There's a hole in my pocket
Oh. My. Gawwwd.
I've always joked about premenstrual syndrome and all, like I'd always say Pn. Manwir has Permanent PMS, but I've never actually *had* PMS before.
And I've only ever had menstrual cramps ONCE in all my years of having periods (unfortunately that one time took place during SAM prom last year, damn unlucky).
I keep reading about girls who have such severe PMS symptoms, or girls who take birth control pills to control their menstruation, and they'd get the most unbelievable mood swings, the kind that make them cry for no apparent reason.
The other day I was out and came home pretty late (I have been doing that a lot lately). I had a quick bath, turned on my computer, checked my email, saw that I had Facebook friend's request, went to Facebook, checked out some photos someone posted, and would you believe it, started crying!
For absolutely NO REASON at all!
Halfway through I realized how absolutely silly it was, so I tried to recall what was it that got me upset.
And I came up with nothing.
I didn't even know I was upset.
The moral of the story, of course, is that when a girl becomes emo suddenly, give her the benefit of the doubt and pretend it's just the hormones. (Or don't have to pretend, because it actually is.)
* * * * *
Lately it's been pretty fun, meeting up with people I haven't had the chance of meeting up with in a while.
It has also been super fun, hanging out with my high school recess buddies, whom unfortunately I have not been hanging out with much after high school.
It's pretty much because of the birthdays la, this time of the year every year holds more birthdays than I know how to manage my money around.
Basically that means I have been using A LOT of money.
Since I haven't been getting my allowance in a long time (since I finished SAM actually), I've been forced to dig into my savings to keep up with the gatherings and meeting ups and birthday celebrations.
From last count, I have used almost RM500 within the last month-and-a-week.
NOT counting money spent on shopping for college okay!
I can die la, seriously.
You know, Eng Fui still happily tells the story of me back in high school, when I'd stand in the canteen for minutes, trying to decide which RM1 packet drink to buy. (Though frankly that has more to do with indecisiveness than kiamsiap-ness!)
Now ah, it has dawned on me that lately when the bill comes and we go Dutch, I am the one who pays more than anyone else at the table. =(
Oh what has happened to the stingy, eat-less-at-expensive-restaurant-then-go-McDonald's-to-fill-up person that I once was?
I still get horrendous, painful pangs of regret when I look into my account and see the balance drop this fast within the past month, and not having anything to show for it.
Suddenly the RM38 for the fish spa, or the RM40 cocktail that tasted absolutely horrible, or even the RM40 dinner doesn't seem like something worth paying for anymore.
And then I have to budget another RM600 or so for things like an external hard disk drive and a laptop protector and other miscellaneous things, which is all coming out of my own pocket.
I would ask my parents for an allowance, but I feel guilty, considering the fact that they'd already have to spend so much on my college tuition, and stuff for college and all that.
* * * * *
Oh, I got a new Macbook!
Unfortunately I bought it in Malaysia, which means no free iPod Touch (which comes free with a Macbook purchase in the US).
Still. I have no regrets!
Okay frankly I'd decided on a Dell XPS, but due to warranty issues (I'd have to pay an extra RM800 for an international warranty), I figured might as well get a Mac la.
Frankly, the machine itself is nothing to shout about, it lacks a lot of nifty extras that the XPS has, plus it looks too clinical (read: spartan) for my liking, but oh boy is Mac OSX totally worth it! Although in all honesty I have never used Vista (have been on Windows XP!), so I dunno how that works out though.
Ya know what, I probably should have gotten this thing earlier. As early as during SAM, for example.
I mean, for Disorganized People like me who have to dig through a billion windows + tabs + Word documents + miscellaneous applications just to find that bit of info for my investigative study report, apps like Spaces and Expose on the Mac are like godsend!
The only real gripe I have is the keyboard loh. It's a wee bit hard to get used to. My mom bought the keypad protector for me, which makes typing even weirder.
So now when you chat with me on MSN, you'd see the "chooi is typing a message" for a looong time, and you'd think, "oh she must be typing a long message!", and when I finally hit Enter, all you have is something short like, "Oh really ah!"
(Because I keep making mistakes and have to go back to correct them.)
Still. Only a matter of time before I get used to it.
I used to think people who say, "Once you go Mac, you never go back" are stupid for exaggerating it like that, but maybe it isn't so much of an exaggeration afterall?
* * * * *
I have decided that when I get to college I'm going to take up courses in French!
