Friday, 29 June 2012

那 “不堪回首” 的过去

那N年前,我是怎么⋯⋯ 怎么把自己搞成像包公一样黑的呐?

那时候⋯⋯ 好像是在考药剂牌照期间,硬硬被一群怪人挖出来吃饭的。

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Sweet Temptation II

Hello my beautiful ones,

Have you had your dinner yet? 
We had roast turkey for dinner tonight and it felt so satisfying after a big meal (+ desserts too!)
Some random farm workers dropped by at my work place yesterday selling their own farm produce and without hesitation I bought a large punnet of STRAWBERRIES to surprise Alex tonight. Because he loves them! And you know we rarely see such red and plump ones like these, not even in the fruit and veggie supermarket. The sad part is strawberries grow mould very easily, so we have to finish them real quick! Tonight we had them with pancake and golden syrup yey!!! I know it was kind of odd to have pancake at night but they were too yummy to resist!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Nose bleed

Sometimes in winter, I get a fair bit of nose bleeding.
Although it is rarely this heavy...

Sunday, 17 June 2012



其中最昂贵的一样手信是这一瓶 Truffle Olive Oil!
它跟普通橄榄油有点不一样,是因为里面放了夏季黑松露菌块 (Summer Black Truffle)。


奶奶带给我们的手信也包括了这一小瓶 Truffle Salt (黑松露盐) -
和这一瓶 Porcini Mushroom Infused Oil (牛肝菌松油,中文大概是这样串吧?)

好精致的瓶子⋯⋯ 小得跟我掌心一样大!





这次短旅,奶奶也给我买了我最喜欢的Nigelle HY Hair Treatment,之前在部落上已经介绍过一次了,因为它真的很好用,好用到什么程度呢?

就⋯⋯ 好用到找遍全澳洲都找不到这么好用的产品,所以也只能从香港和日本进货而已。




之前因为老是觉得筋疲力尽,所以开始服用Coenzyme Q10 (150mg ONCE daily)。
这产品目前在我们药店里热卖中⋯⋯ 确实是个很不错的保养品。


好了⋯⋯ 周末手信分享暂时就到此为止⋯⋯


Saturday, 16 June 2012

Living aboard a boat

Many people that I know of in Australia enjoy living on the river.
And they live on the river forever...
Not entirely sure how they manage living on the boat, being rocked to sleep by constant gentle waves then waking up in the morning to multiple midge bites... but they still live on the river forever!

It is amazing how people manoeuvre around such tiny little space on the boat AND living everyday with so limited power supply and water to consume. It is beyond my imagination!
I think it requires a lot of adjustment and patience, certainly not the kind of lifestyle I am chasing after.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Sophie the Cutie

My elder brother's daughter Sophie bears a striking resemblance to my sister-in-law Yvonne.
Remember the first time my brother officially introduced her to our family, our whole family thought she looked very petite and cute. And because of her tiny body frame and bubbly mint smile, she looks much younger than her actual age. And in fact, I don't think she has even aged a single bit since we first met about eight years ago.  ~(^o^)~ 

But hey... mind you! My younger brother's girlfriend Lynn is also very petite and cheerful in nature.
So are my mum, my mum-in-law, my aunty and my grandmother. 
They are just as small and certainly don't look like their age at all.
Standing next to them makes me look like a ginormous dinosaur! Arghhh......!!!

Sophie my little niece is a beautiful addition to our family.
Sophie was already 18 months old and capable of recognising faces when I went home for visiting.
So our relationship started off pretty distanced and alienated from each other until a couple of weeks ago when I heard her calling out for me on the phone ku cheh... ku cheh... 
Not too sure if she understands what ku cheh really means... but it really melts my heart~
Her mummy recently uploaded a few pictures of her posing cheekily in front of the camera. 
Her facial expressions are so rich and adorable...
She is just tooooooooo cute ♥♥♥ 

Sophie the Cutie. A mini version of her mummy. 

