We took this picture at the Train Depot, it was really cold out, that's why Erik is not smiling.
In fact this is actually the first picture we took outside, that's why Erik's happy, his smile progressively fades as the day goes on and he realizes how cold it is. Horray for January.
Erik's knocking on the door, this is his new thing. I wish he would have discovered it a few months ago for Halloween, that would've been sooo cute!
This is Erik's funny face. We tell him, "Erik, do your funny face" and he does it! It's one of his best tricks.
My boys in front of the train on display at the depot.
We were trying to get a good picture of the waterfall in front of the depot and these ducks thought they should be in the picture. I wish we would have had bread for them, I think they wished that too.
There is a sort of cave, man-made, where the water flows into the pond in front of the depot, so of course we had to get a picture there. I think Erik was trying to tell us something in this shot.
There's the nice waterfall.
I told myself before we got there that I wasn't going to climb on the rock near the pond with Erik, didn't want to risk him falling. I guess I ignored that instinct, oh well, we were all safe and cold.