Sunday, January 30, 2011

aikk!! Org lain yg punya Bday org lain pulak yg dpt hadiah

i wanna wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my other is his bday (yg ke berapa tuh biarla menjadi rahsia hhihih)..alhamdulillah dikurniakan Allah umur yg panjang serta hidup yg berkat..actually i suggest to my hubby a few weeks earlier that i wanted to threw him a small bday party a.k.a makan-makan n invites some of his close friends to our house..ala just beli cake n masak simple2 je..but hubby cakap tak payah la since dia pun bukan budak kecik lagi..hahah..dia just wish to celebrate only just the two of us je kat rumah..katanya lebih romantik gitew..ok la sayang whatever u wish ok with he request me to cooked him a simple recipe..sup ekor,nasik putih ngan sayur kakung..simple sgt (sowi no picture)..since dia bukan la type yg cerewet dlm bab makan..seriously im sooo lucky to have him...would never asked for better life.syukur alhamdulillah..anyway takmo cerita lebih2..kang muntah pulak korg my hubby my pray is always with u everyday..semoga berjaya dunia akhirat..dirahmati dan dilindungi Allah swt selalu..dikurniakan keluarga yang bahagia..agar jodoh kita kekal sampai ke syurga insyaallah..amin

anyway patut hubby punya bday dia la yg dapat hadiah kann..tapi ni terbalik kot la bday boy tak dapat pape tapi bday boy plak yg belikan hadiah utk dia punya other half..kuang kuang kuang..thanks dear sbb been very very very supportive to my interest..dia dok layankan je apa bini dia nak..alhamdulillah..YEAY he got me a Brother Overlock sewing machine..lepas ni tak perlu la hantar nak jahit tepi kat kedai..memandangkan kami ni bukan jenis kaki jalan..kalau dah duduk umah uiskk malas bebenor nak keluar dah..lagi pun boleh safe duit..kata org for future investment..berkobar2 nak lebih serious in sewing business lepas ni..insyaallah..moga Allah permudahkan jalan anyone yg berminat nak menempah baju kurung @ langsir boleh la drop me an email ye / ..i will try to reply asap..utk senarai harga boleh tgk kat sidebar tepi ni..


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hidden Tab Curtain utk baby Sarah Amani

last week saya terima tempahan jahit langsir dari my hubby friends (afan+emy) utk balik their 1st baby Sarah Amani..since weekend tu we have nothing to do so saya habiskan masa utk siapkan tempahan dorg...cepat je siapkan langsir ni sbb hanya kene jahit lurus n langsir pattern tab ni agak senang jugak nak jahit..sorry sbb saya takde gambar hasil langsir tu bila dah gantung..hopefully afan+amy berpuas hati dgn hasilnya n baik hati forward gambar langsir tu bila dah digantung =)..n co-insidently the fabric jugak is the same fabric+pattern yg saya guna utk jahit langsir bilik nursery dekat rumah..beza tab dgn hidden tab ni basically hidden tab ni lebih kurang mcm slot in je dlm besi tu n tali gantung dia tu tersorok kat belakang..nampak lebih cantik + kemas

*alaa my page dah kene auto remove kot dari page "mycraftzone" sbb hari tu kan tak update dekat 3bulan..sob sob sob..tu la padan muka siapa suruh biarkan page bersawang lama2..hopefully k.maya still want to accept me ***wink wink wink***

hidden tab


Sunday, January 16, 2011


phewwww..lama betul tak update my blog..ada la dekat 3months kot..tapi alhamdulillah masih ada friends n family yg menempah baju n langsir..thanks to those yg supporting my work..

jeles tgk kawan2 craft yg been makin a lots of craftwork everyday..soo nice..i adore their passion n art..well utk hasilkan craft yg kemas n cantik mestilah kene practise..practise makes perfect!..banyak tutorial yg kita boleh jumpa kat net...just google je tapi kene la rajin kan..bila tgk all those tutorial rasa mcm nak buat semua..tamak sungguh..tapi tak terbuat2..hahah..berangan je lebih..skrg ni saya tgh gila mengumpul fabrics n rubber stamps..sib baik hubby tak kisah walaupun dia yg terpaksa bayar..thanks sweetheart!..

tgh duk duduk2 tetiba dtg pulak rajin nak buat passport cover..inspired by some of crafter yg buat passport cover mereka sendiri..cute pulak kan..teringat yg saya baru je beli fabrics last week..dgn semangatnyer start pukul 4.30pm terbongkok2 la badan ni dok mengukur+memotong kain (bila la agaknyer nak g beli meja potong kain yerkk)...dan pukul 6pm tadaaaaa maka siapla 2pcs passport covers utk me+my hubby..tetiba plak mode bertukar jadi tak sabar nak g holidays!...ntah bila ntah next holiday kami..dgn harga barang asyik naikk je tak pernah turun maka terpaksa la simpan dulu hajat g holiday..takpe kumpul duit sikit2 nnt boleh la terbang tempat jauh2 kannn..amin..anyway enjoy the pics! (sorry pics tak cantik sbb time ni langit dah gelap2 sikit..cahaya tak cukup terang)

passport covers

this is mine
i love the outer layer fabric design! sgt la cute
masa nampak this fabrics terus jatuh cinta smpai termimpi2

ni pulak hubby ku punya
dia sendiri yg pilih fabrics ni from my fabrics collection
yg outter layer tu 100% english cotton
