I am convinced that being the youngest of 5 boys sheltered me from many of life's realities when I was young. That's no consolation now since my age betrays the fact that I am supposed to act grown-up. I have the best wife in the world who maintains an upward curve in her beauty as she hits her mid-30's full stride. I have 3 kids whom I both adore and manage like a construction crew who is behind in their work - it's how I show love in my attempts to prepare them for life. I have a bunch of other stuff that I could burn down tomorrow into a heap of ash and it wouldn't matter a bit as long as I have my family. Families are Forever in this Petzinger Household.
I have I have I have - this time of year (tax season), I am reminded that the two words; 'The IRS', once bound together with the sticky blood they extract from my working hands actually forms the word: THEIRS. Conincidence? Who knows....... It's no coincidence that what was once mine is now THEIRS.
I have I have I have to pay these taxes. For any one who has ever read these Rantz knows that I am anti-big govt. But today, I'll write about the greatest thief who has ever stolen from me and my family - and it wasn't THEIRS .....
On April 15th - death and taxes united in an ironic symphony to greet the passing of a great man in my life - my dad. Born in 1938, Werner Adalbert Petzinger was a mere 66 years old (ten days shy of his 67th birthday) when we laid him to rest. Cancer stole him from us. The crime is not death, for we all face the same fate. The crime was stealing my children's association from this man while in mortality. What a crime!
I look at my life - a brief pause between panic driven fits to secure the next contract so I can have money to pay for things - and suddenly realize that I will be 34 tomorrow. No, I do not harbour any deep rooted emotional regret that dad cashed-in on my Birthday - I like to think that the last check he ever wrote in this life was to THEIRS - and it bounced! That's my goal anyway....
I'll be 34. I'm 33 for another 4 or so hours. 33x2 =66. Not that I tie any mystical weight to the fact that according to a direct genetic line, I could be facing the hump in the hill. Right now, the only hump I see has enveloped my belt. I know those feet are down there somewhere.... Well, it certainly is a reality check to say the least.
I know for my dad, one of his greatest accomplishments were his 5 sons. Not that we are all-stars or extraordinary adults, but we loved him. It was fierce! That's the only word that fits a description of my love for a father who was stolen away - a fierce pain in a vacuum - an absense. He was taken too soon. That's my opinion. THEIRS wasn't getting much from him in retirement, so they don't care..... but I have children to raise and I wanted them in his shadow to hear a German accent and know of our history from a first-person resource. To listen to absurd fairy tale stories that don't make sense. To go fishing with him (quite possibly the worst fisherman I've ever seen). To be spoiled with dollar store treasures wrapped in duct tape and old paper bags. To absorb his wisdom from years of academic pursuits coupled with a lifetime of hard manual labor. To understand and appreciate his love for them. To learn of thier own self-worth as heirs to the Petzinger name.
I heard a great quote from Joe D'Errico (a wonderful grandfather to all Petzinger grandkids and a great husband to my dear mother!) "never visit a man whose kids don't speak with him". Profound. This encapsulates one of the fierce pains of dad's passing - a good bloody-knuckle political debate about the direction of this Great Nation. What a shame he's not here today to argue with..... I spoke with my dad on a regular basis when he was around. He took the wealth of his children's love and respect to the grave.
So, I mourn today - on the 14th so as to enjoy a selfish tradition of marking one's age tomorrow. Whoever says these situations get easier with time never had a father like Werner.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Monday, August 17, 2009
The country's largest minority group.....
As a matter of fact - that would be me; the individual!
If you answered a "skin color, sexual preference, religious affiliation, ethnic group or political group" - then you are most likely a liberal & you need to pay attention to what I am saying.
I have not contributed to this blog in the past few months while the collective whirlwinds of socialist driven legislation have encapsulated me, my family, my home, my property and my pursuit of happiness in a cloud of confining dust. This is like the terrible Black Blizzard in the 1930's. Hear me wheeze through it all ......
