Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Timo has been into drawing Spider-man constantly in the last month or so. This illustrates what I mean by constantly. For the Christmas season, his prekindergarten class had the kids each decorate a paper gingerbread man. This is Timo's final product. I loved it so much that I just had to post it for you all to see. It will always remind us of his "love for Spider-man" stage. Merry Christmas to you all!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanksgiving at Kate's

The kids loved spending time with auntie Kate. Anna Bella still wonders where she is and wants to see her now and then.

She took the kids to the nearby pond to feed the ducks. They thought that was pretty cool.

I caught some action shots of the kids swinging at a nearby park. We were trying to get some wriggles out.

Fun at the Houston Aquarium! We some some cool fish! Despite the fact that she isn't a big fan of motion rides, auntie Kate took a ride with Timo and Bella at Timo's request. Thanks auntie Kate!

Anna Bella's first time really getting into olives at our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner prepared by Sarah and Kate. Good job to both of you. Just so you know, this is the face Anna pulls anytime we ask her to say "cheese" for a photo. It was great spending time with Kate at her beautiful apartment. We had a lot of fun! Thank you for letting us come and invade for a few days Kate! Merry Christmas to everyone this week!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

We got a surprise visit from Lew. He had a five hour flight delay at the KC airport so we went and picked him up. A nice benefit that comes with living so close to the airport. We had a good visit. Anna Bella warmed right up to him. She enjoyed some reading time with him. She loves to read! We like surprise visits!! Or planned ones. Hint, hint.

Friday, October 31, 2008

We had a fun time at the famous American Royal BBQ for our first time this year. They had a fun little "feed the animals" exhibit. The kids had a lot of fun as you can see. Timo was a little nervous at first but he got used to it. Anna Bella never quite got used to it but she was brave. I only wish we had a little more time to indulge in all the award winning BBQ. I did enjoy a really good pulled pork sandwich though. October 4, 2008

Timothy had a great time picking apples on his field trip to the Alldredge Apple Orchard!

Anna Bella liked it too!

Then they got to go on a hay ride!

They loved holding the kitties...

...and feeding the animals!

Fun times with Timothy's Preschool class! September 30, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sun Safari at Kansas City Zoo

I won free tickets to the Sun Safari at the Kansas City Zoo. The kids really liked the free rides. Anna Bella's favorite was the Carousel. She loved the pink flamingo! She did not want to get off. Timothy's favorite was the train ride. Though when we finally convinced him to ride the on the carousel, he really liked it. But it had to be on the tiger for some reason. We had a great time! For journal or documentation purposes I think these pictures were taken Sept. 26, 2008.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bathtime Fun

Timothy loves it when mom makes silly sculptures out of Anna Bella's hair. I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago and I finally took the time to share them with you. Hopefully soon, we will get a new camera so I can post better quality photos than what my camera phone produces. I guess any photo is better than no photo, right?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Funny Face Fun!

Sarah worries she isn't the best mother because she is so busy with residency. I have to disagree with that. She is an amazing mother! One example, is how much fun she has with the kids. She's a lot funner than I ever am. Here is an example. Timo was finishing up his dinner in the kitchen and heard giggling up stairs. When Timo hears such giggling, he has to know what's going on. So, he dropped everything to go find out what was so funny. Turns out, Sarah and Anna Bella were taking turns making funny faces at each other. Anna Bella thought it was the funniest thing. Of course Timo thought it was even funnier so he had to be a part of it. It turned into at least a half hour of funny faces and laughter. I just had to get pictures!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ballerina Bella

A week or so ago I captured this moment when Anna Bella was admiring herself in her little "Lily Anna for Girls" tutu a friend of mine gave her when she was born. His wife makes them. Isn't our little Ballerina adorable. I like to thinks so.

I took this photo because I just thought she looked cute sitting there. No special reason.

Here, if you look closely, she had got into a kids watercolor paint set and painted her face up a bit. What cute girls I get to spend my life with. You may find that I randomly post photos simply because I think they're cute, without a great story or reason. It's fun.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sleeping Buddy

Timothy has rediscovered his love for his gummy's music in the last couple of weeks. He listens to it during play time, bed time, quiet time, relaxation time, etc. You name it, he's listening. He has to be close to the CD player so he can listen to his favorite songs over and over. He loves to hum along with his favorite intros and melodies. He's even starting to sing along with some of the lyrics as he becomes more familiar with them. Last night, he said "Dad listen, this is my favorite part," as he sang along with the bridge to "Broken," a song from her album "Pontiac Rocket." It was sweet. About the photo, it's pretty much impossible to make a 5 year old take a nap, so we started what we call "relaxation time," time when he quietly listens to music, reads books, etc. Yesterday, I peaked in to check on him, and he had fallen asleep on the floor, next to the CD player, listening to gummy's music. I had to capture the moment. Precious.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Timothy's 1st Week of Pre-K / Visiting Mommy

Timothy had his first week of Pre-K last week at Second Friends Preschool. They are helping the kids get use to being dropped off and picked up out front. Here, Timo was heading to the car last Friday after realizing I had arrived to pick him up. He's getting to be such a big boy! Sniffle, Sniffle.

We love to go visit mommy at Children's Mercy Hospital. The hospital has a really fun park that the kids love to play at when we're there. Here's Anna Bella after climbing on this dinosaur for a ride. Yeeehaaa!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Yogurt Fun Fest

I'm learning lessons about leaving kids unsupervised for even a moment. So, I hear giggling in the kitchen. What could be happening that is so much fun? Well, Timothy decided to cover Anna's hair (and his) in yogurt. As you can see, the yogurt in Timo's hair is not as noticeable as it is in Anna's. What a mess! Though it was a bit frustrating, I couldn't help but capture the moment. I told Dan about it and he mentioned it might be something we could use in the song we're writing called "Love 'Em Where They're At." Anyway, I guess it's just one of the joys of being a stay at home dad for a while.