Sunday, May 10, 2020

Ice Cream at the Train

The Day of the Surfing Eclipse

Grandma, do you remember when we went to the beach? Well, I had the time of my life. Oh, and it was the day of the eclipse.  Remember when everybody was wowed by the eclipse? It was amazing. When you got on the surf board, wow you were stupendous. I liked jumping in the waves with you. The water was cold but we had lots of fun. There is one more thing I remember, building the sand castle. Everybody helped to build it and it was huge.  
I love you Grandma Susan and Grandpa Jim. 
Love, Joseph Bennion  

Dinner at Grandma's and Grandpa's

Every year we all meet up at Grandma’s and Grandpa’s and have this huge party, there is lasagna, ice creams, soda, and root beer floats. Grandma is the best cook! Grandpa always does a sunset flag ceremony where we take down an old flag and put up a new flag. He plays his trumpet too. We stand in a line with our cousins. Grandpa told us that the flag can never touch the ground. We also get those little gunpowder pouches, so we pop them on the driveway. 
Happy Anniversary! I love you! David

Family Stories

My favorite moment with Grandma Susan and Grandpa Jim was last year when we went through old family pictures. My mom and I came over on a Sunday to help organize and label pictures and listen to the stories associated with them. I learned a lot about my great grandparents and my ancestors going all the way back to before they immigrated to America. I loved listening to the stories of our family and it was really special because like my Grandpa Jim, I prefer learning family history through learning what people were like and how they lived rather than looking for names on family search. I had never seen pictures of Grandma and Grandpa when they were young before. I learned a lot about my heritage and Grandpa  and Grandma talked about a graveyard tour that I am really excited about. Learning these family stories and spending time with my grandparents was my favorite part about visiting them last year.
I love you! Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa! Love, Abi

Riding in Grandpa’s Convertible

One of my favorite memories with Grandpa Jim took place after my sister's baptism. After the service at the church a few cousins and I, elected to hitch a ride back to Grandma and Grandpa Davis's house in Grandpa's 50th anniversary dark blue convertible Mustang. In six years the feeling of blasting down the Salt Lake City boulevards and side streets at speeds that frankly are probably better not related here, has not faded in my mind. Nether has the feeling of hot canyon air racing through my hair.

I love you Grandma and Grandpa! Happy Anniversary! Sam

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Been a while since last we posted.  Stand by!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Restoration of All Things Phrogbottom


The last entry on Phrogbottom Phorum was December 2010 by Cindy. Far too long ago. I had forgotten my password. That's why I have not been posting. I resolve to continue updating both Phrogbottom Phorum and Golden Phrogs. We need information on all Phrogbottoms (especially the little ones). Hear from each of you soon? Pictures please!