Sunday, March 22, 2009
You've got Trouble with a capital T which rhymes with E and that stands for Erik
As you can tell, we have a lot of pictures of Erik on our blog and not as many of us. That tells you who is running the show.
Oh well, we love him even though he gets into everything.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Krazy Kid
Erik LOVES noodles!
And I love watching him eat!
This mac n cheese dinner was mixed with carrot puree making it especially orange. I think his face stayed a little orange even after we washed him up.It seems like he's saying, "Aw mom ya got me!" He was kinda doing his funny face here. I just was having some fun with the camera one day and who's a better subject in our house than Erik?
I really wish these pictures were taken on the same day, it'd be a good before and after series, but no. The macaroni pictures were from last month and these fun bath ones were just the other day.
So Erik really isn't a fan of having water dumped over his head during the bath. He always gasps like we're drowning him-partially because he keeps his mouth open even though we say, "Close your eyes and your mouth" So I've been trying to find other ways to wash him up.
After he was all clean and busy with his toys I started playing with his hair. I think I got every hair to stand straight up!
This is the FIRST time Erik has climbed out of the tub! I didn't really know he could do that. I guess he was done with the bath tub, or else he was after the camera.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Around the house
That title reminds me of a Wheel of Fortune catagory. I wanted to post some recent video's of Erik. This first is him talking, it's one of our favorite words that he says.
Erik loves to walk under Daddy's legs, going under the bridge we call it. So here's a video of that.
Yesterday Erik woke up very sad, he just wanted to snuggle with his Daddy and it seemed no matter what we did, he was still unhappy. Since Erik is normally so happy I thought I'd video a bit of this, although he has started throwing some small tantrums where he kinda puts himself in the corner-or at least against the wall, which is pretty funny to watch sometimes.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
What a Cutie!!!
When I was younger I told my sisters that I would never use the four letter C- word, because I always thought it was annoying to hear women saying, "He's so cute" all the time." Now I don't mind it as much, but I will still use cutie so I can keep my oath. These are mostly a bunch of random pictures that can only be appropriately labeled with, "What a cutie!!!"
Here's our little cutie sleeping against the side of his crib.
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