Saturday, August 22, 2015
10 Years
Posted by Jerai Moulton 1 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
St. Anthony Sand Bar
Posted by Jerai Moulton 0 comments
Big Boy Shorts and Books
We did it!! Or I guess I should say Brewer did it!! I honestly thought that it would be a while before this kid was potty trained. He didn't show any interest for such a long time. I had also planned to potty train Brewer after the Fontan so that we didn't make any backwards steps from being in the hospital, sedated, etc. But then he sort of started showing interest, but surgery still wasn't out of the way. It caused me a little bit of anxiety. I wasn't sure he was really ready and there was no sign of him ever going "stinks". In fact, the thought of going "stinks" on the potty was obviously causing him some anxiety. For a couple of days I tried to test out his readiness still wearing diapers. He did pretty good with going pee, but stinks was not happening. Boyd didn't have this problem so I didn't quite know what to do, but the thought of "stinkie" accidents and having everything else on my plate didn't sound like something I could handle. As a few more days passed I kept thinking that maybe I was missing the opportunity. How could I know for sure. I prayed about it, which may seem silly, but I needed some help and direction. Then by the next day or two I got the courage and took the plunge. We started with big boy shorts and Brewer did awesome with going pee. Going stinks was still making him really nervous. He didn't have any accidents, but after a couple days I was starting to get worried. Grandma had promised that she would send Brewer a package when he went stinks and I told him we could go pick out a toy at the store when he filled up his potty chart. Thankfully and finally it happened!! And after a few more times he doesn't have any more anxiety about going stinks! I am so grateful it has been so easy to potty train this kid. Night time is another story, but after lot of thought and advice from others, we're just doing pull ups for now. So happy to be done with least for a couple of months!! =)
While Brewer has made this huge accomplishment, Boyd has also been working hard at reading. Recently he finished reading his very first chapter book from the Magic Treehouse Series, Dinosaurs in the Dark. We were so proud of him!! He did such a great job!! I can't wait to keep reading with him and continue to watch him improve. We have already started reading the next book in the series. We also finished reading the Rush Revere series, which was a Christmas present from Grandma and Grandpa Thelin. The series includes three books, The First Pilgrims, The Brave Patriots and The American Revolution. They are great books, I learned a lot myself and I was impressed by how well Boyd retained the information while I read. Once winter hits, I think we will jump in to the Harry Potter series. Eeeeeek! I can't wait for him to know that world!! =)
Posted by Jerai Moulton 0 comments
Bear Lake
Posted by Jerai Moulton 0 comments
Tea Party 2015
Since Brewer's surgery was postponed I was able to attend the annual Monson Tea Party!! It was held in Idaho Falls, which was convenient for us. The theme was farm girl and I wished I could have done more to help with the preparations, but it was beautiful and amazing as always! Phil decided that he wanted to come down with the boys and stay at Grandma and Grandpa Monson's house, which I was just a street over at the Zollingers. Nate and Grandpa Monson were both there to help wit the boys (Emmett included) and they all survived and managed to have some fun. The wii was the highlight for Boyd and Brewer for sure, but they love playing at Great Grandma and Grandpa Monson's house. I'm so grateful that my boys are able to know and have relationships with all of their grandparents and nearly all of their great grandparents.
While we enjoyed a fabulous brunch with all sorts of delicous food we were able to catch up and check in with one another. It's great to be able to have established relationships with so many wonderful women and fun to watch the younger girls grow up. I also had the thought at one point that this was my last solo Tea Party!!! Next year I will finally get to bring my own little girl. It will of course be a few years before she will love it and appreciate it, but I'm so glad that I will have someone to share the experiences with. Someone that can help prepare and gain all of the goodness that it has to offer.
After we ate we gathered and listened to Steffani who shared the spiritual message. The message and theme was "Rise and Shine" and that we are beautiful daughters of God who can shine each day. She also shared a story with everyone of a great pioneer family. It's a story I have heard many times, but this time, with Phil's accident it took on a new meaning or perspective for me. Once I can find some of the specifics quotes from the story I'll update this post and share my thoughts. =)
Posted by Jerai Moulton 0 comments