Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010: An Event

Thanksgiving was an event this year. 

It started with leaving a day earlier than we planned. Originally we were going to leave Tuesday afternoon, but a bad storm was coming in Monday morning and two of our three ways out of the valley were already closed. I woke Monday morning not feeling well and spending a good amount of time in the bathroom when Phil comes through the door saying that we need to leave as soon as possible. I hurried around the house throwing clothes in a bag, getting together snacks for Boyd and packing myself some pepto-bismol. Thankfully our friends who were watching Remy didn't care that we would be dropping her off a day early. 

Leaving our house, however, the roads were in this condition for two-thirds of our trip. The normal 11-hour drive turned into a 15-hour drive on the way and 14-hour drive on the way home. Boyd was a champ!! He did so well that I can't describe it as anything else but a blessing. My mom sent us a package that had about twenty or more individually wrapped toys for Boyd to open along our drive. Boyd loved it!! He had puzzles, balls, cars, a slinky, and a viewfinder to name a few things. Of course watching Curious George helped too! 

The next weird thing that happened was my not feeling well extended almost the entire trip. I didn't feel sick, I just didn't have an appetite, which lead to not a lot of energy. We still did pretty much everything we wanted to, I just didn't eat for about 5 days, including Thanksgiving dinner. 

Thanksgiving morning my brother emailed and said that they would not be coming to Thanksgiving dinner because one of his daughters was sick during the night.

Then during Thanksgiving dinner my brother, Jade, had to go lay down because he was having terrible back spasms or so he thought. It turns out he actually had a kidney stone. He spent the next several days trying to pass the stone and in terrible shape. 

Then we had the terrible drive home. We left early in the morning thinking we would make good time but it turned out to be another LONG drive. I don't think we'll be making that trip by car again in the winter any time soon or possibly ever.

Even with all of that craziness we still had a really great time. Boyd loved playing with all of his cousins and all of the new toys that were around. I love spending time with my family, even if it does feel like a marathon sometimes! Usually when I leave my family I know the next time that I will be seeing them. I think this is the first time that I don't know when I will see them next and it's a little sad.

Of course I didn't take very many pictures and the ones that I did take aren't very good. But here are some:

Boyd and Henry

Ike, Boyd, Charlotte, Henry, & Lucy

Mutti, Mom, Justin, Boyd, Taryn, & Phil

Jeremy, Ike, Max, Macie, & Marley
Playing an awesome game!

The adults watching the awesome game.
Taryn, Peyton, Boyd, Ashley, Trenton, JaNea, Jerai, Dad, Phil, & Mutti

Max's Birthday
Macie, Gabe, Marley, Max, Trenton, Sam, & Ike

Overdue Haircut

A few weeks ago we decided to give Boyd a haircut (after the second time some one called Boyd a girl). I wanted to just trim it and leave the curls, but we went short. I figure it can always grow back. It was a little hard for me since we decided to go short, but it was too long and had been for some time.

(Boyd's hair combed out was not so cute)

(Not a great picture of Boyd. I think he's suffering from little hairs in/on his face.)

I am sad that the curls are gone. And I was worried that when we cut off his curls they wouldn't grow back, but thankfully the they're is still there.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Utah Trip: But Mostly Just Pictures of Boyd

November 4th Boyd and I caught a ride down to Utah to babysit Phil's family. His parents were invited to teach at a university in the Ukraine and were gone for 10 days. I love going down and spending time with Phil's family. We always have so much fun! The days leading up to babysitting, were not so fun.  Phil and I had found a new place to live, but between babysitting and a few other things, we ended up having to move in 3 days (with no preparation). I was exhausted by the time I left and Boyd had his fair share of Curious George. But we did it. We got nearly everything moved before I left. Phil finished up moving the remainder--the junk at the end, thanks Phil. I felt pretty good about how the move went. We put things away as we moved it over and only have a few bins left to unload, and then just the garage to organize. While I was gone, Phil also did lots of projects at the house! What a great guy!

We tried to make the most out of being in a town that actually had things to do. We went to the zoo with Elisabeth and Quinton, went to story time at the library with Jenna and Quinn, we nt to the Kangaroo Zoo with Kristie and Jake, played outside in the yard every day, and I got my hair done (Hooray! Thanks Kristie!) 

In between all of that there was getting the kids off to school, making meals, running the kids to ballet and basketball, and of course taking naps (since Boyd decided that he needed to wake up at 4:30 every morning while we were there). Every morning after I tried to tell Boyd to go back to sleep (and that didn't work) I would bring Boyd in bed with me to try to kill as much time as possible. I tried to keep him entertained until 6 when the kids needed to get up. One morning Boyd feel asleep...and so did I. After what I thought had been 15, maybe 20 minutes, I awoke to the garage door opening. I looked at the time and it was 7--when the car pool came to pick up Beth and Quinton. Oh geez. Boyd was still sleeping but I ran out to make sure the kids were on their way out the door, praying that there were awake! Thanks to 12 year old Beth, everyone was ready and on their way on time. Whew!

