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Food Friday

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This week's featured Food Friday player is...

Ms. Dominique, who blogs over at Dominique's Desk, with her blog post: Beef Macaroni and Chocolate Cake on a Friday

Ms. Dominique is a mom with three kids, and her blog shares mostly about parenting topics. Since she is also interested in baking and cake decorating, well, expect to see some of that in her blog, too. Do click on the photo and let's know more about this lovely elementary school teacher, and what's keeping her busy these days.
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Sorry, I didn't get to dabble much in the kitchen (except maybe fix a quick breakfast - oatmeal, usually - or to get myself a hot drink), since the past few days were quite busy and that left me less time to cook. Yup, we ordered and had food delivered or we ate out. Hopefully, next week the schedule would not be as hectic. Keeping my fingers crossed...

I'll be posting instead one of our fave food choices when we eat out: Japanese food. I think they are a bit expensive (the Scrooge in me taking over again, lol) but you just can't beat the fresh taste, as well as the fact that their cuisine is relatively healthy compared to some of our dishes. Some might not agree, but that's ok. lol. Am just happy my kids love Japanese food and the veggies that came with it! :D

This is what we'd usually order (just the two kids and I):

Forgot to take a shot of the other dish that came with that order, though. I think it was called crispy chicken (first time we tried it)...and we all decided we would order it again next time. :)

Reminder: Please don't forget to link back (a simple text would be great, or you may use the buttons provided here). Also, please try to visit the other party-goers and leave some commentluv to let them know that you dropped by. Many thanks! :)  

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Been busy...too many things to do. Too little time.



Food Friday

8 shared thoughts
This week's Featured in Food Friday player is...

Ms. Jessica, who blogs over at Home Cooking with Jessy, with her post: My little girl's first time to eat at Jollibee

It's wonderful that after six years Ms. Jessy has managed to go back home and even bring along her kid to meet some of the family! I can just imagine her mom's apprehension meeting her granddaughter for the first time and finally hugging her. Eating in one of her fave fast food restaurants must also be a real treat after all those years! Am sure you had an awesome vacation here, Ms. Jessy! To know more, click on the picture above.
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A basic recipe for Pancake is my post for this week. Yeah, so basic and you can add fruits to liven it up, or maybe make it savoury instead of sweet. Your call. :)


  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp coarse salt
  • 2 3/4 tsps baking powder
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 3 tbsps unsalted butter, plus more for serving
  • Vegetable oil, for the griddle
  • Pure maple syrup, warmed, for serving

*note: I used 1 1/2 tbsp muscovado sugar and added 1 tbsp vanilla extract
I didn't have maple syrup; I used confectioner's powdered sugar instead


  • Mix together the dry ingredients first.
  • Make a hole in the center then add in the wet ingredients. Mix well.
  • Put vegetable oil (I used canola oil) into the pan and cook until you see bubbles on the side; then flip them over. Wait a few minutes then place on clean plate. Spread some butter on top and the maple syrup (in my case, I used powdered sugar). Enjoy.

Usually, we eat them as they cook. Tastes much better that way. lol. I must admit, the pancakes were not as fluffy as I wanted. But it tasted great. :)

Also, I forgot where I got the recipe, so sorry! Will post it here when I do manage to find the site...was browsing via my phone that day when I copied the recipe. :P

Reminder: Please don't forget to link back (a simple text would be great, or you may use the buttons provided here). Also, please try to visit the other party-goers and leave some commentluv to let them know that you dropped by. Many thanks! :) 

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The Least

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As we grow older we can't help but think about how some bodily functions we seem to take for granted are really as precious as our life. I know, that might sound dramatic, but my mom has this hearing problem and that's why we are thinking of getting her a hearing aid together with some hearing aid accessories. The doctor said it is because of old age (she's now 80years old) so we have to understand if she finds it difficult at times.

My parents are not perfect but we all love them. They have certainly done their job as wonderful parents and that's why I think it's time that we take care of them this time.

That's the least that we can do. :)

New Toy

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Oh yeah, I finally got myself an olloclip! So happy they have one of these around satisfied with the purchase, though the macro lens needs some major getting used to. Still fun though. :)


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Life is really unpredictable. A former high school batchmate just suddenly left us over the weekend. I know, really sad. He was working overseas and my batch have this account on one of those networking sites where we all keep in touch. We never knew he'd be gone so soon. I am not that active on the site so I was informed only via text. That (and a lot of other unexpected happenings) prompted me to check out life insurance over at There are lots of options and I must admit I am liking the idea.

Better be safe than sorry. I know, I think I say that a lot. :D

Food Friday

9 shared thoughts
This week's Featured in Food Friday player is...

Ms. Jenn who blogs over at Tara Let's Eat with her blog post: A Refreshing Break

I really have a lovely time whenever I visit Ms. Jenn's food blog since she not only writes well, she also takes yummy food shots (and we all know that yummy shots plus good writing is a lethal combo specially when you have a food blog!). Do visit her; you won't be disappointed if you're looking for anything food, and give yourself a yummy treat as well!
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This week's food post is another simple, easy, and fast dish: Ground Pork with Onions. I honestly prefer fast, easy, and healthy dishes (that doesn't mean i don't love eating food that takes-eons-to-prepare-and-cook, of course! lol) since sometimes I don't have the luxury of cooking ahead of time.  I know I will, one of these days. :)


  • ground pork (around 1/4 kg)
  • red onion (2 big ones, or you may use white onion, sliced)
  • garlic (3 cloves, diced)
  • soy sauce, black pepper, salt, Italian seasoning, cooking oil
  • boiled egg, steamed rice


  • Make sure the ground pork is properly thawed. Put in pan with a bit of water (around half a cup). Add soy sauce, pepper, salt, and the Italian seasoning. Let simmer until the water evaporates.
  • You may add a tablespoon or two of your preferred cooking oil, if there isn't enough oil to saute the sliced onions and diced garlic. Mix well, until the onions turns translucent. You may add some more seasonings at this point.
  • Once you're satisfied, remove from heat and place cooked pork on top of steamed rice, together with boiled egg.
  • Done!

This dish is so simple, so you may add other herbs/spices or anything else to it (maybe even a veggie). Your call. All I know that day was that I wasn't really in a mood to think what to cook...I just wanted to have something hot and substantial to appease my growling stomach. lol.

Reminder: Please don't forget to link back (a simple text would be great, or you may use the buttons provided here). Also, please try to visit the other party-goers and leave some commentluv to let them know that you dropped by. Many thanks! :)

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