Monday, January 26, 2009

Thank you MLK Jr.

I'm so grateful to Martin Luther King Jr. for standing up for what's right and defending equal rights to all. I'm glad we honor him with a National holiday! Especially since that holiday gave my husband a day off school and work!!! We had a whole extra day to spend with him so we decided to take a tour Down Town.

We took this picture at the Train Depot, it was really cold out, that's why Erik is not smiling.

In fact this is actually the first picture we took outside, that's why Erik's happy, his smile progressively fades as the day goes on and he realizes how cold it is. Horray for January.
Erik's knocking on the door, this is his new thing. I wish he would have discovered it a few months ago for Halloween, that would've been sooo cute!

This is Erik's funny face. We tell him, "Erik, do your funny face" and he does it! It's one of his best tricks.

My boys in front of the train on display at the depot.

We were trying to get a good picture of the waterfall in front of the depot and these ducks thought they should be in the picture. I wish we would have had bread for them, I think they wished that too.

There is a sort of cave, man-made, where the water flows into the pond in front of the depot, so of course we had to get a picture there. I think Erik was trying to tell us something in this shot.

There's the nice waterfall.
I told myself before we got there that I wasn't going to climb on the rock near the pond with Erik, didn't want to risk him falling. I guess I ignored that instinct, oh well, we were all safe and cold.
After trying to see the Capital building, but it being under construction we then went to "Simplot's Hill" but it's not called that anymore. I'm finding that many places in my hometown have new names now-amazing the changes that happen in just 5 years. This is the view of the city from the hill, which is a wonderful ice-blocking or sledding hill, in the right conditions.

There's the mansion atop the hill. Oh and of course my handsome men.

Here's our happy boy. Nice and warm in the car. Did I mention it was really cold?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

This should catch us up

Have you noticed that Erik likes to be in small spaces? About a month ago we took out the games from our entertainment center and put him inside. Well of course he loved it and now we have some great pictures to show for it.

Um can I use that camera please, Dad?

What a good smile.

He almost didn't want to get out. But eventually we coaxed him out to play with toys.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More Catch up pictures

Erik and the Pear. We usually cut up a pear into small pieces for Erik to pick up on his own and eat. But this time we thought we'd see what he did with a whole slice of pear(1/4 of a whole pear). He LOVED IT! He tried to shove most of it in his mouth at once, then when chewing got tough, cuz his mouth was so full, he just spit some out for later.
We got a few pictures of this, but the video is the best, I hope it loads, take a look at that for a good laugh.
One morning Erik and Daddy were playing around before I got up. When I did wake up, Pawly showed me this picture he had taken. Now Erik likes to sit in the blanket basket when he gets the chance. I love all the fun these two boys have when I'm not around. :)

This is a clasic Erik pose, he LOVES the TV remote! Every time he gets his little hands on it he procedes to take the back off that covers the batteries, then he'll start pushing buttons. Here he is being so generous as to offer me the back of the remote. AWWW so sweet!
Wow, and by accident we're also advertising for BYU in this picture, maybe we should send this to them, see if we can get some sort of commission. :)

Erik likes to explore the 2 bedrooms in our apt. One day I was in the kitchen and couldn't see him, but heard him wimpering, I looked around and found him stuck between our dresser and the wall. I laughed and ran for the camera before I saved him. He looks pretty happy in this picture but he wasn't, and he was especially upset when after I found him I left to retrive the camera.
I'm stuck here mom!

I finally figured out how to get some video's of our boy on this blog. Here's one of him walking and sweeping.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Playing Catchup Part 1

Lots to catch up on. Sorry we have been slackers. As you can see this is only part one so there is a lot more to come...
We went outside in the snow a couple weeks ago and took some pictures of Erik when we were getting him all dressed up.

He kept wanting to take his hat off.

With this shirt on I thought he looked like Paul Bunyan. It may also look like another Paul, because his dad wore the same snow pants 25 years ago.

And this one looks like the Randy from A Christmas Story when he falls over in the snow and can't get up because he has so many layers on. By the way, there was barely enough snow to make snow angels and Erik started to get cold so we came in not long after we went out.

I just had to add this picture. We like to sit Erik in his new high chair to drink his bottle while we are doing other things and he likes to get comfortable and put his feet up.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Clean Sweep

Erik discovered where we keep the mop and broom last week and he was delighted to play with them. So I helped him sweep and mop our floors that morning. No, wait that's not how it went, he got upset everytime I took the broom or mop from him to clean the floor. He also really liked following the dirt as I swept it into a pile. So after our chore was done he went right into the bathtub to get the dirt off him!

He's such a happy helper!

Now Erik walks over to the "broom closet" and wedges himself in between the wall and the fridge to get at these great toys. The other day he got stuck there and after I got him out, he went right back after his mop and broom. He's so fun! I can't believe it, but he really makes me laugh EVERYDAY, and I love it!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas Videos

This Christmas we spent Christmas Eve at my parents with all my siblings and had a blast opening presents, eating some wonderful food and playing Killer Bunnies.

On Christmas morning it was just our little family at our little apartment with our little tree and we captured most of it on our new little video camera! (thank you, thank you, thank you Dad and KK :) We hope you enjoy the videos of our Christmas, we had a wonderful day.

We hope you all had a Merry Christmas too!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


This New Year's morning is pretty relaxed at our house. Erik and I are both still in our PJ's with no rush to get ready. Erik was so blessed with MANY wonderful toys for Christmas this year (a post with Christmas pictures and videos is coming soon) but this morning he found a new toy that has captured his interest much more than the wonder of Fisher Price.

Awhile ago I made my own make-shift duster to get some cobwebs down from the corners of our apartment. I used an extra 'diming stick' (if that what it's called) you use it to open your blinds ya know. And I put an old rag on the end using a rubberband. Patent pending I know, ingenious craftmanship like this. :) Here are a few shots of Erik playing with this 'duster' He played with this for about 10-15min!!! I couldn't believe it, he just cracks me up so much sometimes!!

Here are some of his great toys he's neglecting while the Duster is getting Erik's full attention.