Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Cake of a working Woman...

We had a birthday party for Sean down in Lewiston, John and Theresa made a great Roast and Potato dinner. Sean said he wanted meat and his mom's cookin for his birthday dinner. Cailin Made this very cute.. I mean Manly cake for him. (P.S. the cake does not say 33 it says 3 to the third =)
Then in Moscow we had a few friends over and had "cake".

See how happy everyone was!

Aliah was the entertainment.

It wasn't actually a cake, it was a graham cracker, marshmallow, chocolate rice crispy treat thing. That is what Sean called the working womens cake! I had really wanted to make him a fancy cake, one called Candy Bar Cake. We had tried at at Isaac and Abby's 1st birthday and really liked it. I had even gotten the recipe from Melinda, bought all the ingredients, but when it came time to make it, I just ran out of time. Sean told me that was ok, that I was a "working woman" and he found a very simple rice crispy treat recipe to make. Therefore the "Working Woman's Cake" I love him.

Miss. Aliha as Mrs. Potato Head

That's it. The start to another great year in the life of Sean Gregory Penberthy.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Six Lake Basin

So this is us.... the hard core backpacking crew!!! Sean, Anna, Jake, and Suz.... yeah, we're pretty hard core =)
A few weekends ago we went backpacking at the southern edge of Hells Canyon Wilderness (look at the sign behind us) we went into Six Lake Basin.

Jake and Susannah

Did I mention this was Susannah's first time backpacking?!!!!! Here we are at the trail head, Jake and Sean were pulling on Susannah's backpack straps, practically pulling her over to get it just right.

We started at the lake in this picture (Black Lake), we hiked up and up ....

This is the hill side on the way up, it was so red! This picture does not do the red color justice.

The sign marking the trail to Six Lake Basin.

Another pretty picture of Idaho.

On a short break Susannah made a friend.

Jake likes to play with fire, and he has a beard.

This is the lake we camped at the second night.

So poor Sus got stung, jake thought it might just be better to cut off her leg....luckily Anna with extensive medical training reasoned him out of that idea. You're welcome Susannah. =)

Can you see that speck way out there in the middle of the lake??? That is Jake and Susannah on a "homemade" raft.

Another beautiful picture

Jake only partially fell in once...they even had home made paddles.

Cute pic.

So my husband is a hard worker, and he likes big fires. Always when we are backpacking, the first thing he does is goes and finds wood, and cuts it up. He wouldn't go anywhere without that saw. So while he gathers and cuts wood, I set up the tent and go about other setting up duties. I am grateful Sean takes his responsibility to keep me warm very seriously.

Our camp.

My old man... or is that old mans beard? (you'll get that joke dad)
I fished quite a bit, but no luck. But as always it felt so good.

Jake was a natural fly fisher man.

Sean's not such a bad fisherman himself.

If you can see... Jake and Sus are climbing up this rocky slope.

Black lake on the hike out.

Jake especially loved this HUGE bolder...pretty impress.

All in all it was a wonderful trip. Beautifully warm weather, great scenery, great company. It was probably our last backpacking trip of the summer, it's getting cold up here in Moscow now.