
Friday, January 18, 2019

NPR: "Doing This One Thing Can Help Save Your Brain From Dementia"

Karen Pence's Worldview Horrifies Me But Her Return To Work Is A Feminist Victory

Image result for pence "pax on both houses"
Karen Pence's Worldview Horrifies Me But Her Return To Work Is A Feminist Victory
I find the school where Karen Pence is working abhorrent. But first and second ladies should have the right to hold jobs and be more than mute helpmeets to their husbands.
By Alyssa Rosenberg  •  Read more »
"Indiana: A Great Place To Be A Bigot"
Excellent Video Spoof

Image result for cake "pax on both houses"

Image result for cake "pax on both houses"

"Gun Cartoons and Gun Violence Bibliography"

What Second Amendment Evangelists Fail To Understand About Their Opposition

"The Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun"

Australian Gun Control After Port Arthur Massacre Left 35 Dead

The Number Of People Who Use Guns In Self-Defense Is Negligible

Handguns At Home And The Scourge Of Suicide Among Young People

Mom Killed By 2 Year Old Child Described As "Responsible." NOT!

80% Of All Firearm Deaths In 23 Industrialized Countries Occurred In The U.S.

“Toy Guns Outlawed At Republican Presidential Convention. Real Guns Allowed”

Favorite George Carlin Shticks

Sources Say Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About Proposed Moscow Project

Image result for Pax on both houses, trump cohen
Sources Say Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About Proposed Moscow Project 

"Trump's Blinding Blizzard Of Bullshit": A Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts

David Cay Johnston: "Trump Is Not A Loyal American... There Is A Traitor In The White House"

The Borowitz Report: "Trump Offers Pelosi $130,000.00 To Keep Quiet"

"Look, Nancy. I Give You $130,000.00 And All You Gotta Do Is Be Quiet." | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Trump Offers Pelosi $130,000 To Keep Quiet

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In an indication that he has reached his breaking point with the Speaker of the House, Donald J. Trump is offering a hundred and thirty thousand dollars to keep Nancy Pelosi quiet, White House aides confirmed on Thursday.

According to those aides, Trump floated the idea of a six-figure payment to silence Pelosi during a closed-door meeting on Wednesday night, in which he asserted that he had done “a million of these deals.”

Trump’s effort to mute Pelosi faces a number of obstacles, however, including the fact that the person who has crafted such agreements for Trump in the past, Michael Cohen, is not available to perform such a service now.

Additionally, any agreement to silence Pelosi could face constitutional hurdles, since one of Pelosi’s principal duties as Speaker is to speak.

At the Capitol, Pelosi said that she would reject Trump’s proposed payment and added that she would offer him no money whatsoever to prevent him from delivering this year’s State of the Union address.

“I am asking for an hour of silence from Donald Trump, and you can’t put a price tag on that,” she said.

The Borowitz Report: "Millions Of Americans Demand $130,000.00 For Not Having Sex With Trump"

Did President Obama Once Spend $65,000 On Hot Dogs?

Alan: You snowflakes think it's an outrage that Trump spent $3000.00 on hamburgers for Clemson's national championship football team?
Well check this out!

"Did President Obama Once Spend $65,000 On Hot Dogs?"

Trump Hosts Clemson National Champions

Yum! Room-temperature hamburgers.
What a treat!
Image result for pax on both houses, "at least you know what's in it
When Clemson players first entered the room, they thought the burgers were a joke.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Antarctica Is Now Rapidly Melting All Over, Including Parts We Thought Were Safe

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Antarctica Is Now Rapidly Melting All Over, Including Parts We Thought Were Safe

Higher Rates Of Gun Ownership Drives Up Youth Suicides: Startling Statistics

Image result for children with guns
"Gun Cartoons and Gun Violence Bibliography"

The Key Question

If ever more guns make America safer,
why are we not already the safest country in the the world?
Instead, we are the most dangerous "developed" nation on earth.

Please email your answer to:

Higher rates of gun ownership drives up youth suicides: Every 10% spike in firearms equates to 27% increase in children taking their lives, first-of-its kind study finds

