Monday, December 6, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

The kids and I made gingerbread houses at Grandma Bird's. Curt Ryan loved his house! Caycee loved eating the frosting off her cookie.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had a family party at my parents for Halloween. Here are some of the food and activities we did.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I feel like we are finally on our way to summer!! Warmer weather is finally on its way. It has been a long time since I feel like I have been on my blog and I need to do a better job at updating. I've looked at so many people's blog who have turned them into a book and decided I would like to do that, but I need some posts so I have something to put into the book. I do enjoy reading everyone else's happenings and feel like it is such a good way to keep in touch and find out what is happening in friends and families lives when things get so busy

We have been busy as well. I've been working on my garden and in my yard. Phil has just put me in another garden plot and I have planted raspberrie. He also gave me a garden shed this spring so I've been busy painting it and working on the inside to get my things all organized. My garden is growing and I love to be outside. He also planted me a mini orchard. I have 14 fruit trees and can't wait for them to grow and produce. I do have a wonderful husband who is so good to me and the kids, I really do appreciate him.

The kids are growing and Cacyee is now walking everywhere. She is such a girl, gets so mad and pouts when she doesn't get her way. CRC is growing so fast to and knows everthing and is only 4 (well almost). I love being a Mom but I get stressed and struggle and worry if i'm going to ruin my kids, but I'm glad they are forgiving. I do need to post some pictues, but the one of CRC above is the only one I have that is kinda recent that is on my computer. Krista my wonderful sister just took our family pictures so I'll have some more pictures to post soon. My sister's husband Taylor just got a job down south so they are moving to Monticello in the next month and I am really going to miss having her around!!

Well that is all for now, but I really am going to do a better job at posting, my bad grammer and all.

Monday, December 21, 2009