Monday, June 08, 2009

Clegg Family Reunion 2009

A few weekends ago we headed to a huge cabin in Tahoe to attend a family reunion.

The reunion was a special one.
It was to honor my Grandpa who turned 8o this year.

Don R. Clegg
Born May 19, 1929

We had a pioneer day where we learned about my Grandpa's ancestors that crossed with handcarts.

This was my Great Great Great Great Grandmother.
Illustration by: Clark Kelley Price

"James Steele shades the face of Mary Murray Murdoch, known lovingly as “Wee Granny.” Mary’s physical strength carried her only to Chimney Rock, Nebraska, but her spiritual strength was manifest in her request to have the Steeles tell her son John that she died facing Zion. That testimony still burns in the hearts of her posterity."

We made butter as we sang pioneer songs
and then we took a nice, easy "pioneer trek" around Taylor Creek.

Later we celebrated the Scottish side of my Grandpa by taking part in some Scottish games.
Each family had to have one person in a kilt (authentic or homemade).

Riley was our kilt wearer, but right before the pictures had a hard time figuring out how to use the bathroom while wearing a "skirt" and peed on the front of it.

It was too bad because he had worn it for quite a while
since he thought it made him look like a Jedi.
These two were hilarious!
One had an In-N-Out theme & the other was a Walmart theme.

My grandpa totally got into character.
Can you believe his was made out of place mats and my Grandma's scarf?
We had a caber toss with telephone sized logs.
This was insane!
and we also had "Putting the Stone"
where you throw a rock as far as you can.
For those that didn't feel like throwing out their backs and arms....
there was volleyball, horseshoes, and three-legged races.

The weekend was awesome and I enjoyed spending time
with all of my cousins and their children.

These are just the great grandchildren.
Can you believe that?
And they were all under one roof for a whole weekend.

It was great to hear old stories and watch videos from when my mom was growing up.

We had a talent show the night before we left and as a present to my Grandpa each gave him a poem since he loves writing and reading poems.

We love you Grandpa Clegg!

Introducing....The Rob & Smalls Show

This is the only picture I took this past weekend, but it pretty much sums it up.
We headed to Rocklin to hang out with Rob (Josh's cousin) & Megan and go to a Rivercats baseball game with fireworks afterwards. Every chance that Riley had he was hanging out with Rob. Even after waking up from his afternoon nap, instead of coming and being cozy with Josh and I, he was hanging with Rob and wrestling. Megan was such a great sport especially when Riley bumped her from holding Rob's hand after the ballgame so that he could get a ride on Rob's shoulders.

I know this Wednesday I will be busy so here is an early Catch Phrase.
Riley was in the back of the car asking "Who's name starts with the letter __? Then he would give the answer. So while Megan & Rob were in the car with us he said...
"Who's name starts with the letter J? My dad's...Josh"
"Who's name starts with the letter M? Megan's"
"Who's name starts with the letter A? My mom's...Aubrey"
"Who's name starts with the letter K? "
At this point we all look around confused since no one's name started with a K.
Then he exclaims...."K is for Cousin Rob!"
We all laughed and then I explained to him that the word cousin was a tricky one and that it started with a C.

The other day Riley opened the door for Josh and said (in his best english accent)
"Come in Sir."
Josh asked "What are you pretending to be?"
Riley said (again in his best english accent) "I'm pretending to be a gentlemen."