Friday, 31 August 2012









我们一边步行着,男人一边给我采了不少花,哈比人真贴心 ♡


Monday, 27 August 2012

Japanese Souvenir

Hello all...

I have been battling cold for the past few days and still can't stall this horrible coughing fit.
I have not been feeling real well until I received an air mail from Japan yesterday.
It is soooooo heart warming to receive a gift from kazuki-san again!
It truly made my day ^_________^

Kazuki-san, thank you, thank you and thank you for being so courteous, generous and thoughtful to me... Greatly appreciate our friendship!

Friday, 24 August 2012



没办法啦⋯⋯ 敏感肌肤就要比一般人更努力打理才行!



前阵子,皮肤专家建议我在发红的地方涂抹少许Nizoral。试用过后发觉效果真的很不错,比一般的Steroid cream更有效,而且副作用也比较少。


Sunday, 19 August 2012

The Way I See Love ♥

Sometimes we take things for granted when we have all the things we need in our lives. Because married couple have been living together for too long, we forgot the reason why we love. We forgot we owe each other more than just a home, food and clothing. We forgot that our time, attention and interests are important in maintaining a happy relationship. We forgot that our happiness only come to us through our working together as husband and wife. We forgot that at the end of our lifetime, we have only each other to stick by but not our money or our children.

We might be luckier than many singles seeking love out there. But we too have our uneasy moments like many couples do. And I always cry in silence when it happens. Usually on the next morning I write him a letter to express how I feel. And he usually reads his old text messages (from me) to remind himself of why we love. This is how our problem usually get resolved. In this society, we are seeing a rapid rise in divorce I begin to ponder why people bother making wedding vows when they can be forgotten after a few years? So it is true that recipe for love requires not just 2 hearts full of love, but also 2 heaping cups of kindness, 2 armfuls of gentleness, 2 minds full of forgiveness and a dash of faith and trust for each other. Remember home is one of the sweetest and fondest words enshrined in human affections. So we should all cherish our loves.

It is funny how I recall Alex used to tell me he liked me instead of he loved me.
I pretended nothing has happened until about a year into our relationship he started to say to me that he loves me. Hence I thought the words "I love you" must entail a significant meaning to him as he doesn't simply say it to anyone unless he is sure about his feeling. Believe me I have never felt a pinching pain in my heart because I only appreciate the three magical words to come naturally when he really meant it. So when he took so much effort to produce a diamond ring to propose to me, I knew I cannot doubt his sincerity anymore. I can't thank him more for making me the happiest woman in the world.

Monday, 13 August 2012


这一篇要是给我婆婆看了可能会被她用汤杓敲我的头 (¬。¬|||)

绫木香织是我刚认识不久的朋友。跟绫木嗓第一次见面是在一家很传统的日本餐馆里,里面的服务生一律都是日本人,所以用餐的时候感觉特别好。在很多个月前,我和绫木嗓其实早就已经擦肩而过了好几次,因为我和男人常常到那里用餐,而且绫木嗓她一身传统的kimono制服真的可爱到很难不让人去注意她。这种 ‘您好’‘谢谢’ 的门面关系维持了一段时间,有一晚绫木嗓突然主动过来跟我说话,她说 “常常看您到这里来吃饭我觉得您很漂亮呢”。哦⋯ 想不到绫木嗓第一次跟我说话居然是那么突然的赞美话,我当场愣了一下。接着她跟男人说 “先生娶到漂亮的太太实在太幸运了”,那一下我又被她搞到整张脸红番了。绫木嗓她太谦虚了,怎么我都好久没遇过这么虚心又有礼貌的人呢?因为怕尴尬,随后我也礼貌问她 “是东京人吗?”。 “对!对!对!以后过来东京玩我带您们去走走” ,我心想 ‘这女生怎么会那么可爱呢?’ 而且她好客气喔!经过那一晚上的谈天说笑,绫木嗓后来给了我她的电邮地址,希望互相联络,而我们的友谊就这样开始了 (^o ^*)⋯⋯



想不到天大地大,身在异乡的我们居然还能遇上了志同道合的朋友,真有缘份呐!听绫木嗓说今年年底要回东京结婚了,所以在澳洲剩下的日子她打算要巡游全澳洲,好羡慕喔!这次安全回到日本以后,我们下一次就换在东京见面吧!(我和绫木嗓的相关博贴 请按这里

Kaori-san, いってらっしゃい!気をつけてね!

Saturday, 11 August 2012








Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Late Winter

As Spring approaches, more colours are showing at the park.
This visually pleasing landscape is very close to our home - Little Leaf.

Sadly I have only started to appreciate trees at this age, while most children in the European countries are exposed to the nature at a lot younger age and they grow up learning a lot from the nature too. 
Growing up in a city with towering apartment blocks and man-made gardens, it has never come across my mind how vast the world is beyond these concrete walls! I hope it is not too late for me to learn now. Fortunately I have a walking encyclopaedia at home who can teach me about native trees and wild flowers =)

This is the beauty of late Winter-early Spring in Queensland.
I don't know what sort of species this tree belongs to. They are not jacaranda or flame trees.
Hmmm... will have to look it up from the internet soon.

These red clusters are actually not flowers...
The leaves are still in the middle of transiting from green to red.

Queensland may have a great weather - sunshine throughout the year - but she has never been popular with idyllic countryside. Although this landscape is nothing to compare with what Japan or the UK could offer, I am still glad I have seen some of the most beautiful part of where I live =)

I realised the nature helps to relax my mind after a long stressful day at work.
I hope these pictures bring a smile to your face too!

Have a wonderful day ^______^

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Goodbye winter woollies!

Winter is coming to an end soon...
Queensland is ready to bask in balmy temperatures again!
This dirty old jumper has kept me warm for the last 5 winters.
No wear no tear and still going strong!
As the weather gets warmer, it is almost time to put this old friend away now (^_^)

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

I'm Not Lovin' It

Alex and I had a back-to-school date tonight.
We held hands in the library. We had our dinner date at McD.
Like most school kids will do on their first date.
Sad to say the quality of McD has deteriorated so much these days.
We waited for a good 30 minutes before getting served. And no one utterance of apology.
The good old McD once being frequented by so many seemed a lot quieter and unwelcoming tonight.
The serving size of my chips looked pretty sad too .(>.<).
And not to mention Alex's junior-sizeeeeed McChicken burger.
Sesame seed bun with sparse sesame seeds.
Wilted lettuce and a little mayonnaise.
It was one sad experience at McD.
Yet we had a good laugh together.
At the very least - we still have each other to spend time together.
And that has made all the difference...