Saturday, August 22, 2015

10 Years

         10 years!! How did that happen!? I remember when my sister had her 10-year anniversary. I thought it was crazy!! I felt the same way when both my brothes’ and their wives passed that milestone as well. It seemed so long and like such a huge accomplishment. Now it’s our turn. 10 years. We have been married for 10 years! I remember when I was ten years old and being 30, 10 years is a third of my whole life! I can’t quite wrap my mind this, but there’s one thing I can wrap my mind around, I couldn’t be happier and more pleased of Phil and I.
            Looking back to our wedding day brings the fondest of memories, it was certainly one of the most memorable, fun, and life changing days I have ever experienced. A day that was full of so much love. Love that Phil and I shared for each other and love that our friends and family had for us. It was such a wonderful and fun celebration. As I look back to that day I am so grateful that Phil and I made the decision to be married in the temple and to allow God to be such a big part of our marriage.
            When I look at our pictures from our wedding day and even early in our marriage, I don’t see the same people we are now. In fact, I feel like we are very different people. I’m not talking about our physical appearance, although we both have changed, we both have aged and have found a lifestyle that we love and allows to be more physically fit. I’m referring to our maturity (for a lack of better words). We were so young and had such little life experience. As I look at pictures of us I see two “lovebirds” (thanks Quinton) without a care in the world. At the time it was a great feeling!! But before long, three weeks I think, our challenges started coming when Phil tore his ACL without any sort of health insurance. There went our nest egg and any chance of a job and in came our first real challenge of struggling and learning how to serve one another.
I believe that it has been our commitment to one another and to God that has sustained us and allowed us to endure the trials, both ones we have shared publicly and those we have kept private.  I am so proud of what and how we have worked through each different challenge. Some have been short lived and others have been long and heavy. But I am so grateful for a husband that has constantly supported and strengthened me. I am also grateful that he is always willing to forgive me with my accompanying imperfections.
While I wouldn’t want to relive any of the challenges we have had to endure, I am grateful for the way in which they have changed us. My love for Phil has grown through the years and exponentially through our challenges. It difficult to put in to words the deeper and more meaningful love that we share now, something of an eternal nature. I imagine at times it’s a taste or small sampling of the immense love our Heavenly Father shares and I’m positive it can and will continue to develop into something even grander.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

St. Anthony Sand Bar

     Last week our good friend Tiffany said that she was going to take her kids to the sand bar in St. Anthony and put out the invitation for anyone else to join. Sitting outside in the sun sounded like a blast to me! I checked with Phil to make sure that he didn't need any help at the shop. Since he's been spending every day at the shop, Phil and Nate need my help less and less, which has been really nice. I miss Phil like crazy while he's gone and I worry about him, but it's good for him to be back into a normal routine. Since they were good, I hurried and packed up what we needed and made the 45 minute drive. It was awesome! The kids had a blast and the little sand bar was perfect for my kids. They played in the water, sand and went down the slide. We had a great time and I loved the feeling of the sun on my skin. It was definitely some much needed vitamin D for all of us. Boyd had a bunch friends that he played with. I am so grateful he has so many good buddies that are his age and just really good kids. We will be going back next summer and maybe then we'll bring Phil and baby sister!
     After the sand bar we headed to Rexburg to pick up some pizza to take home for dinner and to grab some shaved ice. Tiffany and Jessica went as well. The shaved ice was so yummy!! Both my kids got root beer and the joy and excitement lasted until Brewer had one bite and his whole bowl fell on the floor. It was pretty sad and there wasn't much I could do to console him. But after a while he came back to the table happy and had a few bites of Boyd's and mine. The next week we made a quick make-up trip to the shaved ice because Brewer finished his second potty chart and Phil wanted to try one too. He loved his root beer and ate the whole thing!

Big Boy Shorts and Books

     We did it!! Or I guess I should say Brewer did it!! I honestly thought that it would be a while before this kid was potty trained. He didn't show any interest for such a long time. I had also planned to potty train Brewer after the Fontan so that we didn't make any backwards steps from being in the hospital, sedated, etc. But then he sort of started showing interest, but surgery still wasn't out of the way. It caused me a little bit of anxiety. I wasn't sure he was really ready and there was no sign of him ever going "stinks". In fact, the thought of going "stinks" on the potty was obviously causing him some anxiety. For a couple of days I tried to test out his readiness still wearing diapers. He did pretty good with going pee, but stinks was not happening. Boyd didn't have this problem so I didn't quite know what to do, but the thought of "stinkie" accidents and having everything else on my plate didn't sound like something I could handle. As a few more days passed I kept thinking that maybe I was missing the opportunity. How could I know for sure. I prayed about it, which may seem silly, but I needed some help and direction. Then by the next day or two I got the courage and took the plunge. We started with big boy shorts and Brewer did awesome with going pee. Going stinks was still making him really nervous. He didn't have any accidents, but after a couple days I was starting to get worried. Grandma had promised that she would send Brewer a package when he went stinks and I told him we could go pick out a toy at the store when he filled up his potty chart. Thankfully and finally it happened!! And after a few more times he doesn't have any more anxiety about going stinks! I am so grateful it has been so easy to potty train this kid. Night time is another story, but after lot of thought and advice from others, we're just doing pull ups for now. So happy to be done with least for a couple of months!! =)
     While Brewer has made this huge accomplishment, Boyd has also been working hard at reading. Recently he finished reading his very first chapter book from the Magic Treehouse Series, Dinosaurs in the Dark. We were so proud of him!! He did such a great job!! I can't wait to keep reading with him and continue to watch him improve. We have already started reading the next book in the series. We also finished reading the Rush Revere series, which was a Christmas present from Grandma and Grandpa Thelin. The series includes three books, The First Pilgrims, The Brave Patriots and The American Revolution. They are great books, I learned a lot myself and I was impressed by how well Boyd retained the information while I read. Once winter hits, I think we will jump in to the Harry Potter series. Eeeeeek! I can't wait for him to know that world!! =)