We live in a part of Idaho where a washboard dirt road greets us comming and going from our home. It's a stark contrast to the pearly paved gates of Capital Hill where the only dirt you'll find outside the well-manicured grounds is behind the ears of our politicians. I know their ears remain un-bathed simply because, they cannot hear us! Too much ear wax on the inside and too much dirt behind the lobe.
Ear wax is a good description for special interest groups. But to be up front - not all special interest groups are bad. For example, I am proud of my affiliation with the NRA. I guess if I was proud to be a rent-a-mob, election fraud, dirty as a dog, Chicago-style Mob ACORN thug, then I'd be on a bus to crash a town hall meeting on health care right now.
When the individual speaks out - unaffiliated with a PAC or lobbyist they are called "extreme, racist, militia-type, hay seed and uneducated. The democrat leadership wants me to be silent. The voice of dissent so boldly and proudly displayed against Bush 43 is now immaterial and unpatriotic when it is voiced against a green horn President with ill-will in mind for me, my family, my job, my house, my property and my pursuit of happiness.
I'll illustrate with my surface observations of Obama's first 8 months in office. Please join me on a tour around my house and property while I illustrate:
1. I wake up on Sunday mornings at 6:00 am. I walk to the boy's room where they are sound asleep without a care in the world. I furrow the brow to think about the taxes they owe at their respective young ages and worry for their future. I worry about their education in a union dominated public school system where tenure is valued more than quality. I hope they have the same opportunities at success that remain for me. They want to raise taxes on the working class and keep education mediocre to protect unions.
2. I turn and leave to grab some breakfast down stairs. I think about the food I am about to eat and the fact that I carry an extra 50 lbs of manly fat. I remember hearing politicians talk about a fat tax on certain foods. I hear "experts" blame the fat for health care problems and high costs. I smell bacon and live another day in bliss.... Bacon control is an eeeevil idea.
3. My dear wife wakes up when my 1 year old daughter stirrs. They both come down; one blurry eyed and one bright eyed. They are the most beautiful things on earth. I think about how much my marriage to my wife has blessed my life. I want to preserve the definition of marriage. It isn't about hating anyone or depriving anyone of their rights - it's about an institution which pre-dates our constitution. Marriage is instituted of God and is not up for re-definition by mankind. They want to control my personal convictions of marriage and family.
4. Breakfast is done, my wife and kids are kissed and welcomed to another day - I'm ready to go outside. The first thing I see is my 2007 Polaris Dragon 900 with a 166" track. I think about how much fun this snow season will be and I hope for snow! However, the spectre of Global Warming looms over head. Then I see my wife's gas guzzling SUV with it's massive engine and impressive torque used for towing trailers, a boat and the family. All of these worldly possessions are harming the environment - they say. Cap and Trade is an Obamination. They want to control my life through my hobbies.
5. Then I make it outside to water the cows and check the irrigation. The ag. well has been working hard this summer to grow grass feed for the angus beef we have on the property. Water is a valuable commodity and I use all I can to ensure a healthy stock. They say fresh water around the globe is depleting. I am supposed to conserve. They want to control my water.
6. The cows have gas and belch a lot. I've covered this in a previous blog post - methane is a real noisy gas. They want to control the bodily functions of my bovine beauties.
7. My heartburn kicks in and I need a drink of water. My health is fine. I don't go to the doctor unless it is an emergency. They want to control my healthcare through reforms.
Lunch is almost over and I need to wrap this up. "They" is synonymous with "them" is synonymous with a group called "liberal". "I" is synonymous with "my and me" are synonymous with an INDIVIDUAL. All the things I have randomly mentioned are associated with my INDIVIDUAL life.
Who is out there willing to protect the rights of the INDIVIDUAL? I am convinced that the minority groups (if you are thinking about race here - then you are fixated on race and have no clue about Constitutional Content - you are likely a liberal) are attacking the individual in order to destroy me and my pursuit. Race has nothing to do with this - yet, I am a minority. I am an individual - hear me wheeze!!!!!!
