Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yikes... my bad

So I'm really bad at this whole blogging thing... I must not think our life is very interesting.  But wait, it actually is!  Austin graduated magna cum laude from the #1 accounting school!  He even spoke at the business school convocation, which was AWESOME!!!  I got to sit on the stand with him too!  He sounded just like a GA!  Both our families were there and it was way fun to celebrate with everyone.  I also had my senior organ recital in the Provo Tabernacle, which went very well!  Next stop, Conference Center!  Ok, yeah right.

We're just chillin in Provo waiting for me to finish spring semester.  But then we're outta here!  We'll be heading to Los Angeles for a weekend to drop off all of our junk, then off to Houston for a week!  Then we're flying to New York with Austin's family to tour for a couple of days before Austin starts his training for UBS.  Austin will then remain there for about 6 weeks while I go back to LA to find a job and an apartment.  Yikes.  That's way too much responsibility for me.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Austin is the best!

So Austin surprised me last Friday night by taking me to the Rascal Flatts concert!!! He even got us on the 6th row!!!! It was so much fun! I knew every single song... unfortunately Austin only knew a couple, but he was a good sport! And I love him for it! It was the best surprise ever. Except, of course, his proposal. :) I wish I had known to bring my camera though!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Just starting out...

So we thought we should get into the swing of things and make a blog. Okay, I was just reading someone else's blog and realized I didn't know how they work or even how to get I thought doing was the best way to learn so here we are.

We are still chugging along here in Provo, happily married and happily awaiting graduation. Stay tuned for updates in the future...hopefully we will get our wedding pictures soon!