This day was unforgettable for all Tibetans. We were waiting for a humble monk who was returning home after receiving the highest civilian honor from the most powerful country in the world.
This is Tibetan art representing success. When His Holiness returned from the United States, after receiving the gold medal, we painted the streets of Dharamsala with auspicious symbols.
If you were his mother you would be very concerned about his ripped jeans. You would probably want to buy him a new pair. However, according to his point of view it is a part of his lifestyle.
UNSEEN DHARAMSALA An innovative arts project for Tibetan refugees to describe their lives through photography.
My Story
I am a 32 year old monk from eastern Tibet. As a child I witnessed many changes imposed on my region by the Chinese government. As part of these changes I was not allowed to learn about Tibetan history or culture. In 1992 I fled. I had to come to India to really learn about Tibet. Fortunately under the good grace of my root lama, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, I have been able to study Buddhism, specializing in Buddhist Tantra, Mantra and Dzogchen, as well as Tibetan linguistics and grammar. Last year I graduated from the Tibetan Academy of Philosophy where I earned my PhD in Buddhist philosophy. While attending the university I wrote many articles about ancient Tibetan culture and the current Tibetan situation. In 2005, I published a book about love and modern society. Since then I have prepared 3 more books for publication and I am currently researching Tibetan women who spent their lives practicing Buddhism.