If you answered a "skin color, sexual preference, religious affiliation, ethnic group or political group" - then you are most likely a liberal & you need to pay attention to what I am saying.
I have not contributed to this blog in the past few months while the collective whirlwinds of socialist driven legislation have encapsulated me, my family, my home, my property and my pursuit of happiness in a cloud of confining dust. This is like the terrible Black Blizzard in the 1930's. Hear me wheeze through it all ......
We live in a part of Idaho where a washboard dirt road greets us comming and going from our home. It's a stark contrast to the pearly paved gates of Capital Hill where the only dirt you'll find outside the well-manicured grounds is behind the ears of our politicians. I know their ears remain un-bathed simply because, they cannot hear us! Too much ear wax on the inside and too much dirt behind the lobe.
Ear wax is a good description for special interest groups. But to be up front - not all special interest groups are bad. For example, I am proud of my affiliation with the NRA. I guess if I was proud to be a rent-a-mob, election fraud, dirty as a dog, Chicago-style Mob ACORN thug, then I'd be on a bus to crash a town hall meeting on health care right now.
When the individual speaks out - unaffiliated with a PAC or lobbyist they are called "extreme, racist, militia-type, hay seed and uneducated. The democrat leadership wants me to be silent. The voice of dissent so boldly and proudly displayed against Bush 43 is now immaterial and unpatriotic when it is voiced against a green horn President with ill-will in mind for me, my family, my job, my house, my property and my pursuit of happiness.
I'll illustrate with my surface observations of Obama's first 8 months in office. Please join me on a tour around my house and property while I illustrate:
1. I wake up on Sunday mornings at 6:00 am. I walk to the boy's room where they are sound asleep without a care in the world. I furrow the brow to think about the taxes they owe at their respective young ages and worry for their future. I worry about their education in a union dominated public school system where tenure is valued more than quality. I hope they have the same opportunities at success that remain for me. They want to raise taxes on the working class and keep education mediocre to protect unions.
2. I turn and leave to grab some breakfast down stairs. I think about the food I am about to eat and the fact that I carry an extra 50 lbs of manly fat. I remember hearing politicians talk about a fat tax on certain foods. I hear "experts" blame the fat for health care problems and high costs. I smell bacon and live another day in bliss.... Bacon control is an eeeevil idea.
3. My dear wife wakes up when my 1 year old daughter stirrs. They both come down; one blurry eyed and one bright eyed. They are the most beautiful things on earth. I think about how much my marriage to my wife has blessed my life. I want to preserve the definition of marriage. It isn't about hating anyone or depriving anyone of their rights - it's about an institution which pre-dates our constitution. Marriage is instituted of God and is not up for re-definition by mankind. They want to control my personal convictions of marriage and family.
4. Breakfast is done, my wife and kids are kissed and welcomed to another day - I'm ready to go outside. The first thing I see is my 2007 Polaris Dragon 900 with a 166" track. I think about how much fun this snow season will be and I hope for snow! However, the spectre of Global Warming looms over head. Then I see my wife's gas guzzling SUV with it's massive engine and impressive torque used for towing trailers, a boat and the family. All of these worldly possessions are harming the environment - they say. Cap and Trade is an Obamination. They want to control my life through my hobbies.
5. Then I make it outside to water the cows and check the irrigation. The ag. well has been working hard this summer to grow grass feed for the angus beef we have on the property. Water is a valuable commodity and I use all I can to ensure a healthy stock. They say fresh water around the globe is depleting. I am supposed to conserve. They want to control my water.
6. The cows have gas and belch a lot. I've covered this in a previous blog post - methane is a real noisy gas. They want to control the bodily functions of my bovine beauties.
7. My heartburn kicks in and I need a drink of water. My health is fine. I don't go to the doctor unless it is an emergency. They want to control my healthcare through reforms.