Bear Lake

     Bear Lake was all up in the air this year. At first we didn't commit to going because we weren't sure how Brewer would be recovering from his surgery. Then after it was postponed, I didn't want to commit to going because I wasn't sure how I could leave Phil. There was still so much that I was doing for him and it caused me some anxiety just thinking about being apart. But after much debate and after Phil told me he could do a lot more we decided that I should take the boys for a few days. We left Tuesday afternoon, enough time to catch dinner and see everyone. Wednesday we went to the park in the morning and the beach in the afternoon. Unfortunately a storm blew in so the beach didn't last too long and we popped over to the pool instead. 
     After the pool it was time for dinner and a little program put on by Geri and Steve. They had been working hard at genealogy for their family and getting temple work done. They presented the family and their history and thanked everyone who was able to help in one way or another to getting the temple work done. Phil and I had the awesome opportunity to go to the Idaho Falls temple at the end of February and participate in sealing some of those people together, finishing up their ordinances. It was very neat to be able to be with so many members of Phil's family in the temple, in the same sealing room that many of them were sealed in and with his Grandpa Monson as the sealer. I was also just a couple months pregnant. Geri made a comment towards the end about some of the promises we receive from helping with furthering the work and helping with the work of those who have passed on and cannot preform the ordinances on their own. She quoted different prophets and/or apostles. One said something to the effect of, that as we help them do the work they cannot, they are willing and eager to help us. After she read that I immediately thought of Phil's accident, which just a few weeks after we helped with the dealings, and thought that maybe some of those individuals were the ones who helped with the many miracles that were necessary to preserve Phil's life. One day we'll know for sure. And one day we'll get to meet both those people we helped and the people that helped us. That will be one very glorious day.
     While we were eating dessert in walked Phil and Nate. They surprised everyone and it was so great for our family to be reunited!! The rest of Bear Lake was time well spent with family and as always, Phil pushed himself to do things he may not have been too comfortable with and pushed himself to do things that were more normal. He got in the swimming pool and then the hot tub, which was so great. The kids had a blast swimming with him!! The thought always pops in my head any time we are out in public how crazy we must look. I mean Phil's weight isn't coming back on, he's still so skinny, he's on crutches, and I'm bald and pregnant. I'm just glad Brewer's zipper is so faded. I try to ignore all the looks we seem to get, and I'm slowly getting better at it. But sometimes I just wish that I could wear a sign that explained, yeah we might look crazy, but he's our issues and we're working through them the best we can. 
     The kids did great and had a blast playing with all their immediate cousins, Emmett, Caroline, Claire and Brisbane, as well as their older "cousins". Nearly all of Phil's family was together at Bear Lake, which is such a rare occasion. We were only missing Clark, Emilie and Quinton. Phil's extended family is just as wonderful. Boyd has great examples and buddies that play with him and enjoy his company. It's such a great time with so many wonderful people. I was so glad that we were able to go and that Phil was able to come too!!

Tea Party 2015

     Since Brewer's surgery was postponed I was able to attend the annual Monson Tea Party!! It was held in Idaho Falls, which was convenient for us. The theme was farm girl and I wished I could have done more to help with the preparations, but it was beautiful and amazing as always! Phil decided that he wanted to come down with the boys and stay at Grandma and Grandpa Monson's house, which I was just a street over at the Zollingers. Nate and Grandpa Monson were both there to help wit the boys (Emmett included) and they all survived and managed to have some fun. The wii was the highlight for Boyd and Brewer for sure, but they love playing at Great Grandma and Grandpa Monson's house. I'm so grateful that my boys are able to know and have relationships with all of their grandparents and nearly all of their great grandparents.
      While we enjoyed a fabulous brunch with all sorts of delicous food we were able to catch up and check in with one another. It's great to be able to have established relationships with so many wonderful women and fun to watch the younger girls grow up. I also had the thought at one point that this was my last solo Tea Party!!! Next year I will finally get to bring my own little girl. It will of course be a few years before she will love it and appreciate it, but I'm so glad that I will have someone to share the experiences with. Someone that can help prepare and gain all of the goodness that it has to offer.
     After we ate we gathered and listened to Steffani who shared the spiritual message. The message and theme was "Rise and Shine" and that we are beautiful daughters of God who can shine each day. She also shared a story with everyone of a great pioneer family. It's a story I have heard many times, but this time, with Phil's accident it took on a new meaning or perspective for me. Once I can find some of the specifics quotes from the story I'll update this post and share my thoughts. =)