Because I have a horrible memory and I am trying to blog again but I know there is no way I will ever catch up, here are some things that have happened since I blogged last in whatever order Blogger uploaded the pictures.
Zac had a run in with the wainscoting in our office. He was spinning and lost his footing. Luckily we know a guy and after some typical Zac drama he was as good as new.
Halloween brought Minnie Mouse, a Greek goddess, Thor, and Optimus Prime to our house.
This amazing kid turned 7. I don't even know how to express how much I love this kid. He makes every day fun and he can always make me smile. He celebrated his birthday with a giant bounce house slide. The weather was yucky but luckily we were able to fit the whole thing into the garage and the party was a success.
We got a dog. I never thought the day would come but I finally ran out of reasons to say no and we brought Auggie home as a tiny puppy and he has stolen all of our hearts even mine.
Abby ran cross country. I don't think she liked it very much but she stuck with it and finished every race. When I asked her how she liked it all she would say is that she would rather play soccer.
Trevor took up road biking and completed a 108 mile race around Coeur dAlene lake called the Coeur dFondo. When it was over he said he would never do it again but I will not be surprised if he changes his mind in a few months when the weather warms up and he is riding again.
Kyle learned how to tie his own tie. This was one of his first attempts and he can now tie a perfect knot with the perfect length.
Kyle also got and academic achievement award at school. This was huge! Only one kid from each class gets this award. Kyle did not really love school last year but this year he has an amazing teacher who has really helped him see that learning is fun and it has been so wonderful to watch him get excited about learning.
We went to California over Thanksgiving and got to see these awesome friends. Zac still talks about his best buddy Landon.
In my happy place with my favorite girls. You can take the girl out of California but you can't take California out of the girl.
We took my mom to California Adventure and even though you can't tell from Zacs face we all had a great time.
Did I mention we got a dog.
Emma played volleyball and had lots of fun getting to know some fun girls and improving her skills. I also got to see all of North Idaho as the school does not provide busing.
Zac went on his first field trip to a pumpkin patch. He has made some great friends and it has helped him come out of his shell.
We had an awesome Christmas!
These wonderful people came to visit to celebrate Abby's birthday and Kelsi's baptism.
This kid got contacts. It was so strange at first and I had to keep stopping myself from telling him to go put his glasses on. He does not like to stop to put his contacts in but once they are in he loves them.
This beautiful girl turned 11. She is fun and smart and talented in so many ways but most of all she is kind. She is so good at seeing a need and filling it. I love my Abigail. She celebrated her birthday with a trip to the roller skating rink with the whole family and then a dinner of waffles and bacon and staying up till midnight.