Wednesday, June 22, 2011

May- part 2

Here are a few more of my favorites from early May.

The boys look forward to the Father and Son camp out every year. This years camp out ended with a torrential downpour and some very dirty guys. They loved every minute of it!

The best part about these pictures is that my Mom stood in my front yard quacking like a duck to make him smile! Love her!!!

This was Callen's first time sitting and playing in grass. He was fascinated by it. He wanted to pull it, hold it and, of course, eat it!


I started this project in May but I wasn't totally set on the date when I was going to start. Since I didn't officially start project 365 until mid May, I wanted to post a few of my favorite pictures from the beginning of the month.

Obviously, I didn't take this one but it's from Mother's Day and I love it, so here it is.
Bath time pictures are always fun!

Kade's field day. Can you tell he's competitive?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The blog is back!

I have finally separated my family blog from the work blog and I'm so happy to be back! The main reason I'm reviving my blog is so I have somewhere to post all of my project 365 pictures. I have been taking pictures every day (since the beginning of May, I think). Most are of the kids. Some are of things that I have baked/made and some are pictures of the boys asleep in bed because I forgot to take a picture that day.

It's basically going to be a year in the life of the Peacock family. I'm hoping not to miss too many days. I'll most likely be posting the pictures in groups, a week at a time, but that may change. It's a growing, changing, kind of project... but one I'm excited to be undertaking!

Here's a photo of my boys to get us started. I can't believe how much they have grown since I last posted a picture here!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Well, needless to say, my boys are thrilled! The Gators won and Kade stayed up until midnight to see it!

Today, Colby said the cutest thing. I said I love you and he said, " I love you mucher" I've never heard that before, but it was so sweet. I love him mucher too!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Peacock boys say, "GO GATORS"

Tonight is a big night in the Peacock house! The boys are so excited! Steve is just as excited as them, but didn't join in the picture. I guess everyone will be staying up late tonight.

Why can't the National Championships be on the weekend?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas in Flroida

This was one of the warmest Christmases I can remember. Brycen was so sad when I told him we were going to have a hot Christmas. He was really wishing for snow. After hearing from his cousins in Utah I think he changed his mind. While they were stuck in the house watching snow pile up, we were playing ball, riding scooters, and have some good ole family fun!

Merry Christmas to all of you! I hope you enjoy your family and time off as much as we have!

Kade's Baptism

I cannot believe that one of our kids is old enough to be baptized, but it's true! Kade was baptized on November 9th. It was so nice and was a really special day! Our friends and family were there and it was so great to share it with them. Kade was baptized by his dad and confirmed by his papa.

He is such a special little boy and such a blessing to our family!