Lunch is almost over and I need to wrap this up. "They" is synonymous with "them" is synonymous with a group called "liberal". "I" is synonymous with "my and me" are synonymous with an INDIVIDUAL. All the things I have randomly mentioned are associated with my INDIVIDUAL life.
Who is out there willing to protect the rights of the INDIVIDUAL? I am convinced that the minority groups (if you are thinking about race here - then you are fixated on race and have no clue about Constitutional Content - you are likely a liberal) are attacking the individual in order to destroy me and my pursuit. Race has nothing to do with this - yet, I am a minority. I am an individual - hear me wheeze!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Cattle Compromise
I've been feeling a tinge of environmental guilt since my recent outburst on facebook about the well-intentioned "turn off the lights" world effort to symbolically turn back global warming. I turned on all the lights in the house AND the barns including all the spot lights. I have sinned - I don't know who I can turn to for the sweet solace of global forgiveness - so I'll consider what the USDA and the EPA are considering....
In their righteous efforts to curb harmful greenhouse gas emissions from our eeeeevil capitalist nation - the USDA has encouraged the EPA to levy a tax on the cattle industry for methane emissions.
Now, to the uncircumsized and gentiles of the environmental religion, this would seem absurd - but to the prophets of green, this idea is good enough for a stone tablet! Let us examine the carnal and wicked lifestyle choices of cattle to understand why they are the target of this righteous indignation:
Cows eat a lot.
Cows do not excersise.
Cows are fat and fleshy.
Cows are conservative - they chew their cud several times and are not wasteful.
and of course - Cows emit large amounts of methane due to FLATULENCE and ERUCTATION (burping).
Since most lost souls have not embraced the culinary delights of soy burgers, soy milk, or even tofu - cattle will continue to be exploited for their tasty beef and refreshing milk. The by-product of these food staples for the gentile population is such a large amount of methane that our earth cannot handle the stench of it all!
I have to confess that in my personal pursuit for environmental excellence, I fall far short of perfection in the areas of Flatulence and Eructation - excuse me! I am only human!
Here is the great Cattle Compromise:
I propose that as a methane offset to the abundant supply of gas that my cattle are sure to produce, I will no longer consume the following items:
refried beans, cabbage, water, brocolli, chili, sauer kraut, Despo's (maybe), oatmeal, fritos, granola products, milk, cheese (especially processed cheese), diet coke, celery, bread, dog food, M&M's, jerky, cherry pie, apple juice, cheese burgers, corn, french fries, tater tots, onions, baked beans, fruit cake, smoked oisters, mutton, fry bread and jelly beans.
It is my sincere hope that through this compromise, our cattle may freely emit methane knowing that I am their voluntary offset. I am sure they will graze, chew, fart and poop much more eco-consciously knowing that I am an offset to this natural occurence.
I'm sure Jelina will be very excited about this as well.......
In their righteous efforts to curb harmful greenhouse gas emissions from our eeeeevil capitalist nation - the USDA has encouraged the EPA to levy a tax on the cattle industry for methane emissions.
Now, to the uncircumsized and gentiles of the environmental religion, this would seem absurd - but to the prophets of green, this idea is good enough for a stone tablet! Let us examine the carnal and wicked lifestyle choices of cattle to understand why they are the target of this righteous indignation:
Cows eat a lot.
Cows do not excersise.
Cows are fat and fleshy.
Cows are conservative - they chew their cud several times and are not wasteful.
and of course - Cows emit large amounts of methane due to FLATULENCE and ERUCTATION (burping).
Since most lost souls have not embraced the culinary delights of soy burgers, soy milk, or even tofu - cattle will continue to be exploited for their tasty beef and refreshing milk. The by-product of these food staples for the gentile population is such a large amount of methane that our earth cannot handle the stench of it all!
I have to confess that in my personal pursuit for environmental excellence, I fall far short of perfection in the areas of Flatulence and Eructation - excuse me! I am only human!
