An amazing thing happened on October 9th 2011. Amber and Ashlie were sealed to Jimmy and I!!! I really can't believe it, I am so grateful that these girls have been in my life for the past 18 years. I really never thought this day would come. BUT with the family we have over the years pieced together we have managed to be sealed to all three girls. Aaron and Jason both got to come into the sealing room and see the sealing because they were born in the was amazing. When Brittany was sealed to us Aaron came in the sealing room too...he was to young to really remember though so it was great that he is older now.
I love Amber and Ashlie so much, we have been through it all together the good, the bad and the ugly. Seeing these girls all grown up and married in the temple and having babies and starting their own lives has been such a joy, I am so very proud of both of them. The only thing that was missing was my sweet Brittany...but she is still in Brazil! I truly believe this a blessing given to our family by her serving a mission. Missions are wonderful!I love my son in laws too! They are wonderful men who love my daughters and for that I am eternally grateful...they are pretty patient with me too ;)
Letting things happen on the Lord's time table can take....well...eighteen years, but it was worth it and it was wonderful and I grateful.