Phil drove down to Utah the following Friday (the 8th) and my brother Jade was actually in town for the weekend as well. We all had dinner together and Phil and Jade went to the BYU basketball game. The next morning we had a yummy breakfast, Jade left for a meeting and Phil and Nate went to "winterize" our house. I was so glad to have my other half back and to have some extra help with Boyd. For the most part Boyd was really good. Every now and then, when he got sick of playing with his toys, he would go find some other toys to play with. The other toys would include the telephone (I'm surprised he never managed to call 911), the keyboard, Mia's bowl (which he broke), the fake fruit, pencils, the dryer, any thing in the kids' bedrooms, and scissors (to name a few). Boyd was like a magnet to scissors. I would catch him with a pair and put them up somewhere and then he would just find another pair. I don't know how he managed to find so many...and not get hurt. Scary. But as always, the kids were so great with Boyd. Beth is Boyd's second mom and the boys have a lot of fun with Boyd too.

We left for home on Sunday and I was so happy to be in our new place. Today, Monday, I spent the entire day cleaning our old house. It took all day, but it means that we're finally done with the moving process! What a relief! Now just to unpack the final boxes and get a bit more organized!!

Now for the pictures!

At the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City.

Beth in the prairie dog tunnels.

Watching the elephants.

Looking at the baby elephant.

Playing in the yard. There were so many leaves! We had such a great time making big piles of leaves and running through them.

This one of my favorite pictures! Boyd wanted to be able to hold, not touch, both sides of the bridge. So funny!

The tree house.

Playing with Beth!

The Giant Slide.

Playing in the dryer.

Nathan and Quinton sporting their Ukrainian hats. I was looking through some wedding pictures and it was crazy to me how old Nate and Quin are now. When Phil and I got married Nate was 12 and Quinton was 9. Now they are 18 and 15! Love these boys!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our Little Curious George

Halloween was really fun this year. Of course we dressed Boyd up as Curious George, which was probably more fun for us than for him.

Friday was Trick or Treating on Main. Phil got off work a little early and walked around town with us trick or treating at the businesses.

We went around town with our friends the Wilson's and the Struttmann's.

I think Boyd was a little confused when people just kept giving him more and more candy.

Saturday night our ward had a Halloween party with a chili cook off, fun games for the kids, followed by trunk or treating. Boyd had a lot of fun playing the games, especially trying to pop the balloons by throwing darts at them. He even sat still enough to have his face painted by some of the young women.

He even cooperated for a picture.

Trunk or Treating in the parking lot.

Random Pictures From Fall

We had absolutely fabulous weather in Driggs during the month of October and even into November. We did get snow once, but other than that we were able to spend time going to the park and playing outside. It was wonderful!

Boyd giving me the "stink eye."

For Boyd's birthday, Grandma Thelin got Boyd a potato head and Boyd loves it! He also really loves wearing Phil's helmet. So naturally the two combined...and he was really proud of himself!

Oh boy, look at that hair. I told Phil that Boyd should have been Einstein for Halloween! The fun a little boy can have with an empty box. He put all his toys in it, constantly climbed in and out, and pushed it around the house! It was a great temporary toy! (Before we used to move).

Even Remy took advantage of it...

Our friends lent us this little bike and Boyd loves it. He had been asking to go out and ride it and I kept telling him that we could go play outside after his nap. So of course when he woke up that was the first thing he asked for. Unfortunately, it had started to snow, so instead of wanting to deal with a tantrum we bundled up and headed outside. Now whenever we got out to ride the bike, whatever the weather may be, Boyd thinks he needs his hat and his mittens on.

Playing at the park.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Boyd turned 2 at the end of last month. 

It seems crazy that Boyd is getting so old and SO BIG! But, I have to say that I love him at this age. He is getting more and more fun!  His little personality is so funny and he's just a sweet little kid. He talks like crazy and he is constantly making Phil and I laugh. We love you Boyd!!

This picture was taken on Boyd's actual birthday. Our friends daughter has the same birthday as Boyd and we went to their house to celebrate her 1st birthday.

We celebrated Boyd's birthday down in Provo over conference weekend. There wasn't really a theme, but since Boyd loves all balls, I thought I would try making some ball cupcakes.

The layout.

Singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles.

Boyd got some good gifts, but this one was BY FAR his favorite. As you can tell from the rest of the pictures, once this present was opened nothing else mattered.

He didn't even want his cupcake because he loved his motorcycle and guy so much. The one bite he did take was before he opened any presents.
Saying, "Hat on".

Trying to wind him down for bed...still with the motorcycle.

It was so fun celebrating Boyd's birthday (even if it was during half time of the BYU football game) and seeing him get excited over new toys and being the center of attention. Thanks to every one who came over to help us celebrate! We love you!