Here is the great Cattle Compromise:
I propose that as a methane offset to the abundant supply of gas that my cattle are sure to produce, I will no longer consume the following items:
refried beans, cabbage, water, brocolli, chili, sauer kraut, Despo's (maybe), oatmeal, fritos, granola products, milk, cheese (especially processed cheese), diet coke, celery, bread, dog food, M&M's, jerky, cherry pie, apple juice, cheese burgers, corn, french fries, tater tots, onions, baked beans, fruit cake, smoked oisters, mutton, fry bread and jelly beans.
It is my sincere hope that through this compromise, our cattle may freely emit methane knowing that I am their voluntary offset. I am sure they will graze, chew, fart and poop much more eco-consciously knowing that I am an offset to this natural occurence.
I'm sure Jelina will be very excited about this as well.......
Sunday, March 22, 2009
March Madness Bailout
Why is March Madness for the NCAA basketball tournament soo popular in the ratings for people like me who have not watched a single solitary minute of college basketball all season until now? Perhaps it is the raw competition without the slightest interference from polls or computers generating results - the results are for the players to determine. They have their fate in their shoes when they take the court and they know it! It is the love of the game that I respect in these incredible athletes and honest results.
For this year's NCAA basketball tournament - I filled out the compulsory tournament bracket in about 20 seconds (thanks for making it easy, Jake). I don't remember many of my picks other than BYU was a definite loser to Texas A&M. At the end of the first few days - to my horror and dismay all Utah teams (BYU, UofU, and Utah State) lost in the first round. This is completely unacceptable and devastating to Utah basketball . The unfairness of it all settled in and I am very angry. Why should one state be singled out with such a dismal appearance at the big dance with 100% losses while other teams like Duke and North Carolina continue to win every year? I thought sports were supposed to be fair? This is nothing more than basketball greed and corruption at the highest rim. I demand that Obama step in here and re-instate Utah State University to the tournament IMMEDIATELY. They only lost by one point and this should be considered a win for them considering that they played sooo hard. This is a crisis and if something isn't done immediately, the results to Logan Utah's already fragile self image is at risk of catastrophe. What else is in Logan besides Utah State University? It just isn't fair.
I feel compelled to petition Barrack Obama - for a bailout of Aggie Basketball. Here are my demands:
1. Reinstate Utah State into the tournament immediately by kicking out Duke or North Carolina - they have both had their fair share of wins in the past and do not NEED another one! They'll be fine without another win in the tournament. Utah State deserves it more!
2. For the first 20 minutes of the remaining games, all the points scored by Utah State's opponents will be given to Utah State to guarantee that the tournament is fairly looked after in terms of points earned.
3. For all other teams who score 100 points or more - they will be summarily kicked out of the tournament for excessive greed in point earnings.
4. Any players who score above 10 points will need to share all future points and statistics with the towel boy and bench warmers who never have the chance of playing in the game.
5. All referees will be allowed to change scores and make up new fouls when fouls do not exist in the NCAA rule books just to punish a winning team or keep a losing team in the game.
a. A new foul will be instituted: when a ball hits "nothin' but net" the points will be given to the other team b/c no one should be allowed to exhibit such perfection in this sport.
6. All fans must pay twice the normal tickets costs because teams like Utah State need hotel and food money to continue their losing pursuit of perfection.
7. All players who feel at any time that the stress of the game is just too much to bear can hold up a red card (issued to all) and ask for 'a personal reflection time out' - time to catch their breath - time to calm down - time to get their head back in the game - time to give hugs to the other team and apologize for any fouls they have committed or even thought about committing.
8. At the conclusion of the game, the opponent with the fewest points may still win depending upon an open ballot system of voting among the fans. This will be perfectly fair and transparent. Second chances are needed when a team like Utah State only loses by one measley point. Why should one point separate winners from losers.
If the NCAA were run like Obama's administration aims to run our country - there would be equality and fairness for all in the tournament. The dirtly little secret about Obama's dangerous ideas are that the equity and fairness they are pursuing is this: all will be equally miserable.
Sorry Duke and North Carolina - you don't need any more wins - it's time to get out of the way and share the tournament with Utah State University.