I've always joked about premenstrual syndrome and all, like I'd always say Pn. Manwir has Permanent PMS, but I've never actually *had* PMS before.
And I've only ever had menstrual cramps ONCE in all my years of having periods (unfortunately that one time took place during SAM prom last year, damn unlucky).
I keep reading about girls who have such severe PMS symptoms, or girls who take birth control pills to control their menstruation, and they'd get the most unbelievable mood swings, the kind that make them cry for no apparent reason.
The other day I was out and came home pretty late (I have been doing that a lot lately). I had a quick bath, turned on my computer, checked my email, saw that I had Facebook friend's request, went to Facebook, checked out some photos someone posted, and would you believe it, started crying!
For absolutely NO REASON at all!
Halfway through I realized how absolutely silly it was, so I tried to recall what was it that got me upset.
And I came up with nothing.
I didn't even know I was upset.
The moral of the story, of course, is that when a girl becomes emo suddenly, give her the benefit of the doubt and pretend it's just the hormones. (Or don't have to pretend, because it actually is.)
* * * * *
Lately it's been pretty fun, meeting up with people I haven't had the chance of meeting up with in a while.
It has also been super fun, hanging out with my high school recess buddies, whom unfortunately I have not been hanging out with much after high school.
It's pretty much because of the birthdays la, this time of the year every year holds more birthdays than I know how to manage my money around.
Basically that means I have been using A LOT of money.
Since I haven't been getting my allowance in a long time (since I finished SAM actually), I've been forced to dig into my savings to keep up with the gatherings and meeting ups and birthday celebrations.
From last count, I have used almost RM500 within the last month-and-a-week.
NOT counting money spent on shopping for college okay!
I can die la, seriously.
You know, Eng Fui still happily tells the story of me back in high school, when I'd stand in the canteen for minutes, trying to decide which RM1 packet drink to buy. (Though frankly that has more to do with indecisiveness than kiamsiap-ness!)
Now ah, it has dawned on me that lately when the bill comes and we go Dutch, I am the one who pays more than anyone else at the table. =(
Oh what has happened to the stingy, eat-less-at-expensive-restaurant-then-go-McDonald's-to-fill-up person that I once was?
I still get horrendous, painful pangs of regret when I look into my account and see the balance drop this fast within the past month, and not having anything to show for it.
Suddenly the RM38 for the fish spa, or the RM40 cocktail that tasted absolutely horrible, or even the RM40 dinner doesn't seem like something worth paying for anymore.
And then I have to budget another RM600 or so for things like an external hard disk drive and a laptop protector and other miscellaneous things, which is all coming out of my own pocket.
I would ask my parents for an allowance, but I feel guilty, considering the fact that they'd already have to spend so much on my college tuition, and stuff for college and all that.
* * * * *
Oh, I got a new Macbook!
Unfortunately I bought it in Malaysia, which means no free iPod Touch (which comes free with a Macbook purchase in the US).
Still. I have no regrets!
Okay frankly I'd decided on a Dell XPS, but due to warranty issues (I'd have to pay an extra RM800 for an international warranty), I figured might as well get a Mac la.
Frankly, the machine itself is nothing to shout about, it lacks a lot of nifty extras that the XPS has, plus it looks too clinical (read: spartan) for my liking, but oh boy is Mac OSX totally worth it! Although in all honesty I have never used Vista (have been on Windows XP!), so I dunno how that works out though.
Ya know what, I probably should have gotten this thing earlier. As early as during SAM, for example.
I mean, for Disorganized People like me who have to dig through a billion windows + tabs + Word documents + miscellaneous applications just to find that bit of info for my investigative study report, apps like Spaces and Expose on the Mac are like godsend!
The only real gripe I have is the keyboard loh. It's a wee bit hard to get used to. My mom bought the keypad protector for me, which makes typing even weirder.
So now when you chat with me on MSN, you'd see the "chooi is typing a message" for a looong time, and you'd think, "oh she must be typing a long message!", and when I finally hit Enter, all you have is something short like, "Oh really ah!"
(Because I keep making mistakes and have to go back to correct them.)
Still. Only a matter of time before I get used to it.
I used to think people who say, "Once you go Mac, you never go back" are stupid for exaggerating it like that, but maybe it isn't so much of an exaggeration afterall?
* * * * *
I have decided that when I get to college I'm going to take up courses in French!