Monday, May 23, 2011

We LOVE to see the Temple

I realize we haven't blogged in a month, or more, so I'm definitely playing catch-up.

In April while the tulips were in bloom at the temple we took a trip to the temple grounds.

Stopping to admire and smell the flowers

by the beautiful fountain

A family picture! Well I wish we could see Jillian a bit better, but it was cold and we needed to keep her warm.

A sweet daddy-daughter moment

Erik touching the temple!

As we touch the temple, the temple touches us.

Our temple will close this July for a renovation, and I'm so sad that we won't be able to attend as often during the closure, nor will we be able to walk the grounds like we did this day. Oh well, we just need to enjoy it now and look forward to the re-opening :)

Erik LOVES the fountain!

Getting ready for church on Sunday

All decked out in purple.

Thanks Grandmoom for the beautiful blanket and sweater!