Friday, December 28, 2012

Look Who's 5!!

Now that Christmas is passed I feel like I have some time to blog.
Erik turned 5 this month!
We had B-day cake pancakes to celebrate for breakfast, yum, oh and they have to be Mickey Mouse shape, those are the best :)
 Erik opened a present from Grandpa Nielsen after breakfast, Jillian thought he would look better with a floaty around his neck.
 He got a Lego watch!!!! 

 Erik and Daddy building the Lego watch.
 Erik loves Legos and time, so this is the best of both worlds. We now ALWAYS know the time.
 We had a party that night with the family. Spiderman, I mean Hendrick, gave him a Spiderman sword
 Grandma JuLee gave him more GeoTrax!! Now we have enough track to surround the Christmas tree and also build what ever track Erik can imagine.
 We got him a helicopter book with a helicopter toy that moves around a track in the book, very fun.
 It took Erik awhile to decide, but he finally chose to have a pirate ship cake. So this was my attempt.
 I had a couple problems with assembly and it didn't turn out like I had imagined, but Erik liked it and my family thought it was cool, and that's really all that matters.

Happy Birthday Erik! Hard to believe you're 5 already. We've had so much fun with you the time has just flown by.