  • States where a large proportion of families own guns - like Alaska, South Dakota and Wyoming - have the highest rates of youth suicide in the nation 
  • Gun ownership accounted for 55 percent of the state-to-state variation in suicide rats in the US between 2005 and 2015, a Boston University study found
  • No other risk factor is as predictive of teen and youth suicide
  • The study authors urge that 'access to guns cannot be ignored' 
  • For every 10 percent more guns a state's residents own, 27 percent more teens and children kill themselves  
More teenagers and children kill themselves in states where more people own guns, a new report reveals. 
In fact, for every 10 percent higher rate of gun ownership in a given state, the rate of youth suicides goes up by nearly 27 percent, according to the new Boston University study. 
In Alaska, 59.8 percent of households have guns, and the rate of suicide among teenagers and children is the highest in the nation - 15.2 per every 100,000 people between 10 and 19.
By comparison, New Jersey had the lowest rate of suicides, which accounted for just 2.6 out of every 100,000 people, and only 11.4 percent of families own guns.  
Although state gun ownership and suicide rates did not align in perfect order, gun ownership rates predicted suicides more closely than any other factor, the researchers found. 
Teen and child suicide rates between 2005 and 2015 were highest (dark blue) in states where gun ownership was also highest (number in white), a map of data from the new study shows  
Teen and child suicide rates between 2005 and 2015 were highest (dark blue) in states where gun ownership was also highest (number in white), a map of data from the new study shows  
Mental illness, violence and especially suicide have all been on a steady rise in the US for years now. 
Although gun ownership has remained fairly stable in the US in the last two decades, the number of children being injured or killed by them has increased. 
Since 1999, over 26000 kids and teenagers have been killed by guns - whether in accidents, weapons turned on them or turned on themselves. 
After the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, student protests reached a fever-pitch. Teenagers from the school, and then around the country, held signs high that said 'Protect Kids, Not Guns.' 
And sometimes those kids need most to be protected from themselves and guns. 
Yet Americans have dug their heels in further, and hung on to their guns, as they have the right to do in every state in the US. 
One of the top risk factors for suicide is mere risk factors is mere access to lethal means, particularly guns, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 
In 2016, nearly 6,600 youth and young adults, teens and adolescents between 10 and 24 killed themselves, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.
Between 2005 and 2015, youth suicides increased overall, but rates vary widely from state to state, with children in New Jersey faring best and those in Alaska suffering the highest rates of suicide.  
'Suicide is a multifactorial problem, there's no one factor that causes it,' says senior study author Dr Michael Siegel, and Boston University epidemiologist. 
'But what's striking about our study is the degree to which youth suicide rates were predicted by the proportion of gun ownership in the state.
'Gun ownership alone accounts for 55 percent of variation in youth suicide across the country.'
The study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, is the first of its kind, establishing the shockingly close link between gun ownership and teen and adolescent suicide at the state level. 
The comprehensive research looked at a broad range of other factors - including socioeconomic class, race, gender and far more - to see if these state-to-state differences could explain the variation in suicide rates. 
Collectively, their factors accounted for all but eight percent of the differences - an unusual feat when trying to analyze something as complex as suicide. 
But nothing even came close to predicting suicide as clearly as gun ownership did. 
In fact, even a previous suicide attempt - historically thought to be the most prominent risk factor - predicted a death by suicide with as much certainty as living in a state where firearms are readily available in a majority of households. 
Reducing access to lethal means - especially guns - is one of the World Health Organization's (WHO) focuses for suicide prevention, which it endorses with a 'strong' recommendation.   
The organization other prevention groups are perhaps most outspoken, however, about mental health issues.  
'It's difficult because you have to tackle a lot of different risk factors, including depression, bullying, and cyber-bullying,' says Dr Siegel.  
'But the message here for public health groups is that we can't ignore gun ownership and just focus on other risk factors. 
'We can't tackle suicide without also tackling the issue of access to guns.'
And other research suggests that doing so would curb the rate of suicide among adults, too, although the relationship between youth suicide and gun ownership is far stronger. 
Dr Siegel is realistic, though, about what access to guns might look like in a country with a strong hunting culture and a right to bear arms protected by the Second Amendment. 
'If there was a way to lower the household prevalence of guns, that would likely improve the suicide rate,' he says. 
'I'm not saying to focus on [getting rid of guns] - people have a right to them, and we're not going to take them away, but we should educate gun owners about safe storage.'
  • For confidential help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or click here
  • For confidential support on suicide matters in the UK, call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or click here
  • For confidential support in Australia, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or click here

"Gun Cartoons and Gun Violence Bibliography"

What Second Amendment Evangelists Fail To Understand About Their Opposition

"The Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun"

Australian Gun Control After Port Arthur Massacre Left 35 Dead

The Number Of People Who Use Guns In Self-Defense Is Negligible

Handguns At Home And The Scourge Of Suicide Among Young People

Mom Killed By 2 Year Old Child Described As "Responsible." NOT!

80% Of All Firearm Deaths In 23 Industrialized Countries Occurred In The U.S.
“Toy Guns Outlawed At Republican Presidential Convention. Real Guns Allowed”

Favorite George Carlin Shticks