Thanksgiving was an event this year.
It started with leaving a day earlier than we planned. Originally we were going to leave Tuesday afternoon, but a bad storm was coming in Monday morning and two of our three ways out of the valley were already closed. I woke Monday morning not feeling well and spending a good amount of time in the bathroom when Phil comes through the door saying that we need to leave as soon as possible. I hurried around the house throwing clothes in a bag, getting together snacks for Boyd and packing myself some pepto-bismol. Thankfully our friends who were watching Remy didn't care that we would be dropping her off a day early.
Leaving our house, however, the roads were in this condition for two-thirds of our trip. The normal 11-hour drive turned into a 15-hour drive on the way and 14-hour drive on the way home. Boyd was a champ!! He did so well that I can't describe it as anything else but a blessing. My mom sent us a package that had about twenty or more individually wrapped toys for Boyd to open along our drive. Boyd loved it!! He had puzzles, balls, cars, a slinky, and a viewfinder to name a few things. Of course watching Curious George helped too!
The next weird thing that happened was my not feeling well extended almost the entire trip. I didn't feel sick, I just didn't have an appetite, which lead to not a lot of energy. We still did pretty much everything we wanted to, I just didn't eat for about 5 days, including Thanksgiving dinner.
Thanksgiving morning my brother emailed and said that they would not be coming to Thanksgiving dinner because one of his daughters was sick during the night.
Then during Thanksgiving dinner my brother, Jade, had to go lay down because he was having terrible back spasms or so he thought. It turns out he actually had a kidney stone. He spent the next several days trying to pass the stone and in terrible shape.
Then we had the terrible drive home. We left early in the morning thinking we would make good time but it turned out to be another LONG drive. I don't think we'll be making that trip by car again in the winter any time soon or possibly ever.
Even with all of that craziness we still had a really great time. Boyd loved playing with all of his cousins and all of the new toys that were around. I love spending time with my family, even if it does feel like a marathon sometimes! Usually when I leave my family I know the next time that I will be seeing them. I think this is the first time that I don't know when I will see them next and it's a little sad.
Of course I didn't take very many pictures and the ones that I did take aren't very good. But here are some:
Boyd and Henry
Ike, Boyd, Charlotte, Henry, & Lucy
Mutti, Mom, Justin, Boyd, Taryn, & Phil
Jeremy, Ike, Max, Macie, & Marley
Playing an awesome game!
The adults watching the awesome game.
Taryn, Peyton, Boyd, Ashley, Trenton, JaNea, Jerai, Dad, Phil, & Mutti
Max's Birthday
Macie, Gabe, Marley, Max, Trenton, Sam, & Ike