ku lontarkan pandangan pada pepatung....
"naga terbang" dalam bahasa penjajah
bebas terbang .. tanpa memikirkan cabaran
melalui kehidupan sebagai khalifah....
banyak bebanan.. banyak tanggungan... banyak amanah yang dipikulnya
bukan kerelaan diri hendak menjadi khalifah..
ditawarkan kepada gunung-ganang,jin dan sekelian makhluk..
tapi tuhan tetap juga mmberikan amanah khalifah kepada manusia..
walaupon DIA tahu.. manusia akan melakukan kehancuran...
tetapi.... semuanya ada hikmah disebalik semua itu...
ku dongak kelangit..
bebaring di kerusi buruk...
seburuk usianya... secekal pengalamanya...
telah banyak mmberikan ilham kepada sang manusia
kurenung,... tembus nun disebalik awan...
menafsirkan erti kehidupan mendatang....
erti kehidupan pada manusia...
aku hanya mmpu berfikir...
tak punya kuasa mengubah mereka..
yang ku mmpu hanyalah berdoa..
agar diriku dan sekelian insan...
mendapat rahmat daripadanya....
amin ya rabbal a'lamin....
Friday, March 20, 2009
apa yang ku fikir...
Posted by ahlong_13 at 3/20/2009 11:55:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
kesan "boikot"
agak lama juga saya tidak mengemaskini blog aku... mana tidaknya...banyak benda yang kena buat,lagi2 jadi student final year ni, final year project, dan macam2 lagi...
tapi... lepas nampak banner yg tergantung kat sebuah pasaraya bumiputra yang popular kat perlis ni,aku baru terpikir begitu dahsyatnya kuasa beli org islam kat malaysia ni... banner tu tulis leih kurang camni "promosi nestle 1 feb-31 mac".... disebalik banner tu aku dah boleh fikir,oleh kerana produk nestle tak laku.. so.. diorang nak buat promosi barangan diorang,just sajer nak abiskan stok barangan diorang,yer ar, aper tidaknya,kalau tak terjual brang tu lama2 jadi expired,kalau terjual atleastlehjadi duit....
satu lagi cerita aku nak share.... ader kat satu akhbar ni,aku ader terbaca tapi tak ingat, tapi ni pasal McD.. eperti yg kita tau, McD ni dalah kroni yahudi.. kat malaysia ni pown banyak gak McD,akhbar yg aku baca ni tertera McD mmpromote diorang nyer kebaikan, antaranya... diorang tulis yang McD ni ader banyak menolong org2 susah, anak yatim dan sbagainya, kalau tak silap aku.. patu diorang tulis lagi yang McD ni telah mmberikan peluang pekerjaan kepada warga Malaysia
kesimpulannya.... pemboikotan barangan ni memang berhasil.. walaupown ader sesetengah pihak melihat tindakan kita in adalah sangat sedikit, tetapi bagi aku ianya mmberi kesan yg sangat besar kepada mereka.... dengan cara ini, akan lahirlah lebih banyak peniaga2 islam yang muncul,dengan cara ini kita mestilah menyokong penuh peniaga2 islam ini... dengan cara ini,kita bukan sahaja mmboikoi barangan yahudi.. tetapi meningkatkn ekonomi orang islam... insya allah, satu hari nnti islam akan gah di persada antarabangsa...
Posted by ahlong_13 at 3/19/2009 09:32:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Suluhkan Sinar lyrics
Bayangkan hanya berbumbung langit
Berdinding sekadar angin
Kerana syurga mereka telah dimamah bencana
Satu harta yang tinggal.hanya nyawa
Bayangkan semua insan tercinta
Dirampas sekelip mata hilang entah ke mana
Nisan pun tiada tempatnya
Warisan keluarga hanya pada nama
Oh Tuhan.beri ketabahan hati mereka
Menempuhi dugaan yang melanda
Kita sesama manusia turut mendoakan
Agar Kau suluhkan sinar dan harapan
Ketika kita bersyukur dilindung
Ada mereka diselubung pilu
Mengharungi hidup bergantung pada simpati
'Masa depan' hanya sejauh esok hari
Oh Tuhan.beri ketabahan hati mereka
Menempuhi dugaan yang melanda
Kita sesama manusia turut mendoakan
Agar Kau suluhkan sinar dan harapan
Posted by ahlong_13 at 3/10/2009 03:02:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Tips on Crafting that Online Resume
The difference between the electronic resume and the printed version is who -- or what -- gets to see it first. The job hunter wanting to post online must first understand this difference before he can prepare a resume suited for an electronic medium.
Without question, the Internet has revolutionized all aspects of modern living -- business operations, information gathering, the communication process, even how we pay our bills. Now, the Internet is even reshaping the hiring landscape.
