Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter from D7ana and the Bunningtons!

No, I have not joined a rock group. Relax ... your ears are safe.

I was fuzzy about what to post for an Easter greeting so I borrowed jSarie's bunny theme. These four characters are the Bunningtons of Furryville by Mattel. With their height between 2 and nearly 3", they are the perfect size for your playscale figures who collect stuffed animals. The Bunningtons - Brother, Mother, Father, and Sister - are jointed at the shoulders so they can raise their arms.  They wear coordinated denim fashions suitable for gardening and for selling their goods in town.

From me and my playscale crew to you and yours, Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

April Themes: Easter, Tartans, Earth/Arbor Days, Administrative Professionals

Oh, it's April 2nd and early in the month. Time for a "themes of the month" post. Since no specific heritage is honored, I can pull over some topics I did not fully address last month: Spring and Spring Cleaning, Women's History Month, and Barbie. 

April also has these special dates:

5th is Easter Sunday

6th is National Tartan Day - to date, this is the only day recognizing Scottish Americans*

22nd is Earth Day 

23rd is Administrative Professionals Day

25th is Arbor Day

Organizing update aka Spring cleaning news: I've found Get Set Vanessa and Harley Davidson Barbie. Yay! Mystery Squad Barbie is still missing. Sigh. Then again, I found this playset, #3012-01 the Real Friends Shopping Mall by Geoffrey, Inc. circa 1999. It was distributed by Toys R Us. I'll share more photos of it later. A recent post on Mrs. Anderson's blog inspired me to check on it.

What are your plans for April topics? Let me know in the Comments ;-)

* that I am aware of

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fool's Day - and a Marvel-ous Prank

I don't have an April Fool's Day prank, but I found this fun video review. Okay, the figure is smaller than playscale. The video left me with a smile. Marvel comics fans delight!

Oh and for a doll-related photo, here are two of my plastic shoe boxes.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Organizing Update: Progress by Room

Update on the organizing project:

  •     Missing dolls: Get Set Vanessa, Harley D Barbie, Mystery Squad Barbie
  •     Sorting accessories by type (FUN); see photos below
  •     Where will I store loose dolls and action figures?

  •     Storing most IKEA bags holding boxed DAFs here
  •     Need to sort loose dolls and action figures and accessories
  •     Need to list For Sale stuff


  •     All bags holding DAFs have been removed from this area
  •     Storing cardboard boxes with doll magazines here

Playscale art supplies by Mattel, Re-Ment, Lanard
Playscale art supplies

Mattel, Chic Boutique costumes
Playscale costumes

Musical instruments by Mattel, Takara, Hasbro, Spinmaster, Play Along Ltd
Playscale Musical Instruments

Sports accessories by Mattel, M&C Toys, Get Real Girl, etc.
Playscale sports items

Note: I LOVE semi-clear plastic shoe boxes.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Mattel's That's So Raven Doll Body and Other Doll Bodies

Since I've been talking about Mattel's That's So Raven doll body lately I thought I'd share these photos to show her body next to some other doll bodies. I wish now that I had used a background with more contrast. Gray or dark blue perhaps.

Mattel Happy Family Grandmother, That's So Raven, and Nichelle from left to right
Mattel Happy Family Grandmother, That's So Raven, and Nichelle from left to right

Mattel Happy Family Grandmother has the widest waist. That's So Raven has the roundest legs. Shani friend Nichelle has the shortest torso and the longest legs.

Back view Mattel Happy Family Grandmother, That's So Raven, and Nichelle from left to right
Mattel Happy Family Grandmother, That's So Raven, and Nichelle from left to right

Back view of the ladies.

Mattel My Scene Madison, That's So Raven, and Malibu Christie from left to right
Mattel My Scene Madison, That's So Raven, and Malibu Christie from left to right
That's So Raven flanked by My Scene Madison (left) and Malibu Christie (right). Turning the dolls around for the back view.

Back view Mattel My Scene Madison, That's So Raven, and Malibu Christie from left to right
Mattel My Scene Madison, That's So Raven, and Malibu Christie from left to right

Kenya World Kenya, Mattel That's So Raven, and Get Real Girl Gabi from left to right
Kenya World Kenya, Mattel That's So Raven, and Get Real Girl Gabi from left to right

Back view Kenya World Kenya, Mattel That's So Raven, and Get Real Girl Gabi from left to right
Back view Kenya World Kenya, Mattel That's So Raven, and Get Real Girl Gabi from left to right

I am glad that Mattel made the Raven doll body heavier. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Carnival Barbie to be Rebodied

In the Comments section, Muff had asked if the Festivals of The World Carnival Barbie's body were rounder like her face. Alas, that Barbie is on a standard belly button body so, no, it is not. That query set me wondering how I could give her have a fuller figure.

The first body that came to mind was Mattel's Raven from That's So Raven Disney show. That body is close in complexion to the Carnival Barbie AND just a little broader in the torso and rounder in the legs than the belly button body. Oh and the legs are a little shorter.

Mattel That's So Raven doll and Carnival Barbie doll
Mattel That's So Raven doll and Carnival Barbie doll

Then I wondered: is this the best match? So I checked a Cali Girl Horse Riding Lea doll. Yay, articulation added. Her arms bend at the elbows; her legs bend at the knees. Her feet are bigger, better proportioned to her body. But ... and here is the rub ... the body is a little darker. And she's no longer shorter.

Mattel Cali Girl Horse Riding Lea body and Carnival Barbie doll

No. I liked her being shorter. A My Scene Madison body has a lighter complexion, click bend knees, and smaller feet as seen below. No, no, no. Pass on this one, too.

Mattel My Scene Madison body and Carnival Barbie doll

Other choices for shorter bodies include Mattel Flavas Tawny or Flavas Tika or Spinmaster Alexis from the Liv line. (Note: you will need the lighter complected Alexis.) But they don't have the weight I'd like for this doll face.

I am saving the rebodying until after I've reduced my doll count. Why? Greater incentive to wrap up my organizing project. She will need some fashions that can be hers. I don't care for the original Raven outfit - bright orange jacket and turquoise pants? No.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

I missed seeing the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, but I want to acknowledge the holiday here. Irish Barbies are everywhere online so I decided to photograph any dolls and/or action figures wearing green. I found a Black Barbie, a copper-tressed Midge, a YNU Group Inc. Mixis Houda, an M & C Toy Centre Power Team Elite Para jumper, and a Spinmaster Bollywood Legends Kajol already dressed in green. Here they are along with my wish that all celebrating St. Patrick’s Day are having  or have had a jolly one.

Barbie Birthstone Beauties: May
Barbie Birthstone Beauties: May wearing an emerald green glittery lace minidress with a green bolero jacket

YNU Group Inc. Sunset Edition Mixis Houda and Mattel Surf City Midge
YNU Group Inc. Mixis Houda wears her original sundress and Mattel Surf City Midge wears a Fashion Avenue outfit

M & C Toy Centre Power Team Elite Para jumper and Spinmaster Bollywood Legends Kajol
M & C Toy Centre Power Team Elite Para jumper wears an olive green zipped jumpsuit and Spinmaster Bollywood Legends Kajol wears a green and gold trimmed blouse and skirt

Oh and I must not forget this video that explains how the wearing of green became associated with this holiday.

May the road rise to meet you.