Showing posts with label Nearer each day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nearer each day. Show all posts

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Then Sings My Soul Saturdays: Nearer Each Day

Whenever, I felt discouraged , anxious and hopeless, this song encourages me that there is PERSON inside me who is nearer each day to me. The Lord has brought me once again to this song. I recently had a situation with somebody, I felt so disappointed, even faithless, so short of what the Lord is looking for. How can I possibly make it? The Lord reminds me today - "even when faith is small, when there is no hope at all... trust in Me and you'll see! that I'll supply all your needs, if only you will believe, all anxious doubts will cease, while trusting Me."

What a salvation to hear this little song. Hallelujah! The Lord is not after an army of spiritual giants but He's after the ones who seek His purpose, who long to be overcomers, living a normal Christian life trusting in Him each day.



  1. Nearer each day to me,
    Dearer each day to me,
    This Person inside me is
    Becoming reality.
    Saving me, loving me,
    Faith and hope giving me.
    You're all the world to me Jesus, my Lord.

  1. Even when faith is small,
    When there's no hope at all,
    I hear Him say to me,
    Trust in Me and you'll see,
    That I'll supply all your needs,
    If only you will believe.
    All anxious doubts will cease,
    While trusting in Me.
I have attached a piano score here , so you can learn to play the hymn if you would be interested to learn the song.

Click on the score for a larger view

Visit Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders and be blessed by the hymns and songs..

with Love,