Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I finally got around to taking a picture of this 9-patch quilt top...I sure do need a place to take pictures. It never fails that when I want to take pictures of quilts/quilt tops the wind will not stop for even a minute. I guess that is typical for the midwest but I just don't notice it till I am doing this or fishing.

The first thing I noticed is in the lower right-hand corner is two blocks with the same dark material on point next to each other! I could definitely use a design wall too! But I still like it--I think it will make a homey looking quilt--one that will call my name to come snuggle under it when I finally quilt it.

So that is done, and tomorrow about this time I will be getting ready for my biopsies. Two places in my right breast. I will be so glad to have it done and over with. A lady called me yesterday to pre-register me...she told me it would be next week before I get the results. However, the technician at Clara Fairbanks Women Center said I should know some time Friday. She seemed positive that I would not have to wait over the weekend.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I am so totally happy to have the two little furballs in my life. They just brighten up any day...I cannot believe I waited this long to get another cat. They are little bundles of energy and love. My husband goes and gets them about the first thing if they don't come running. He doesn't admit it, but I think he is as happy to have them as I am.

I still have not trimmed my 9-patch. I should take it downstairs and I will work on it when I am down there messing with laundry. And the next chance I get I will take a picture of it. I also started adding sashing and cornerstones to some other blocks I have. I am in the mood to get things done. I think I will try to make it big enough for a queen size bed for one of the my daughters.

I wanted to fix something to sew by hand to have while I wait to see the surgeon tomorrow. I hope I don't have to wait too long before I have the biopsy done...I just want it over with. Still don't feel really worried over it. I hope if it should be cancer that I am able to keep this mood. I really do not want to put my husband through a lot with it. But if it is cancer, I want a total mastectomy--no messing around with a partial. It seems like everyone I know who has had the partial has had re-occurences.

Monday, September 3, 2007

This is the new additions to our family. I have not named them yet, though I am seriously considering Ricky and Lucy. The one on the bottom is the boy in the first picture. I am totally captivated by them...as is my husband. You would think they are the first kittens we have had--never mind they are just two in a long line. All well loved.

The second picture is of Little Girl--we lost her yesterday and hunted the house over 2 or 3 times, only to have my husband finally spot her in this box of kleenex. She was sound asleep and did not move when the flash went off on my camera.

Other happenings: my husband and two buddies moved the sewing desk for my Juki down in the basement. He still has to make the plate that fits around it, but that won't take long or be hard. I am so thrilled to have it down there.

And I did get all my nine-patches sewn together. I am not sure if I am adding a border or not. I do need to trim the edges of it...I always make my quarter square and half square triangles on the big side when I am setting blocks on point.