Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Like You and etc.

I love this print by Urban Outfitters.
It's too cute... ok, it's a little crude 
but I just had to crack several smiles when I saw it.
*smile smile smile smile smile* 

...and then I saw several more which I liketh and which
made me look, smile and just look.
Enjoys these prints.


In my naive little mind, I thought that the spirit of Christmas would descent about me like a cloud as Christmas drew ever nearer. Alas... the spirit is not in the vicinity and I don't feel an ounce of Christmasy at the moment. 

I think there was some on and off moments of joviality and merriment in the air but that vanished without a trace leaving only a photo in my mind. Even that I believe seems to be have been messed with. 

I don't know what brought this feeling of "down" on right before Christmas no less. Every year, I look forward to this day and yet for some reason, it never really hits the mark though this year for some crappy reason, the feeling is even further than ever. I am being a scrooge I know. But I just feel blue, down and out *sniff*

Perhaps all I need is a scalding shower to wash the blues away, or perhaps I should just nap for a bit and when I wake up, everything will be beautiful again... I am ever hopeful. I hope all of you are safe, happy and feeling Christmasy on my behalf. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Twas the night before Christmas

I chanced upon the Polar Bears Tale and it is an awesome site full of Christmasy things. The thing that captured my attention the most was the post 
It has such pretty illustrations (which sadly can't seem to be cut and post properly on my blog - I tried several times) and such a magical timeless tale. Really an awesome site to visit!

Merry Fingers & Toes

A new nail parlour type thingy opened near my office called Beauty Chemistry and since I had a voucher for a manicure + pedicure for RM45, I thought of giving myself a treat by getting my fingers and toes all dolled up and glittery. So after a quick chicken rice lunch with B, I went to the nail parlour. Since it was a promotional thingy, I could not get the colour that I wanted which was some form of red to fit into the whole Christmas theme, plus I love having red fingers and toes *smiles* 

BUT since I did not have that option, I was provided with about 16 colours or so to choose from the majority of which were pinks. Pale pinks, glittery pale pinks, glittery pink pinks, non glittery pink, hot pink, pinky pink pink and so forth. There was also some golds, some silver glitter type things and blablabla colours. So in the end, I decided on the following to deck my toes and fingers ~ falalalalala!

Meet me at the star ferry by OPI
a deep plum-ish colour which looked good on my toes
but which was not applied real great.

 Glitzerland by OPI
a light gold glittery concoction which didn't quite
stand out on my fingers but which looked elegant up close.
This was also not applied well.

So all in all, I guess I am happy with the merry fingers and toes but I felt that it was quite a rushed job which was not really well done. Atleast I can wave my manicured, formerly slightly crappy fingers around later or wriggle my pretty plum toes in front of Belle later. I hope she will not be afraid or bark at tham *huhuhuhu* I don't think I will go to Beauty Chemistry again though if there is an umergency need to have my fingers and toes done, then I will probably go there since it is just next door.

I reckon the best part of all these besides having merry fingers and toes is the name of my nail polish Meet me at the star ferry... 
How awesome is that??

Kate Spade pretties

Was reading my daily dose of my blog posts when I spotted the following on Marta's blog

 and something else to check out, Kate Spade paper pretties 
I would love to own a Kate Spade something since I feel her things are unpretentious and are just pretty, simple and functional things in happy colours - I heart happy colours. Perhaps one day soon I will get a piece of Kate (will add that to "Things I will like to own" List) but for now, I will enjoy just browsing the site and looking at them lovely things. Join me?

Secret Santa time

While we are on the subject of Christmas, my friend Jilly Bean shared this Secret Santa site with me that allows you and your friends to pick Secret Santa's without physically being present. How cool is that? Now you can be miles away, in different countries and still participate in a Secret Santa draw. Jilly Bean and I agreed that it's way more fun being a gift for someone you know rather than a generic pressie. Happy shopping all!!!

Christmas movies

Today just like most evenings, B came over to mine to watch a movie. At first I picked "Imagine That" by Eddie Murphy but then thought perhaps we ought to watch something a little Christmasy instead... so we watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. B asked me if this was a recent movie and since I did not know any better, I said yes.

Well, I guess it was evidently not a recent movie since the clothes, the actors and actresses and everything else was stuck in the 80's but watch the movie we did - B even said he had watched this before - and what a movie it was!!!
The movie made us laugh and although corny and very old school, it was a truly enjoyable movie to watch with B. The Griswold's such a wacky bunch and both B and I had a good laugh at their crazy anticsThis is definitely a movie to watch with the family *smiles smiles*

I also chanced upon this site which has some pics of the movie as well as a little snippet of the movie. This movie is a keeper just for laughs. I have compiled below, a list of my favourite Christmasy movies to watch these season: (I hope you enjoy them)
Not quite family friendly movies but they sure are good flicks to watch on Christmas with your girl friends  *smiles* Actually they are good to watch all year round *snickers*
For more Christmas movies, clickety here. Enjoy *smiles smiles*

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Interior Ideas #1

These couple of days I have been surfing the interweb looking for new ideas and eye candy. Here are some of the things that I have found which I liketh. 

I like some of the furniture, design and layouts of this site. Clicktety here and here

I am loving the tiffany blue/turquoise little glass cabinet in the corner.
Perfect for all my odds and ends and trinkets.
I just love the fabric used on the one seaters!!! 

I am liking the bold usage of the pinks/magenta-ish in the 
photos above. I tend to liketh the pinks these days.
Liking the crazy bedspread and stripy walls though
I doubt I could stomach the walls if it were my own home.
Its good to look and 'ooooo' and 'ahhhh' over though.
I don't know what it is, but I would like to sit on this sofa and read a book.
Am loving the light green walls and matching comforter
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