Oh, there is just so much to be thankful for this Christmas and if I were to list it all down, it would take me hours.
Christmas 2013 has come and gone in a blink of an eye and although I am super tired, I just wanted to write a few thoughts down just like I try to do every year, and since I hardly blog these days anyway, I thought it would be good to share about my 31st Christmas
*smiles smiles*
This Christmas was slightly different from the past Christmases... the main differences would be that my brother and his family are in the Philippines celebrating with my sister-in-laws family, instead of work slowing down, I was working too much in December {new clients and a shortage of manpower in the office} which made me grumpy and stressed, I didn't my Christmas shopping done in time and most importantly I did not find my Christmas spirit till heaps and heaps later *sniff*... ok nothing really new here to be honest - LOLs!
Very much like last year, I found my Christmas spirit during Christmas eve mass. Unlike the Christmas spirits of old, this year's Christmas spirit did not really appear when I saw the beautifully decorated church nor did it appear when I heard the angelic voice of the choir singing Christmas carols... sure there were stirrings in my heart {I am after all a super sap!}, but it was not the same.
There was also no BIG bang to announce the arrival of my Christmas spirit. There was also no "ah hah!" moment... rather it was more of a swelling in my heart when the priests {there were four at the mass} talked about how blessed we were to be able to gather together to celebrate Midnight Mass in peace...
how there were so many people out there suffering; people who lost their homes due to floods or war, people who were starving or who were sick or who were just lonely.
The swelling in my heart was one of thankfulness, joy and shame. Shame because in the hustle and bustle of "my life", I had forgotten the very fundamentals of Christmas. I had forgotten to prepare myself for the birth of Jesus. I had forgotten to pray for those who were forgotten, lost, in pain or suffering. Instead, I went on and on about how much work I had, how stressed I was, how I did not have anytime to buy presents and yadayadayada. Reading all this now, I feel ashamed at myself to have allowed these pressures to cloud the joy and peace of the season.
But all is not lost. Thank God!
The Christmas spirit swelled in my heart and grew and brought tears in my eyes for indeed unto this day, the Christ child is born and he is called Immanuel which means "God with us". It was a gentle reminder that no matter what I did, where I went or which nasty client I had to tackle, I was never alone. God was and will always be with me. That simple reminder was when I felt the Christmas spirit flow and course through me.
And joy, the kind you can't buy, filled my heart.
Thank you God for allowing me that special moment, thank you for the gift of Your Son. Thank you that I am called to be in your fold. Thank you God for all the blessings you have showered upon me and continue to shower upon me. Alleluia! Amen.
The rest of Christmas passed by in a quiet blur. I spent a lot of time with my parents which was lovely. I hardly give them quality time, so spending time with them during Christmas Eve dinner at our very memorable Tram Car restaurant, Christmas lunch at a local coffee shop today, hanging out with them at home, furniture window shopping and then a simple bak kut teh dinner today in Kepong was wonderful indeed and I my mum thanked B and I for spending Christmas with them.
Belle the beagle was uber cute today too ~ I hope she gets better soon. I also spent time with my bestie Meows and several other friends. We also managed to sell the condo {I also pray that the sale of the house goes smoothly}. Didn't get to spend much time talking to B one on one but he was always beside me or somewhere close by *smiles* There was also some frantic present wrapping and packing.... and now...
...now finally there is peace and quiet in the house.
I am listening to Mozart Christmas Carols and marveling at how fast time passes and another Christmas has come and gone and how I have to wait another 364 days for it again.
This year, there is still no Christmas tree in the foreground, no BEC Christmas party, no Christmas carolling.... but there are a pile of surprise Christmas presents, a few packed bags for tomorrow and most importantly, there is Christmas, joy and peace in my heart and a God who is always with me.
Once again, Happy Blessed Christmas everyone!
*God bless*
Thank you for reading this dear blog friends and to Jennifer Robinson, thanks for leaving me a comment, I really appreciate it.
And just like last year, I am still hooked onto Avicci {gosh he is a cutie} and kinda regret not dragging myself to the rave - LOLs. So here is some music from him ~ enjoy *smiles*
Christmas just ended but I am already looking forward to the new year 2014, bought my diaries, won myself a calendar and will create a new desktop calendar soon. But first, a short trip away with B and my in-laws, a little bit more of work and its hello 2014!
And finally, to end this post, here is a photo of my darling beagle Belle, asleep. I pray she gets better soon the little dear.
Oh, so much to look forward to everyday... and really I wonder what next year's Christmas will bring, I pray that they are only blessed, good and happy moments. Amen.