France,
she's quite strange!
It was all very lovely, and I kept insisting on kissing Eve, but when I had a look at her photos, I found something very upsetting.

At her hotel... a dog!!!
(It's a bittie unclear) At Versailles, in the gardens and at the front,
there were dogs!
And at Orly... a dog!
(it's a Police dog, but there were normal dogs too)

Now, really this is just unacceptable, Eve. Your people told me that there would be no dogs allowed where you were going. Explain yourself!!

I know, they told me that too, Pippa, I would have taken you but-

And who is this handsome French police dog you've made friends with?

Haha, that's Elliot, he was really funny-

I don't like him.

I didn't think you would Pippa.

But then we went outside and did agility,
and I completely forgot about my little grump.
We played with bubbles too, but I was a bit unsure, to be
And then we played with the ball,
and I got so excited, I forgot about my tunnel!
Woof, give me that back, you!

I was so happy to see Eve back, but then she told me she's going away again!!


She's taking the ferry from here up to Orkney with Guides, and staying there for like a week!

And I only just got her back...

I think I'll go down to the harbour and wave her off. Yes, that's a good idea, indeed, Pippa.

Oh dear, I'm woofing to myself.

Bye for now,
Pippa :) wuf wuf