If you think this is absurd - what I am demanding, consider how the tournament is a raw exhibition of talent, hard work and competition! That's what I remember about America! Any time the government tries to fix something - it makes it worse. Thank goodness the government hasn't messed up the NCAA basketball tournament yet.
For this year's NCAA basketball tournament - I filled out the compulsory tournament bracket in about 20 seconds (thanks for making it easy, Jake). I don't remember many of my picks other than BYU was a definite loser to Texas A&M. At the end of the first few days - to my horror and dismay all Utah teams (BYU, UofU, and Utah State) lost in the first round. This is completely unacceptable and devastating to Utah basketball . The unfairness of it all settled in and I am very angry. Why should one state be singled out with such a dismal appearance at the big dance with 100% losses while other teams like Duke and North Carolina continue to win every year? I thought sports were supposed to be fair? This is nothing more than basketball greed and corruption at the highest rim. I demand that Obama step in here and re-instate Utah State University to the tournament IMMEDIATELY. They only lost by one point and this should be considered a win for them considering that they played sooo hard. This is a crisis and if something isn't done immediately, the results to Logan Utah's already fragile self image is at risk of catastrophe. What else is in Logan besides Utah State University? It just isn't fair.
I feel compelled to petition Barrack Obama - for a bailout of Aggie Basketball. Here are my demands:
1. Reinstate Utah State into the tournament immediately by kicking out Duke or North Carolina - they have both had their fair share of wins in the past and do not NEED another one! They'll be fine without another win in the tournament. Utah State deserves it more!
2. For the first 20 minutes of the remaining games, all the points scored by Utah State's opponents will be given to Utah State to guarantee that the tournament is fairly looked after in terms of points earned.
3. For all other teams who score 100 points or more - they will be summarily kicked out of the tournament for excessive greed in point earnings.
4. Any players who score above 10 points will need to share all future points and statistics with the towel boy and bench warmers who never have the chance of playing in the game.
5. All referees will be allowed to change scores and make up new fouls when fouls do not exist in the NCAA rule books just to punish a winning team or keep a losing team in the game.
a. A new foul will be instituted: when a ball hits "nothin' but net" the points will be given to the other team b/c no one should be allowed to exhibit such perfection in this sport.
6. All fans must pay twice the normal tickets costs because teams like Utah State need hotel and food money to continue their losing pursuit of perfection.
7. All players who feel at any time that the stress of the game is just too much to bear can hold up a red card (issued to all) and ask for 'a personal reflection time out' - time to catch their breath - time to calm down - time to get their head back in the game - time to give hugs to the other team and apologize for any fouls they have committed or even thought about committing.
8. At the conclusion of the game, the opponent with the fewest points may still win depending upon an open ballot system of voting among the fans. This will be perfectly fair and transparent. Second chances are needed when a team like Utah State only loses by one measley point. Why should one point separate winners from losers.
If the NCAA were run like Obama's administration aims to run our country - there would be equality and fairness for all in the tournament. The dirtly little secret about Obama's dangerous ideas are that the equity and fairness they are pursuing is this: all will be equally miserable.
Sorry Duke and North Carolina - you don't need any more wins - it's time to get out of the way and share the tournament with Utah State University.
If you think this is absurd - what I am demanding, consider how the tournament is a raw exhibition of talent, hard work and competition! That's what I remember about America! Any time the government tries to fix something - it makes it worse. Thank goodness the government hasn't messed up the NCAA basketball tournament yet.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
DOORNIYE DELAH loosely translated from Russian is: Mischevious Doings
There is no way to stop the Doorniye Delah going on in Washington D.C. I have accepted that most of what I am hearing and reading is like some twisted sitcom.
Russians know this - in fact their Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin took time out of his busy dictatorial schedule practicing martial arts, puttin his pinky in the corner of his mouth, attending ABBA cover band concerts and invading small neighboring countries to WARN THE UNITED STATES AGAINST EMBRACING SOCIALISM. "It must brrreak you" - use the Draggo accent from the Rocky movie and read that quote again ...
