Monday, June 15, 2009

Say What?

I've always said that Peter and I are not "pet" people but now we have four hens and a bunny. We're still getting to know her. She's a 1-year-old, spayed female, cute, soft, and hard to catch. We found her on Craigslist for free. Her name is still somewhat undecided. Taylor says, "Sandy"; Peter says, "Cassidy"; Karen says, "Flopsy"; and Lauryn called her "Bunny Hop" today. What do you say?

The Preschool Graduate

A Trip to Rockridge

Mom and Bren were here last Monday on their way to New York. We took the BART to Rockridge and checked out the various shops on College Ave. Mom found her old apartment from when she was in Berkeley. I only have a few pictures from the day.
Lauryn slept from when we got off the BART until we returned to the station to come home. Bren got stuck carrying her the whole time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cute Things my Kids have Said Recently

"The goodest thing you can put on when you're getting ready is a smile." --Taylor, while getting herself dressed for preschool.

Lauryn Language: "My butt sticking up," translation: My underwear is crawling up my bum. Usually caused by it being on backwards. (see previous post)

"My hair sticking up," translation: My hair is in my eyes. Yes, she needs a haircut because she won't keep clips in. I refuse to let my sister to cut it. (see previous post)

"I wanna moon," translation: I want more. Usually said while eating or drinking.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


We went to Fairyland in Oakland on Friday with Taylor's preschool. I found out that Fairyland, which opened in 1950, was the inspiration behind Disneyland. Taylor and Kaia climbing trees before entering the park.
Laruyn showing off her skater stance; or is she catching a wave?

I did it!

Climbing down the pirate ship.

A Dazed Dorothy

The Good Witch

A Merry-Go-Round for little kids. Just not as little as Lauryn. She was bummed to miss out.

Taylor's favorite: The Dragon Slide.

I'm Tired of Being a Grownup

Taylor has been really helpful around the house lately. It started about a week ago when she took on the role of a second mom to Lauryn, cleaned up the dining room after breakfast and lunch, and put the chickens away, all without being asked. She was of course rewarded with lots of praise and encouragement from her parents. A few days ago I asked her to try to put the chickens away like she did so well before. She was up in her room playing with Laruyn at the time and she responded with a big sigh and said, "Mom...I'm tired of being a grownup." When I told this story to Peter he said, "I'm tired of being a grownup too."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Murphy's Law

When Taylor was about two, I remember a friend of ours thought it was incredible that she put her shoes on correctly most of the time. He said even though they have a 50% chance of getting it right, most kids get it wrong 90% of the time. Well, Lauryn falls into the "most kids" category. Not only does she get her shoes mixed up, but her underwear, pants, and shirt are usually on backwards...and sometimes inside out. Today was no exception.