Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

Our family trades off Thanksgiving and Christmas between our families and this year we were spending Christmas in Portland. However, the weekend before we left for Oregon, we traveled down for a very quick trip to Utah.

Boyd likes listening to primary songs, but Phil isn't a huge fan and to be honest after once through I've had enough as well. So we rigged up this arrangement for our ride down. It was great and kept Boyd occupied for almost an hour.

Boyd opening his present from Grandma and Grandpa.

He loves his little stool. Although, he can't quite figure out how to get on it on his own, so mostly he just carries it around.

I had to include this picture, but I wish I had taken it at night when the Christmas lights were on. Don't be confused. This isn't a picture I found in a magazine, this is the guest room at the Moulton's and I LOVE it. It put me into a Christmas mood right away. So beautiful. And I should add that Phil's Mom made the quilt.


Phil with Lucy. The triplets just turned one and are getting cutter and cutter! Love them!

Every Christmas Eve our family acts out the Nativity. Mostly just the little kids participate, but occasionally and adults has to step in. Above are the heavenly hosts/angels, Charlotte, Taryn, and Lucy.
The whole Nativity cast. Uncle Justin, Charlotte, Sam, Taryn, Lucy, Boyd, Henry, Macie, Marley, Max, Ike, Gabe, & Trenton.

Christmas morning with Justin and Ashley's family. Boyd would have been happy with just one present. In fact, after he opened one, he had no interest in anything else. We had a hard time getting his attention long enough to open another!

During our trip to Portland was so much fun. We went out to eat, watched movies, played in the snow, went swimming, and played games! It was so much fun to see every one and to see Boyd with all of his cousins. It makes me sad he can't see them more often! I guess I'll have to start planning my next trip.

More pics to come.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oven Fun

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time in the kitchen baking cookies and other goodies. I guess it's just that time of year. Boyd is not great at playing by himself, especially when I'm doing something that looks like fun to him. This has made baking and making dinner difficult most days. However, Boyd did find something that caught his attention. He always knew that the drawer under the over had lots of great things he could with in it. But until a few days ago, he didn't realize the full potential of that drawer.

I was actually in the other room working on a project when I walked into the kitchen to find this.
He played there quite a while and then found every crumb in the drawer and proceeded to hand each one to me.
Christmas Sugar Cookies

Boyd loves Remy more and more. He likes to shake is finger at her when I'm trying to discipline her. "No no, Remy." He tries to honk her nose. From time to time he'll use Remy as a footstool to climb up onto the couch. He likes to play fetch with her. By fetch I mean, I'll be playing fetch and Boyd will come and ask for the ball and then try tease Remy with it and then play keep-away. Remy doesn't seem to care too much for Boyd, except when he's carrying around snacks. Unfortunately, Boyd likes to try to tempt Remy with his snacks, which Remy will only take if Phil and I aren't looking. But we always know because we can hear her and then she shamefully walks away. =)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gift to the Christ Child

Last night I was in charge of the combined Young Men and Young Women activity for the youth in our ward. I decided to do an activity that was a tradition in our ward around Christmas time called, Gift to the Christ Child. I was definitely worried, scarred, and having major anxiety not knowing the youth and how they would respond. Thankfully,the youth in our ward that came did a great job! Every one put thought into the gifts that they would give the Christ Child--I was so impressed and would like to remember some of the things that they gave.

Blanket-to represent the warmth the Savior gives us on a daily basis.
Their love and testimony with a commitment to obey the commandments and serve others.
Level-a reminder to stay on the straight and narrow path.

Canned Food-to represent service to the needy.

Candle-to represent the light of Christ and his love.

Bandaid-because Christ suffered and bled from every pore.

The Story of the Three Tress-to help us all remember that Christ is in everything.

Lastly a few other stories, to help to remember Christ during Christmas and that we should strive to be like him and follow his example.

I also made some cupcakes for the activity. I was pleased with how the Christmas wreaths turned out, but I would do the presents a little differently.

Some of the ribbons got smashed in the fridge, but they still tasted good.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I have been amazed at how fast Boyd has been learning and picking up on things. It seems like every day he surprises me with something new he can do and I love it! Watching him learn and grow brings Phil and I so much joy.

Here just some of the things Boyd has learned in the last month:

A greeting card is only fun if it plays music (thanks grandma).

How to put olives on his fingers.

How to drive.
(Against his mothers wishes).

How to melt his momma's heart.

And here's a clip of a few other things Boyd has learned, including his first word.