Tuesday, March 22, 2016


    The amazing Jessica Calderwood took pictures for us when Lola was just over a week old. I LOVE THEM!! That darling little girl has captured our hearts and I will always cherish the love that she captured in these pictures! And because I can't decide if I like the color or black and white more, I'm posting all of them!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Lola Girl is 5 Months

     Another month has zoomed by and Lola continues to be such a joy. The past month she has become more fun to interact with as she has shown more interest in watching the boys and responding to play. She already loves "This Is the Way" horse ride, the gentleman verse being her favorite as it is with every kid. She also started to use the jumper more. She content playing in while we work in the kitchen (that's where we hung it) for quite a while, but hasn't master jumping just yet. She also tolerates the bumbo for a good amount of time too. 

    We decided to cut out prevacid this past month, so watch out! Thankfully it doesn't seem to have affected how she feels. This month hasn't been a very good one as far as sleeping goes due to another TOOTH that poked its way through and a little cold that she caught. Her sleep schedule usually varies each day between two and three naps, but she usually goes to bed at 8 each night. This month she has been up twice in the night. I'm not too upset about it though because I know my milk is good for her cold and she's just so sweet and goes right back to sleep. I'm so glad that Lola is developing and reaching all of her milestones on time, but it's going way to fast!! Now for the most important part, pictures!!!