Saturday, June 26, 2010

The twins are 2-years-old!

I can't believe they are two, even though it has been a long 2 years. These girls have been such a blessing to our family, we love them so much. We spent their Birthday at home and had an outside party and bar-b-que. Dad set up a new trampoline while the girls rode their new 4-wheelers. Happy Birthday Little Ladies!

They had so much fun blowing out their candles.

They love Toy Story so we got them a Woody, Jessie and 2 Buzz Light Years.

Look at that shiner! She ran into the corner of the table right before we opened presants.

Helping Dad set up the tramp by jumping on it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sunday, November 1, 2009


So I put all these Halloween pictures on my blog and then I was going to go through and delete the ones I didn't want. Well, I'm an idiot and can't figure out how to delete a picture. So here is a million pics of Halloween - Sorry!
Brinly was a vampire, Kelsi is strawberry shortcake, and Kaden is a barracuda. For all those Kanab people out there Kaden found his costume in Grandma's Halloween box and it is from a Rhode show like 20 years ago.
Kelsi at her preschool performing some fun Halloween songs.

Kelsi kept telling me how gorgeous she was.

So cute!

Brinly at her school parade. She is a vampire.

Hadley getting on a serious sugar high!

Grandma Jeri came by and gave the kids some treats and even went trick-or-treating with us for a while!

Hadley and Presley discussing the night. They were seriously trying to talk to each other and it was so dang cute!

Hadley and Presley sharing candy.

Presley buzzing around the trunk-or-treat.

All the children ready to go get some candy. I'm exhausted and we haven't even left the house.

Hadley telling Kelsi she doesn't want to be a ballerina and Kelsi giving her some serious sympathy.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer Fun!!!

Hadley and Presley in the tiny pool!

Some scenery at the Thanksgiving point gardens.
Everyone running down the hill in the gardens.
This is at the Children's garden they have a water garden with all sorts of flowers that only grow in water like lilly pads. You can see under the pond and see all the fish through the window.
You can all guess how this ended. Foot right to the butt and when Kelsi gets mad - watch out!
The twins looking at the flowers.
This place is so beautiful they even have a maze for the kids made out of some hedge and I got lost.

They have Noah's ark with water around it and all the kids play in it.

I think we need a bigger pool!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The twins are 1

I can't believe a year has gone by. We love these little girls so much. I'm sure they didn't know what was going on, but they had so much fun on their birthday. We had a bar-b-que at the park and invited our family. The babies loved being the center of attention.

Hadley made sure she had cake in her hair and on her back. They loved all the sugar and squishing the cake between their fingers.

Presley showing us she is 1 with her finger. She is so smart!

Playing at the park. Presley is in the crate and wouldn't get out.

Hadley and Presley got a for real Puppy and Kitty, I think it was their favorite present. They were even trying to give them the little bottles they came with.
Hadley with her kitty.

They are opening their big glitter balls.

We blew up 100 balloons and they played in them all day. They would start at one end of the room and crawl through them as fast as they could and they would just laugh and laugh.

They came in for some Birthday snuggles with dad when they woke up.