Just as you can now conveniently use the computer to shop or pay online, so can you use it to send your resume to potential employers.
The electronic resume does not differ from the traditional printed version in purpose: Both are powerful selling tools that outline your work skills and experience so an employer can see, at a glance, how you can contribute to the company's growth.
A marked difference
There is, however, a marked difference in who -- or what -- gets to see it first: While the old-fashioned resume is written for quick skimming by the human eye, the Web -- or scannable -- resume is written to be searched by the digital eye. The job hunter wanting to post online must first understand this difference before he can craft a resume suited for an electronic environment.
You may well ask: Is there really a need to prepare an electronic resume? With almost everything now being done via the Net, it would be foolish not to do so.
An electronic resume is vital in today's times because an increasing number of businesses have started using the Internet for hiring purposes. In fact, about 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies reportedly already have a Web hiring presence, and the US-based research firm Internet Business Network estimates there are about 100,000 job-related sites online.
And online recruitment isn't likely to fade away anytime soon either. For hiring managers, it represents convenience, efficiency and 24-hour connection to the job market.
“With automated resume submission, we are sure that we get the maximum number of applicants. We can reach out to as many prospective applicants as possible,” stresses Dona Yap, the personnel head of a computer firm.
With an electronic resume, therefore, you are well poised to take advantage of this boom in Internet hiring and send your e-resume instantaneously to any potential employer in any part of the world.
That is exactly what Singapore-bound freelance writer Vernie Reyes, who has been accepted as editor of a technical magazine there, did. “The Internet is truly amazing. I just filled in my resume details and applied online. To my surprise, they contacted me, and eventually hired me for the job,” she narrates.
Still need convincing?, the leading e-recruitment site in the Asia-Pacific region, receives many success testimonials from jobseekers, saying they were able to land a job after registering their resumes with the website.
Making a Web-compatible resume
Okay, you're finally sold to the idea. Your next question: How do I make a Web-compatible resume that will impress the digital recruiter?
Reyes, a veteran at online job application, says there are two ways of submitting your electronic resume: by direct e-mail to a hiring firm or by filling an electronic form and entering it in an online resume bank.
Most companies rely on Internet career sites to help them make jobseeker matches. What's important to remember is that well-established websites usually have automated recruitment-management software that winnows the resumes against predetermined employment standards.
At, for instance, SiVA does automated searches and segregates resumes based on keywords that indicate the candidate's skill, education, knowledge levels and other specific standards set by the hiring employer. This enables the employer to save a sizable amount of time traditionally spent going through each resume and separating the qualified from the unqualified.
Focus on nouns
Programmer Ruby Alcala says that knowing this, you must remember to focus on nouns, not verbs. “Computers do searches by scanning your resume for keywords and phrases describing skills and work experience needed for the job -- and most of these are nouns,” Alcala says.
But while buzzwords are important don't forget the human aspect of your resume as well. “Buzzwords help a lot in the initial scanning stage, but make sure you balance this with a description of your personality and attitude intended for human eyes,” says recruitment officer Tristan Ocampo.
This is because after the computer has done an initial search and drawn up the shortlist of qualified applicants, an HR officer will be the next to handle your resume. So be sure to include in it as well your competitive human qualities such as dependability, responsibility and initiative.
“If you wish to increase your selection chances, highlight relevant and related accomplishments,” Ocampo says. Avoid potential screen-out elements such as unrelated work experiences or a list of brief jobs giving the impression you're a job hopper.
Save as plain text
On the file format, job seekers are enjoined to send their Web resumes in plain ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Exchange) text format to ensure all operating systems can read your resumé.
Some job seekers also develop resumes in HTML format so they can exist as a web page, and rather than submit an online resume, the applicant can just direct the employer to its URL address.
When you are asked to submit by e-mail, always paste your resume into the body of an e-mail message. Attachments are not recommended, not only because the recipient's operating system may not be able to read it, but also because most employers are wary of them for fear of contracting viruses.
Protecting your privacy
Now you know what it takes to tailor-fit a resume for the electronic medium. But one last thing before you hit that send button: Be warned that once released on the Web, your resume is fair game for browsing by anyone. So if you feel the need to protect your privacy, career counselor Pinky Madrigal suggests indicating only your e-mail address, withholding your personal address and phone number.
“Remember that once posted, your resume becomes a public document whose readership is beyond your control,” Madrigal says.
Or, you can choose a career resource website that asks your permission first before your resume is released for viewing., for instance, has the Truste seal which guarantees privacy and confidentiality for registered resumes. In essence, the jobseeker has the final say on who to send the resume to or who shall have access to its contents.
With that in mind, start posting those online resumes!
Posted by ahlong_13 at 3/09/2009 03:43:00 PM 0 comments