I'll admit that I threw up in my mouth a little when the irony of this statement from a KGB Operative hit me square in my throbbing head. I have several buckets strategically placed next to my bed for such occaisions when - in the middle of the night - I am compelled to barf for a multitude of reasons: work, underwater house in CO, work, selling an underwater house in CO, work, work, AND A BOLD FACED COMMUNIST LECTURING OUR PRESIDENT ABOUT NOT EMBRACING SOCIALSM, and yet one more bucket for work.
I am oddly not surprised by the notion that Mother Russia is playing their cards right in all this with Her congenial offering of caution against repeating Her mistakes - and there are many. I'll name only a few:
1. Socialized Health Care: The median life expectancy for a Russian Male is barely in their mid Fifties. That's one way to solve Social Security - kill 'em off right after retirement..... maybe the Rooskies have this one figured out after all......
2. Central Banking - Nationalized Banking. Most Russians keep their money fluid. Try sleeping on their mattresses - they are guaranteed to be really mushy with cash.
3. Central Planing of Infrastructure - From what I remember, their roads are about the equivalent to the logging road we rummaged up to find our Christmas tree this year. Oh, and socialists require permits for everything - like Christmas Trees, but that's already accepted here.
4. Central Planning of all business. A government should not pick winners and losers and then punish the winners. It makes no sense to me. It is canibalistic. Russia needs a strong U.S. economy and they see ours heading for the crapper - a 30 golf ball size flush!
5. Punishment, abuse, neglect, and absolute rejection of achievement. Equality of result - HOLD ON - I NEED TO PUKE AGAIN!
Trust me, I can go on but I'll stop here - you get the point......
It is crazy to support this American Brand of Socialism. It is crazy to support Obama in all this! Socialism destroys the soul of mankind - equality of result is pure evil. Putin knows it well.
God Bless America - we'll need His help getting through the next 25 years - a full generation to clean this up.
There is no way to stop the Doorniye Delah going on in Washington D.C. I have accepted that most of what I am hearing and reading is like some twisted sitcom.
Russians know this - in fact their Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin took time out of his busy dictatorial schedule practicing martial arts, puttin his pinky in the corner of his mouth, attending ABBA cover band concerts and invading small neighboring countries to WARN THE UNITED STATES AGAINST EMBRACING SOCIALISM. "It must brrreak you" - use the Draggo accent from the Rocky movie and read that quote again ...
I'll admit that I threw up in my mouth a little when the irony of this statement from a KGB Operative hit me square in my throbbing head. I have several buckets strategically placed next to my bed for such occaisions when - in the middle of the night - I am compelled to barf for a multitude of reasons: work, underwater house in CO, work, selling an underwater house in CO, work, work, AND A BOLD FACED COMMUNIST LECTURING OUR PRESIDENT ABOUT NOT EMBRACING SOCIALSM, and yet one more bucket for work.
I am oddly not surprised by the notion that Mother Russia is playing their cards right in all this with Her congenial offering of caution against repeating Her mistakes - and there are many. I'll name only a few:
1. Socialized Health Care: The median life expectancy for a Russian Male is barely in their mid Fifties. That's one way to solve Social Security - kill 'em off right after retirement..... maybe the Rooskies have this one figured out after all......
2. Central Banking - Nationalized Banking. Most Russians keep their money fluid. Try sleeping on their mattresses - they are guaranteed to be really mushy with cash.
3. Central Planing of Infrastructure - From what I remember, their roads are about the equivalent to the logging road we rummaged up to find our Christmas tree this year. Oh, and socialists require permits for everything - like Christmas Trees, but that's already accepted here.
4. Central Planning of all business. A government should not pick winners and losers and then punish the winners. It makes no sense to me. It is canibalistic. Russia needs a strong U.S. economy and they see ours heading for the crapper - a 30 golf ball size flush!
