Monday, April 26, 2010

Portland Videos

Boyd's first trampoline experience.

Easter with all the cousins. Utter chaos.

Looking at the elephants at the zoo. I expected a much better reaction to real live elephants but Boyd really just wanted out of the stroller.
One of my favorite thing Boyd does. Ring Around the Rosies. Watch his eyes--it's funny. (Sorry for the terrible tone-deaf singing on my part).

I love this video for so many reasons. Macie and Gabe wanting to play yoga. Sam and Marley going crazy--Marley getting hurt, but it's not big deal, she's tough. Trenton doing his own thing. Boyd and Peyton having a good time but really just surviving in all the chaos. Boyd giving Peyton a never-ending hug where Peyton should be the one that falls down at the end because Boyd weighs 10 pounds more than Peyton. I love it all!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Portland: April 2010

Boyd and I took a little trip to Portland for the first part of April. And it was great timing. First of all, I was getting tired of the snow and cold. It was perhaps the first time in my life that I could say I was begging for some warmth and to be able to spend some time outside. While I was in Oregon it snowed close to 2 feet and I was not one bit sad that I missed it.

It was also great timing because just before leaving for Oregon I was able to see all three of my cousins in Utah (I flew out of Salt Lake). Kristie lives in Salem, Sydney was just finishing up school before heading back to Virginia, and Jess was up from Arizona to help with Syd's wedding plans. It was so much fun to see them and spend some time together. Looking around at the group of us, it was weird to think back to where we all were 5 years and where we are now! It was also so much fun to meet Mitch, Sydney's fiance, and hear all the wedding plans! I can't wait to see them all again in July for the wedding!

I also tried to plan my trip to Oregon at a time when Nipper would be in China so I could lend a hand to JaNea and her 3, 15 month olds. Turned out that Nipper didn't end up going to China, but still left town for a few days. I had so much fun staying at the Neff's!! Sam and Gabe gave up their room for me and there was an extra crib for Boyd. It was so much fun to see all of my family and get to spend quality time with every one!

Decorating easter eggs with Nea and her two boys, Sam & Gabe.

This is what every meal time looked like. So many highchairs!

Reading with Grandpa before bed.

Easter Morning
Sam & Gabe reading the note from the Easter Bunny.

Boyd got the hang of putting the eggs in his basket, but Lucy kept taking them out which didn't make him very happy. Once he realized each egg had a couple of pieces of honeycomb in it he was over the basket and just wanted the eggs opened.

Charlotte and Boyd
JaNea had a couple of pj's that were exactly the same for the girls, but I didn't let her use then. I had a hard time telling Lucy and Charlotte apart so I asked to dress them in different colored pajamas.

Easter afternoon Boyd and I went to my parents house a few hours before the rest of the family. Boyd had such a good time having some one on one time with Grandma and Grandpa. Like any toddler he loved knocking the tower over.

Feeding squirrels from the deck or out of your hand in the backyard was a fun part of my childhood. I have some fond memories of the squirrels who came to our house every day and even the one who got in our house. I was so excited to see the squirrels were still around!!

Boyd watched the squirrel for a long time even when it was far away in the neighbors yard. I was impressed he could follow him that long.

Boyd used to have a jumper but it's been packed away for a long time. For whatever reason Boyd enjoyed being the jumper at JaNea's. I'm not sure why but he kept asking to get in over and over.

JaNea had ran downstairs really quick to throw in some laundry. Any time those 3 babes hear a door or one of the gates open they go running for it!! You seriously have between 5-10 seconds before one of the triplets will be following you through a door that's usually shut. Henry follwed Nea to the gate and sat down and waited for her to come back. I was in the other room and heard a little thud followed by some whining. I went to check on the situation only to find Henry stuck under the gate. He had sat down and scooted so far forward that it forced him to fall backwards and get stuck. It was a pretty funny moment--that happened more than once.

One day we tried to put little pigtails in the girls' hair. It was cute but their hair isn't quite long enough yet. Any ways, we thought that Charlotte looked like Boo from Monsters Inc. Super cute.

We went for a walk one day. I think Nea got a better work out than me.

Boyd loved playing with Tink. No surprise there.

At the zoo. I think I may like the zoo more than any other adult. So of course every time I am in Portland we go to the zoo.

Looking at the goats.

Watching the polar bears.

Justin holding up Boyd to see the elephants. Boyd loves elephants.

I think the highlight of the trip for Boyd was the trampoline. One night at Justin's house Boyd was super grumpy while we were eating dinner. So I thought I would just throw Boyd on the trampoline so I could eat my dinner in peace. I zipped in and went back inside (we could still see each other through the door). He was in heaven, laughing and running around and I enjoyed my dinner. I was a win-win situation.

Later we all got on the trampoline and Justin brought out a huge army parachute and threw it over the tent making a giant fort. Trampoline (new love) + forts (old love) = one great time.

My mom and I met up with Katlin, Cathy, & Haley for lunch. Haley and Katlin came on Haley's scooter which has a sidecar. She bought the sidecar for her chocolate lab to ride in, but she's still training him to ride in it.

I think Boyd liked the keys more than the scooter.

Katlin & Haley

After lunch we followed Katlin and Haley back to their house and it was so funny to watch all of the oncoming traffic look at them as they drove by!

This picture isn't very good but it was so sweet to Peyton and Jade playing together! Peyton was just running around giggling while he chased her!

Ikey and the frog Jeremy found after church. All the kids were pretty excited about the frog.

All the grandkids. (Minus one: 6 days after this picture was taken, Kristin and Jeremy had their 3rd baby boy, Brek).

Marley & Boyd
Marley was so cute with Boyd. I love this picture.

Boyd playing with Grandma! He was so excited to be outside as was I.

Grandpa teaching Boyd how to shovel pebbles in the watering can.


Grandma found a snake and we asked Grandpa to come and get so we could show it Boyd. He wasn't too interested in it until it slithered it away in the flower bed. Then he spent the next 10 minutes looking in the flowers for the snake!

Whew. That was a lot of pictures.
Hopefully the next time that we get to go to Portland Phil will be able to come too!!! By the end of the 2 1/2 weeks we were ready to be back at home and with Phil. Being gone that long makes you appreciate the little things!

Videos to come.