You can see that my brother is going to have so much troubles (with the boys) when she grows up...

Can't wait to see her again...
Thanks Yvonne for the pictures again!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Sweet Temptation I

Alex and I have done so many cooking and baking together for the last three years living under one roof and undoubtedly this is not one of the best but the best time ever in my life to spend with him!

Our love at first sight begins from a beach side restaurant four years ago... and since then, our romance continues to revolve around exploring great food together. I can't remember exactly how many dishes and desserts we have experimented together but all these time they have been so sweet and memorable to me, that's for sure...

Dessert Tonight: 10.06.2012

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Alex's 射箭记


#1 老师指导中⋯⋯

#2 瞄准准⋯⋯

#3 放箭!

#4 箭飞得太快,镜头捕不到箭头⋯⋯

#5 成绩揭晓


Tuesday, 5 June 2012




喔⋯⋯ 原来是街头推广零度可乐!



Monday, 4 June 2012



站在高高的地方常常会让我觉得很放松⋯⋯ 很自由⋯⋯ 很豁达⋯⋯ 

我们生活上有时候也可以尝试心胸开阔,凡事乐观一点,尽量把美好的东西像看风景一样放来看,把平凡过成幸福,这样做人也许会开心一点 ^____^

PS: 澳洲的风景还不赖嘛?

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Weekend Talk about Doctor Who

It is W.E.E.K.E.N.D again! 
The most exciting days of the week where most people get to sleep in...... except for me!
I opted to work every weekend ages ago and my weekend has never been unproductive since.
Honestly... I can't believe how quickly time flies...!
It feels like I have not accomplished much this year and half a year is almost gone!


JUNE is an exciting month for many mummies around me! Most of my pregnant friends and colleagues are due to deliver this month... What a coincidence! Must be the mighty dragon year for babies this year! Anyhow, I fervently hope you mummies to be will have safe delivery this month ^_^
Keep me updated about bubs!

We are officially entering into the winter months now... *excited*
At the moment, it is quite cold outside due to recent rainfall.
I have not been affected much by the cold other than the day gets dark too early... 
Otherwise, I am still happy and healthy as always ~

Next section is going to be rather boring as I am going to share my thoughts about a drama series I have been watching lately. You may want to skip this section if you are bored unfortunately as nothing is stopping me from discussing about my Doctor Who series. I am at my peak of intoxication right now...

*many apology*   (^o^)

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Recently I have been diligently following the Doctor Who series.
This famous British sci-fi programme has been on the box since 1960s and is still the greatest sci-fi series ever to grace our screens. At least this is what I think...

I have only started to follow Doctor Who at his ninth incarnation, played by Chris Eccleston.
The story began with the Doctor (an alien Time Lord) with his most advanced time-travelling spaceship, recruits a human girl Rose Tyler as his companion to travel time and space, fighting aliens and saving the world. Some of these episodes were unexpectedly scary I often have to cover my face with cushion (or with Alex's palms). I have plenty of adrenaline moments watching this series!

It is so sad that after the first series, Eccleston was later replaced by David Tennant and now Matt Smith. The latter two were not bad but I still prefer Eccleston. There is no doubt that he portrayed the character better. Besides, I like Rose and Captain Jack from the first series very much (and they don't appear much since the Doctor has changed!)

End of the World and The Empty Child are my two best favourites in the first series...
Both episodes are pretty creepy~

And no one can miss the merciless Dalek...

Like many girls, we often follow series die heartedly because of some charming characters...
In this case, it is the Captain Jack Harkness... (^o^)

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How I wish my life could this adventurous but back to the reality...
What else have been happening lately?

I guess not much other than the wild birds seeking some fun at my backyard patio...

And me exploring some fun with the new Photobucket photo editing tools!

It doesn't matter if you are in winter or summer... I hope you have had a nice weekend~
Until the next post... bye from now!