5. Punishment, abuse, neglect, and absolute rejection of achievement. Equality of result - HOLD ON - I NEED TO PUKE AGAIN!
Trust me, I can go on but I'll stop here - you get the point......
It is crazy to support this American Brand of Socialism. It is crazy to support Obama in all this! Socialism destroys the soul of mankind - equality of result is pure evil. Putin knows it well.
God Bless America - we'll need His help getting through the next 25 years - a full generation to clean this up.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Bring it on.
One week into his Presidency - there are some very scary things boiling up in Barry's Brew.
1. The Stimulus plan looks more like a Spending Bill where only about 12 cents of every dollar can actually be credited to Stimulus. It's just pork. If this goes through - it will be my grandchildren paying this off.
2. The Treasury secretary is a confessed tax evader in charge of the IRS.
3. The Secertary of State has more conflicts of interest in conducting international relations than any before her.
4. The President of the Unites States met with Congressional Republicans and told them "not to listen to Rush Limbaugh."
Rush Limbaugh cannot sign a paper and increase my taxes, fund pro-abortion organizations, promote global warming legislation, give billions to banks, auto makers, or any other former capitalist venture gone begging for money.
I am absolutely indignant that a man as shallow as Barry is President and calls out a private citizen for a quasi-censure.
Why is Obama soo afraid of a private citizen? It's pretty simple: if Obama does not get Republican support for his spending bill - then the republicans will run on the certain failure of this bill in the next election cycle. It is sure to fail and Obama's idea of bipartisan support is shared blame when it fails. In all honesty - who can take a serious look at history and conclude that gov't spending will help right now? FDR proved that gov't intervention prolongs recession periods. FDR's programs didn't create prosperity - AMERICANS DID. This New New Deal is a bad idea.
5. The Democrat party set up an on line petition for people to file written complaints against Rush Limbaugh for his unkind words "I hope he fails" in response to the overwhelming positive reception to Barry's new administration.
I have been clear since I looked into Barry's platform that he is dangerous for our country. I guess this makes me a target for him and his anti-free speech Democrat Party.
I am honored to be on the right side of our Constitution in my political speech while elected officials and party officials try to silence dissent.
Bring it on.
1. The Stimulus plan looks more like a Spending Bill where only about 12 cents of every dollar can actually be credited to Stimulus. It's just pork. If this goes through - it will be my grandchildren paying this off.
2. The Treasury secretary is a confessed tax evader in charge of the IRS.
3. The Secertary of State has more conflicts of interest in conducting international relations than any before her.
4. The President of the Unites States met with Congressional Republicans and told them "not to listen to Rush Limbaugh."
Rush Limbaugh cannot sign a paper and increase my taxes, fund pro-abortion organizations, promote global warming legislation, give billions to banks, auto makers, or any other former capitalist venture gone begging for money.
I am absolutely indignant that a man as shallow as Barry is President and calls out a private citizen for a quasi-censure.
Why is Obama soo afraid of a private citizen? It's pretty simple: if Obama does not get Republican support for his spending bill - then the republicans will run on the certain failure of this bill in the next election cycle. It is sure to fail and Obama's idea of bipartisan support is shared blame when it fails. In all honesty - who can take a serious look at history and conclude that gov't spending will help right now? FDR proved that gov't intervention prolongs recession periods. FDR's programs didn't create prosperity - AMERICANS DID. This New New Deal is a bad idea.
5. The Democrat party set up an on line petition for people to file written complaints against Rush Limbaugh for his unkind words "I hope he fails" in response to the overwhelming positive reception to Barry's new administration.
I have been clear since I looked into Barry's platform that he is dangerous for our country. I guess this makes me a target for him and his anti-free speech Democrat Party.
I am honored to be on the right side of our Constitution in my political speech while elected officials and party officials try to silence dissent.
Bring it on.
My apologies to Barry
I watched the oath of office again and I owe Barry an apology. The Honorable Chief Justice did make the initial mistake and it was not Barry's fault. Sorry.
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